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Everything posted by Quilty

  1. I really liked Gary teasing Leah in the car.
  2. Taylor can't do anything without getting bitched at. When he took a small taste of the wedding cake Maci acted like he slapped her with a piece of bacon.
  3. Hey everybody! Let's go to Hawaii and spend the whole time there in bed or in a car. Tyler is such a pussy.
  4. Better add penicillin to the Avi Cleanse recipe.
  5. Does jazz do any studying or learn about something besides gender issues? Even when she's snuggled up in one of her many blankets she's researching surgery etc. Not much book learnin' happening it seems.
  6. I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised with the dress choices. They were pretty,didn't look cheap and fit her. Except for FT being there I liked watching that.
  7. Tony looks like a very unhealthy person. With the exception of maybe a couple of the older boys Kody and the wives produced some ugly people.
  8. I think Butch needs to go to a long term rehab and have no contact with Ty Cate or anyone in that crew. They constantly remind him of what a loser he is. When he gets done he should move far far away from them.
  9. Jazz has no desire to be active and do things she once enjoyed because she doesn't know who she is or what she likes anymore. From a very young age she has been given hormones and god knows what else that have totally fucked up every aspect of her natural development. She will never be satisfied.
  10. Now Farrah is going to homeschool Sophia. There's no hope left for that kid. Going to school was her only escape .
  11. Christina you go right ahead and cross that mom/stepmom line. Amber only wants to see bew bew to impress new Matt.
  12. Does Ambuh call Leah bew bew and booger butt because she can't remember her name? Macy needs a convo with Riiine before he can see Bintley. Then maybe you should respond when he calls and texts saying he'd like to talk! Derrrr!
  13. Cate again with chewing her fingers and lips! ? Please Butch!! Help yourself! Get better.
  14. Sooo..how many people besides MTV crew actually showed up for Janelle's wedding? Looked pretty empty out there.
  15. I am so happy for little Nova going to school and getting away from the horrible atmosphere and women in her life.
  16. So how many designers are going to fashion week? This is ridiculous. Everybody's a winner!!!
  17. Same thing I thought. But then I remembered that Leah is a motivational speaker so of course she knows what it means. What a shitty pep talk . "I'm nervous " Way to help little girls feel confident. ??
  18. Why is little Aubree wearing that old lady dress ? There are so many cute dresses for girls. Why did they pick a mother of the bride dress for a little girl?
  19. What's with all the screaming and freaking out when they see their rooms? "There's a bathtub in the room!!" These bitches travel all the time. Why do they act like they've never been anywhere?
  20. Can we start some kind of petition to get rid of Siggy and Delors?
  21. I thought the same thing.LOL!
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