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Everything posted by MrPissyPuppy

  1. They cut down the privacy screen trees in the backyard at the Cypress house! Why?! They could have still put in the pool without removing them - it didn't look like they were diseased. And why didn't they paint/clean up the steps at the outside entrance? You can see the chipping/discoloration at LizDC's link.
  2. Hey - it's Algie from The Knick as the "real" Matt!
  3. "OMG! Whatever can this strange house be with windows on the ground!!?? Could it be the ultra rare and unheard of split level??"
  4. Malinois can jump. I was hoping they'd jump onto the top of the truck and eat Nick.
  5. Not sure how reliable TMZ is, but they have pictures from the/a set and claim it's Roanoke, the lost colony. Croatoan and all that. Maybe as a flashback? http://www.tmz.com/2016/08/01/ahs-season-6-theme-set-photos/
  6. From the show, DeBlanc says, "She's one of the seraphim. Angels of the first order." In response to Jesse asking what she wants, "Order and control. (sarcastically) Peace." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7YAfkYkw2U
  7. DeBlanc called Fiore "Dear" when they were getting on the bus. I also got a couple-vibe from this episode, but not before. She's a seraphim, so one of the "good" guys and ranking higher than Fiore and DeBlanc.
  8. Yeah, I'm going to have to fanwank that there's some sort of automatic feeder/water for Bear that Finch set up that's a bit higher tech than those available at PetSmartCo. Because no matter how shitty I feel (or whether or not I'm off saving the world from evil AIs and their minions), I still make sure my dog(s) are fed/watered.
  9. I think all that has happened in ten episodes should have occurred by episode 5 or 6. There seems to have been a lot of filler on this show as they slowly drag out any reveal of the Hosts/Raps/AlienWhatevers. This felt more like a mid season finale than a season finale. And no, I don't want twenty episodes in a season. Adrian Pasdar's character was in that church where tutor girl was, so he appears to be linked to the alien indoctrination religion. Didn't they call the kid with the revolver Charlie? So apparently he is still alive. I think he was supposed to have been on a school trip when the invasion/takeover happened. I wanted to like this show since the basic premise is interesting, but it just doesn't work for me.
  10. 'cuz they have to fill their 20 minutes! There's also the discovery of additional usually expensive work like plumbing, electrical or foundation or that it's a load bearing wall and will cost more. And now there's the bonus oh-noes, we've painted the house the wrong color. There must be a bingo card out there for home improvement shows.
  11. I was suspicious about the shotgun house when I noticed the boarded up windows on the house next to it. And that vintage fridge is ridiculous, but maybe they eat out a lot.
  12. Chip and JoJo remind me of that old saying that there's a lid for every pot.
  13. Maybe it's an artificial intelligence that's a bureaucratic version of Skynet. That would explain how it might have gotten information on everyone and why time wasn't the same for it.
  14. I think it's really likely that people would use sex as currency in an environment like that. I also think it's really UNlikely that they'd look like Adrian Pasdar and Lori's sister.
  15. What is with their fixation about putting the washer/dryer out in the garage? I don't want to go into the garage to do my laundry and I suspect a lot of other people paying don't either. The water heater, yes. W/D, no.
  16. I want to like this show because I like the basic premise, but it's moving so slowly and I really don't care about any of the characters or find them particularly interesting. And I think it's telling that I think of some of them in terms of old parts - Sawyer, Lori and Jim Brass. Is the big reveal going to be that I dunno. I can't find any spoilers, so I don't know what they're doing. While I overall liked Lost, I don't want to invest a lot of time in this one if it doesn't pick up some pace/interest. I'm borderline on even finishing the season.
  17. I know! I thought they'd give him more to do based on his billing in the credits and his work on Continuum with William B. Davis. Didn't like her character either, but perhaps it's something that will improve. I don't care if they're likeable or not, but FFS, make them interesting. Mulder really needed to hook up with Walter Bishop from Fringe to get the good drugs and communicate with the dead via the sensory deprivation tank. Now that would make an interesting crossover.
  18. I really wish they'd left the demonic face to our imagination. Because it looks like a luchador & isn't scary. At least his human face/form is hot to make up for it.
  19. I thought they were referring to the MEAT house rather than the MEEK house and got a bit confused during the Barndominium episode. They didn't show it, but I hope they added insulation to the exterior walls or that place is going to be an energy sieve. Also, wish they'd include a floor plan on the blog for the most recent episode, as they've done for past episodes.
  20. Article discussing Kylie Minogue's part in Galavant and showing the video, "Off with his Shirt" which is pretty much as awesome as it sounds with lines like, "You're a beefcake Happy Meal," http://www.etonline.com/tv/178950_kylie_minogue_strips_joshua_sasse_down_galavant/
  21. Simon was an infant at the time. He and the other children of the suiciders were in a room together when the police came. A woman was in another room grinding up sleeping pills presumably for the kids to kill them as well. I haven't deleted this episode from my dvr. I need to rewatch.
  22. I think there may be a Pinocchio influence on the story as well. Victor seeks out the blue fairy from a book read to him in the form of Julie. In the fairy tale, the blue fairy makes Pinocchio a real boy. The love of Julie could be said to make Victor a "real" mortal boy as well. Or maybe he's just dreaming/fantasizing the beach scene. I agree that Adele probably died in the woods and then in her travels through the cave is reunited with Simon. The actors in this show had very expressive faces - it really helped with the story even though I wonder if non-French speakers miss out on nuances.
  23. I don't mind the washer/dryer in the kitchen, but at least put a door on the little closet! I don't want to have to look at them while I'm entertaining/eating dinner/watching tv/whatever.
  24. I think having Audrey come back at the end cheapened her sacrifice of providing "love" to the new barn. But I'm more a pragmatist than a romantic.
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