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Everything posted by DollEyes

  1. If they do use another child actor, chances are it'll be either Millie Bobby Brown or Finn Wolfhard, who not only co-star on Stranger Things, one of the hottest shows on television, they've both got budding movie careers, with Brown's lead role in Godzilla: King Of the Monsters & Wolfhard's role in the It movies.
  2. That kid is the worst. It would serve the little shit right if he gets nothing but coal for the rest of his life.
  3. Poor James. That he managed to compete at all is incredible, to say the least. If there's another all-star season, he should be on it. Condolences to him & his family. Ally's been hit-or-miss for me most of the time, but she was good tonight, plus her willingness to give her spot to James was very classy of her. Lauren's dances were nothing special. They didn't make me laugh like Ally's Charleston nor make me cry like Kel's Contemporary or James' Foxtrot. They, like Lauren, were just there. Hannah's dances meant nothing to me, either. Then again, neither does The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Kel was amazing tonight. His Tango was strong, powerful & sexy. His Contemporary was beautiful, heartbreaking & all too relevant because it was about something that matters, not being dumped on a so-called "reality" show. Kel for the win!
  4. Bumping it up to say that I've been watching this season of Dancing With the Stars despite the presence of now-former contestant Sean Spicer because of front-runner James Van Der Beek. While I wasn't checking much for the Beek during his Dawson's Creek days, since then he's not only gotten hotter with age, he's got some serious moves-and apparently, his wife agrees, otherwise they wouldn't have a houseful of kids. Edited because James & his wife suffered a miscarriage over the weekend.
  5. Thank Heaven Spicer's gone. He's one of the worst contestants the show has ever had, regardless of politics. So what if he "tried hard?" So did Sailor, Karamo & Kate, but they improved every week; Spicer, OTOH, either stood around or stomped around while his partners did all the work. Those who voted for Spicer for the wrong reasons not only didn't do him, the show nor the other/better contestants any favors, some of them don't even watch anyway, which makes Spicer's elimination even better. Best of all, it spares us another Bobby Bones-esque debacle. Tom knew that having Spicer on the show would be a disaster & he was absolutely right. Maybe Tom should become an Executive Producer. Couldn't be any worse than who they've got now, IMO. Good riddance, Spicer. Better late than never.
  6. Just because Spicer's making the Finals & even winning doesn't mean that it is. I say fight fire with fire. Vote for anyone who isn't Spicer & tell your friends & relatives to do the same, whether they watch the show or not. The irony of Spicer getting kicked off on Impeachment week would be delicious, to say the least.
  7. Spite. Spicer's playing Frankenstein was redundant. He's so bad he almost makes me miss Master P. James' VW & Team Trick were the dances of the night for their elegance, originality & sex appeal. James' mistake didn't bother me because it was still way better than anything Spicer did.
  8. ITA. Bobby Bones can have several seats. Last time I checked, the show was called "Dancing With the Stars." Nyle DiMarco & JR Martinez didn't have the hugest fan bases when they first competed, either, but the longer they competed, the better they got and the more popular they got, unlike Bones, who came in with a built-in fan base who rigged the game in his favor, at other and much better dancers' expense. At least DiMarco & Martinez's wins were earned honestly-again, unlike Bones. On another & much better note, Kate & Pasha's VW was sophisticated, charming and beautiful. In other words, everything Spicer's VW was not. Then there's James' Samba. Everything about it was tight: the music, the choreography, James' pants and his ass. Only James' hips were loose, as they should be. Spicer couldn't pull off a samba that great in his wildest dreams.
  9. Poor Sailor. I didn't think she was gonna win, but she didn't deserve to go this soon, either. As far as I'm concerned, if Spicer gets within smelling distance of the finals, let alone wins, this show should be cancelled. Sorry Tom.
  10. Not only was Hilary Duff's character awful in that episode, the "mom" played by Missi Pyle in a similar episode was even worse. Her anti-vaxxer stance not only endangered her son, it put numerous other kids at risk, including Noah, however accidentally. She was entitled to her opinion, but she was not entitled to gamble with innocent peoples'-especially childrens'-lives because of it. I had no problem with her dying at the end of the episode because IMO she was a selfish, sanctimonious bitch who used her beliefs as a weapon. I don't normally blame victims, but she's an exception to the rule.
