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Everything posted by Ananayel

  1. Is it Corey who is related to another Survivor? Could the twist with his disappearance be that when he returns, that Survivor comes too, to make 18 hamsters? This premiere was a hot mess. Though, since I have both Paramount + and Pluto, I can have feeds everywhere!
  2. I think the extra time before the season started provided more time for additional involved stupidity. This whole thing was not well thought out.
  3. So, the ScrambleVerse just means Grodner can do whatever the hell she wants, whenever she wants. Got it
  4. I don't know who I will root for yet, but I know who I won't - hi Izzy! Will probably like Cirie's son, Matt, Mecole, and Jag. Possibly Kristen and the separated cowboy dude. Subject to change of course.
  5. Which is why Ghost Brothers, Destination Fear, and anything with an Osbourne were much more enjoyable for me. Even the Tennessee Wraith Chasers show(s). I've missed the past few episodes of GA, because I'm not used to looking for it on Discovery, and I haven't missed it. I'll wait till the reruns turn up somewhere, and then only if there's nothing else on.
  6. There have been rumors going around for a while that Zak Bagans is behind all the cancellations. It's been discussed in some paranormal mags, and Lainey and Ben's youtube channel has several videos about it. Allegedly, he started throwing his weight around about anything to do with Nick Groff or anyone who had worked with NIck. Then when GA moved to the "flagship" channel instead of TRVL, he threw it around some more. I don't know if I believe he's got that much power over an entity that exists only to make money/get ratings, but there's no denying that virtually every other paranormal show on that family of networks is gone, except Dead Files I think, and it started with shows that were or had the potential to be more popular than GA. I hate Dead Files - I can't stand Amy's mugging. https://www.youtube.com/@LaineyandBen
  7. Also, didn't Caitlyn Jenner compete in a women's golf tournament? Can't stand either one of them. Now that Natasha is gone, I don't really know much about the rest (other than Lance). I'm okay with Andy Richter, and I've seen Cat Cora in a couple of things, but nothing that makes this must-see tv. Well, except for Shat being Shat. So I may be out, and we'll try again next season, if there is one.
  8. And Ghost Brothers. Love those guys. They seem to have kept Dead Files though. Watching the early episodes of GA is like watching a whole different show. I mostly watch now out of habit and for mockery.
  9. I suspect it's clips we've already seen in the regular show, repackaged into a theme show. They are still in cost-cutting mode, I guess.
  10. Not sure how I feel about new crew, but since they appear to be going all in with the "we're on Mars!" bit, it's realistic that new people would come in. I like the challenges, they are actually challenging. And Shat's having the time of his life, or at least as much fun as he had on Better Late than Never. I like Natasha, so I was sorry to see her go.
  11. Now they have a subscription service where you can watch live and chat with the investigators?! Why didn't I think of this!
  12. I'm starting to wonder if Zak is just over it, and just trying to complete his contract. He's already decided he's not flying anymore, doesn't seem to want to travel, I think he just wants to stay in Vegas and run his museum. He can act as a producer remotely, so he can lend his name and "expertise" to other shows that have hands-on teams, he can write another book. The early episodes where he was a somewhat awkward dork were quite good, now it's just tiresome.
  13. This show is right up my alley - random celebrities doing stupid yet oddly challenging stuff, plus Shat! But - Lance Armstrong. I love Adam Rippon and Natasha Leggero, but I don't know if I can sit through Lance Armstrong.
  14. I'm watching, but it's same-old same-old. First I noticed ads for their speaking tour, then I swear I saw one for a contest to spend a weekend at the ranch helping "investigate" or something. When Fugal pus cabins up and starts renting them out for Investigation Vacations, i will yell "called it!"
  15. I don't know who Bishop Briggs is. But I did like that she was gracious and acknowledged David's ability. I remember him from Idol, and I felt so bad for him because he had an absolutely horrible stage dad. I thought for sure his vocal superiority, coupled with his timely and relevant life story, would put him over the top. On the plus side for him, I liked him so much that I will seek out his music now. TMS is going to run into the same problem Idol did - if all your winners are a certain type, you'll have a hard time getting contestants who aren't that type. I know the contestant pool is vastly different, and we will have more one-and-dones with something to promote, but they will have a hard time getting serious male competitors if next season goes to a woman as well. Still my fave show, and I would just like to say, I hope one day I have someone to love me like Ken loves his wife. This isn't a new thing - I remember years ago on probably the MTV movie awards or something like that, much closer to his wife's cancer diagnosis, where he was also moved to tears talking about her.
  16. I saw Ghost Adventures trending on Twitter yesterday, and it looks like it's moving to Discovery, with a new special on May 31. Travel Channel loses more new shows, so I wonder how much longer it will exist what with the cost cutting going on at its parent company.
  17. Is it me, or did Nick keep calling them "Pentonix?" Medusa is getting by on emotion and drama. Not that she can't sing, but others can sing better. Nicole is a sucker for that. I enjoy Macaw better, so I hope he wins. That's it. That's the tweet.
  18. I would love to see her show's episodes in their entirety, not the edited versions that air on MeTV at night. I watched it when I was a kid, and this show had clips I hadn't seen in ages, since they aren't among the ones allowed on the syndicated version. Surely CBS could do it since they aired the original. At least put it on streaming. I cringed at DeGeneres, can't imagine why she was on.
  19. If Kandy is the first out, it will be fine. Lots going for it. But if she's not, well, this will be a fitting followup to the disaster of a regular season that just ended (though it had a worthy F2.)
  20. I would have preferred an Anetra win, but Sasha is also a perfectly fine winner. I hate that Mistress and Luxx got hauled along, but glad they got summarily dismissed. Overall, this season stank. Get this show off MTV, make it be 90 minutes again (and re-edit it to 90 minutes for reruns on another channel, VH1 or hell, even Logo. It's still around, right?) Untucked goes right after, that's not a space to try and trick us into watching your new crap. The shorter initial episodes with so many queens meant I didn't get to know or care about any of them until at least halfway through. They should always split the premiere into to groups to counteract that. It seems like, since we all know the structure and format after all these seasons, now is the time to really show us that drag is an art form, not playing dress-up. I skipped the reunion, and I almost skipped the finale, but I'm glad I didn't because Jinkx. I used to try and watch every rerun I could, but now I don't bother. Time for an overhaul. I have a friend who has submitted audition material several times, and her profile has increased a lot recently, so I hope TPTB can get it together before Miss Naomi Dix, of the House of Coxx, makes her appearance. Glad it's over, and I never thought I'd say that about my once-favorite show.
  21. EW interviews Dee Snider. I want him to come back as a guest panelist, and I want him as a judge on Drag Race. Love him!
  22. They are now up to over $340K, with slightly more than a week to go on the Kickstarter. Dakota says it's enough for two full years of shows, likely with two (possibly more) road trips a year. He said the next one is ready to go - locations chosen, accommodations booked, they are ready to go.
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