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Everything posted by DollEyes

  1. Bumping it up to add two of my favorite numbers from the film version of Jesus Christ Superstar. While I think that John Legend did a good job in the live TV reboot, my favorite musical Jesus is Ted Neeley, as he proves by his take of "Gethesemane/I Only Want To Say": Gethesemane/I Only Want To Say The other is the late, great Carl Anderson's electrifying take of the title song. When it comes to the role of Judas, while Brandon Victor Dixon was brilliant in the live musical reboot, Anderson, his entrance on a star & his white fringe jumpsuit rule: Jesus Christ Superstar
  2. There were many great things about the TV reboot of Jesus Christ Superstar, but one of my favorites was Brandon Victor Dixon's stunning rendition of the title song, which was not only incredible, as far as I'm concerned he's the best Judas since the late, great Carl Anderson: "Jesus Christ Superstar"
  3. Bumping it up to add five cast members of the TV reboot of Jesus Christ Superstar: Erik Gronwall, who played Simon; Norm Lewis, who played Caliphas; Jin Ha, who played Annas; Ben Daniels, who played Pilate & Brandon Victor Dixon, who played Judas. Dixon's tattooes may have been fake, but his voice, his arms and his pecs sure aren't, to put it mildly.
  4. Sorry; temporary brain freeze; otoh, at least I got Jude Law's name right.
  5. I just saw the trailer for The Crimes Of Grindelwald, the sequel to Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them, with Jude Law as the young Angus Dumbledore & he's perfect. His Angus is a brilliant, charming rebel who's about to turn a certain magic school upside down. If the trailer is any indication, the role fits Law like a glove-or, rather,like the trousers fit Law's ass. On a superhero note, the new trailer for Avengers: Infinity War just dropped & it's another chance to see Robert Downey Jr, Chadwick Boseman, Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Paul Bettany & 3 out the 4 Chrises-and Chris Evans' beard-at their best.
  6. That trailer looks almost as good as Jude Law's ass in those trousers-almost.
  7. My verdict: DDAAAYYYYMM!! That new trailer gave me life like my mama! I'll be counting the days, the hours & the seconds for it, just like I did for Black Panther. As the trailer proves, another thing to look forward to besides the action, there's plenty of comedy gold to be had, whether it's Star-Lord vs. Stark, Spidey vs. Strange or Groot vs. puberty; otoh, if Cap dies dies, I'll be pissed, to say the least. I'll side-eye Marvel like Ayo did Black Widow.
  8. Black Panther has several great fight scenes,
  9. Black Panther has several funny moments, courtesy of King T’Challa’s sister Shuri & his rival M'Baku:
  10. I finally saw/loved Black Panther & as hot as Chadwick Boseman & Michael B. Jordan are, another guy almost stole the show: Winston Duke. If only all African men were as fierce, funny & fine as M'Baku or "MMM'Baku," as I call him.
  11. From The Tonight Show, here's a sketch with Black Panther fans talking about how much the movie means to them. However, unbeknownst to them, both Jimmy Fallon & the film's star Chadwick Boseman are listening, with expected, funny & in some cases, sweet results: Black Panther Fans Meet Chadwick Boseman
  12. Get Out won two Independent Spirit Awards: Jordan Peele for Best Director & For Best feature, both of which are richly deserved, IMO.
  13. As the one who first suggested that Sterling K. Brown host, I'm thrilled, to say the least. Given my track record of picking hosts, I would like to add Idris Elba, Issa Rae & Tracee Ellis Ross to the list.
  14. As the one who suggested that SKB host SNL, I'm ecstatic that he's hosting the March 10th episode. The only thing that could make it even better would be if there was a TIU spoof involving a crockpot.
  15. MBJ has aged like a very fine wine since The Wire. What a difference 15 years makes. Chadwick Boseman, his pecs, his abs & his junk are on the cover of the new Rolling Stone.
  16. From A Room With A View, the scenes when George kissed Lucy for the first time & when he told her that he loved her were very sexy, but the sexiest scenes were the skinny-dipping ones with George, Lucy's brother & the local pastor-complete with full-frontal nudity.
  17. ITA. If they had to choose a basketball player, they could have just asked LeBron again. In light of Black Panther mania, picking Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan or Lupita Nyong'o to host would have made much more sense.
  18. I'm as cynical as the next person, but damn if this wasn't the cutest episode ever. Nev was cute, Max was cute (in English & Portuguese), Mrs. Max was cute, Zak was cute, Garrett was cute, Zak & Garrett are cute & little Cleo is beyond cute. Not even Mrs. Nev could ruin it.
  19. If I were Aunt May, I'd be like, "I don't care if you did just save the universe! You are so GROUNDED!!" I'd also have a few choice words for the Avengers in general & Tony Stark in particular.
  20. Tom Hardy (and his lips) deserve better.
  21. Loved this trailer like Wade Wilson loves The Golden Girls.
  22. Here's a tweet from Jamil Smith, who's the author of the Time Cover Story: TIME's "Black Panther" Cover Story Another example of the movie's power is the "Black Panther Challlenge," which is inner-city schools nationwide raising money for special screenings. One of the best reactions is the response from the class at the Ron Clack Academy in Atlanta: Ron Clark Academy's Reactions To Their "Black Panther" Screening
  23. The clapbacks to Wendy's ignorance are epic, especially from Tarana Burke, #metoo's original founder. Wendy also claimed on another episode that Black people didn't know how to protest. If that was true, then right now Wendy would be an illiterate slave who couldn't vote. Wendy has been ratchet for decades, but now she's gotten so mean that she's even attacking children, whether its Tom Brady's 5-year-old daughter or Blue Ivy Carter, neither of whom asked to be famous. However, if anyone threw shade at Wendy's pothead son, she'd go off. The more shit Wendy talks, the less I pity her.
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