  11. I respectfully disagree. Jared Harris was great, but Jharrel Jerome was brilliant. Jerome's performance in the When They See Us finale alone was disturbing, shocking, infuriating, heartbreaking but ultimately uplifting. Jerome's Emmy win was richly deserved, as far as I'm concerned. As for Jerome's future career-wise, if there's ever a live-action version of Miles Morales, Jerome would be perfect. Cheers to Billy Porter! His win was fabulous, his speech was fabulous, his suit was fabulous, his hat was fabulous-Hell, he's fabulous! Re GOT's Best Drama win, the cast & crew deserve it; D & D, however, suck like a hooker on speed. D & D should have ended the show with the 10 episodes it deserved, not just the 6 they wanted.
  12. Here is the thread to celebrate the Award nominations and/or wins of the Pose cast and. crew, like Billy Porter, who won the Best Actor, Drama Emmy and rightfully so. His win was fabulous, his acceptance speech was fabulous, his suit was fabulous, his hat was fabulous-- Hell, he's fabulous.
  13. Both Dinklage & Gwendoline should have been nominated for Lead in their categories, but at least D & D didn't win for writing.
  14. Replace her name with Thomas Lennon's and I would agree. His so-called "jokes" are painful. "Root-canal-with-Medieval-tools" painful. Kudos to Jharrell Jerome. IMO, watching When They See Us is like physical therapy: it's hard and painful, but the results are worth it. As far as I'm concerned, Angela Bassett is more beautiful at 60 than many women half her age, no matter what she wears.
  15. There were many great musical moments in Rocketman, Also some great musical moments in Bohemian Rhapsody, especially the opening scene to "Somebody To Love," the makings of "A Night At the Opera," (aka their first album, which included "Bohemian Rhapsody,"), "We Will Rock You," "Another One Bites the Dust" & the whole Live Aid scene.
  16. Truly one of the most beautiful scenes from Season One. Even better is the bittersweet tribute to Candy Ferocity to "I Never Knew Love Like This," the Stephanie Mills classic that's one of my all-time favorite songs. It was perfect on so many levels: Candy's look, her performance, her scores and her pallbearers. Candy finally got the 10s across the board in death that she never got in life and she deserved every last one of them. RIP, Ms. "Caaaaannnddyy.": Never Knew Love Like This
  17. The US Womens' Soccer Team's victory in the World Cup, their subsequent ticker tape parade and their ESPYs win for "Best team" are all "Hell, Yeah!" worthy, IMO.
  18. After watching Pose, the Ryan Murphy show about LGBT ballroom culture in the 1980s/early 1990s, I believe that Angel B. Curiel, who plays L'il Papi, is arguably the hottest guy on it.
  19. One of the best scenes from Bohemian Rhapsody was when Freddie fired his self-appointed manager/lover Paul for almost destroying his career by making him quit Queen, isolating him from the people he loved when he would need them the most and not even telling him about Live Aid, which turned out to be one of the greatest musical moments of all time.
  20. I just saw Bohemian Rhapsody again & while Rami Malek is amazing, his co-stars Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy & Joe Mazzello (aka Brian May, Roger Taylor & John Deacon, respectively) are pretty adorable themselves. As for Rocketman, Taron Egerton & Richard Madden are hot (separately & together), but Jamie Bell's Bernie Taupin is also swoonworthy.
  21. From "Worth It," the final quote from the late great Hector Extravaganza: "Blood does not a family make. Those are relatives. Family are those with whom you share your good, you bad & ugly and you still love one another in the energy, Those are the ones you select. ”
  22. After seeing John Wick 3, Keanu Reeves is even hotter now than he was 30+ years ago. Apparently, Keanu, like black, don't crack.
  23. John Wick 3 is basically just a long fight scene, but it was awesome anyway.
  24. There should have been at least 10 episodes, the NK /wight battle should have been the series finale, Dany should have flown straight to the castle-no collateral damage- and given Cersei the choice to bend the knee or die or taken her prisoner. Greyworm &Missandei would have died together because they would have deserved it, unlike Jaime & Cersei.
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