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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. The lady that plays her might have greatly reduced appearances on the show she is currently on "Midnight, Texas".
  2. That might be because many shows get cancelled after showing 1 to 3 episodes. You have to find your audience early and keep them interested. Put everything you have out there and hope you can maintain your viewers.
  3. I thought Dylan was the one paying and it showed that Haley was really bad at math and Dylan is even worst for not realizing it. Especially after just saying exactly that in their conversation moments before.
  4. Mel freezes a ball of lightning and when she unfreezes it, we didn't see what happened to it. In that scene she is wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing the day before, but when she reaches Harry's office she is wearing a different outfit. Should we assume that the cicada guy shoved his proboscis down Macy's throat, should we still consider her a virgin? I wonder what that tube they pulled out of Macy was attached to?
  5. I thought Graham was going to reach into his pocket as pull out another sandwich, that would make Ribbon forget all about ever wanting the sonic screwdriver. It would be selfish of Graham to only bring a sandwich for himself. For other universes to reject a sentient universe, wouldn't they have to be sentient as well.
  6. Ryan didn't really kill him, just sent him to another time period.
  7. Wasn't the box also plastic-wrapped? Yes and no, it was shrink wrapped to some other boxes. So boxes were on top, but how much of his box was shrink wrapped is debatable.
  8. I imagined her saying Tylenol the same way that the Cookie Monster says "Cookies Num Num Num".
  9. My DVR says that Happy Together is coming on this Saturday at 8:30. Not sure if it is true. Damon Wayans Jr. should shave his head and take over his father's job on Lethal Weapon.
  10. How could Jughead leave and not tell anybody that he was going with Archie. I am sure that Betty will find a key piece of the puzzle staying with "The Sistas".
  11. Parts I liked: Finding out that Jay was Cissy-Gendered. Claire smacking Alex on her ass. Sounded like she got all of it! Here's hoping that baby Hadyl finds a good therapist for it's issues.
  12. The kid's solution was to kill his father. I think running away was a better option, he probably could have gone to live with his boyfriend. Now his boyfriend is also arrested for attempted murder. The kid might also be arrested for attempted murder. Running away seems like a much happier option, it is not like he was too young to make it on his own.
  13. Surprised, I thought Roger left the tap running on his bath as he went downstairs to answer the phone and talk to Cole. I thought this might cause an incident later, but no. Thought they would let the maitre d (or whatever he was) go for helping to bring down several dangerous criminals. They have let much worst people go free on the show. They probably still need him to testify. They don't really show you the fate of the bomb maker with the grenade between his legs.
  14. Had some clear tape covering it, a key would have sliced it easily, even a hard punch might have caused the tape is slip creating an opening to breath.
  15. Henderson didn't spend one second taking care of that baby, as soon as Black Lightening left you can hear him yelling for his wife!!!!
  16. I get it now, Black Nanny 2 must watch Devante at her house, which is why you never see either one on the show.
  17. This show has some of the coolest supervillians and they kill them all off. I can't stand Whale, but they refuse to kill him off.
  18. I am not sure that Albert is a goldfish, I couldn't quite get a good look at him, but it might have been a female red swordtail or a molly, both of which are tropical fish.
  19. I loved it when they took Christopher to see Santa, and the woman told Buck "You two have an adorable son" and Buck just went with it and thanked her. With the guy in the box, they used an Eva Air airplane - they are a Taiwan based airline (which wouldn't be carrying domestic cargo from LA to another US city), who retired their passenger 747s a year ago. I've seen photos of a few stored in Victorville, California, so I assume they went out there to film those scenes. What annoyed me about that story was the comment when they were in the engine headed to the airport, and one of the guys says "The cargo hold isn't pressurized or heated." Yes, the cargo hold is pressurized, and while they usually don't turn the heat way up, they are heated. I know, it's a TV show, but get it right, dammit! I was going to write on all this, Christopher should have asked Santa for Buck to be his mother. Santa's Elves have the wisdom. Saw Athena's house and said no way could they afford to live there. If the guy in the cardboard box suffocated, he deserved to, he didn't have a key to poke a few holes in the box or cut through the tape. For all I know he stopped breathing from choking on the packing peanuts because he missed his lunch break. Next time tell him to turn the GPS on, on his phone. Major fail all around. I hope Buck walks out of his room and smashes Maddie's Ex in the face but not before a little torture porn of Maddie and Chim.
  20. I also imagined Glassman saying "Ow" again when Lea slammed her seat back and again when Lea slammed the car door. I was laughing out loud by the end of the scene. I'm bad!
  21. What was the name of he book that Oliver left Bronze Tiger?
  22. The Doctor get plenty of practice holding his/her breath every time he/she gets thrown out of the TARDIS into space.
  23. I don't know why they don't try to find the woman their mother was talking to back in the '80's. She seemed to have the scoop on all of their questions about their mother. P.S. where did all those bees go?
  24. I guess the story was fine, I did enjoy the overt performance of Alan Cumming. The alien energy blast and only Graham lying on the ground had me thinking I had missed a scene, so a rewound to make sure I hadn't. The explanation of why chopping the tree up, setting it on fire and shoving the flaming log into the tree stump reactivated the locking mechanism of the prison left me even more confused. I could have accepted that if the top of the tree, which held the power source, was brought back to the trunk, the nanites would knit the tree back together. Lightning strikes kept the artificial tree's power source charged through the millennia. Were they saying duck or dunk the witch? Close captions said duck.
  25. I liked Subject 0331, here is hoping that Subject 0332 is just as enjoyable. The DEO should have weaponized those alien superpower stealing rays from Shelley Island to give themselves a fighting chance.
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