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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I thought in the previews Archie comes out of the restroom and the gunman turns the gun towards Archie and then you hear the gunshot. It is possible that the gunman was trying to shoot Archie and Fred jumped in front of the bullet. Archie may not have even realized there was a gun until his father was shot. This doesn't explain why the gunman didn't shoot Archie afterward, but it might explain the connection with Ms. Grundy.
  2. I saw the uncut version on my computer through the U-Verse portal through Hulu. The shootings were more graphic and Ivy was in a lot more danger. It seemed like Kai didn't know anything about what occurred until he made Winter pinky swear to tell the truth. Anybody know which cult members were at the rally? I saw Harrison, Ivy, Beverly, Winter and Kai. Did I miss anybody?
  3. It seems like Beverly is making her move to take over the cult. Not sure it is a good idea for Beverly to tell her plans to Kai's sister Winter. Something tells me that the lady with black hair is helping Beverly gain control of the cult by telling her what it was like since she is somebody who was in a cult in the past and they will be showing her experiences. Yes, Winter and Ivy had a relationship before Ivy met Kai.
  4. I've never met a female prison shower scene I didn't like. If Polaris focused her metal manipulation powers on her collar, I am sure she can pull out the wires before the device activates.
  5. Seemed more like a nature documentary than a superhero show. Too much time wandering in the forest and city streets and not enough time advancing the plot. The Inhumans seem like they can read and understand English, why didn't Medusa attempt to read what was on the ATM. The Inhumans knowledge of Earth seems to be extensive and/or non-existent, but never consistent. The writers attempt to make the Inhumans appear "alien" hasn't been done effectively.
  6. Jules egg thing, they mentioned something about her having a sister. Jules seems to have gotten a majority of her memories sucked out. I don't think either of the two boys are real, but cannibals trying to escape to the real world.
  7. I am not sure if he is one. Maybe since his hand is cut off they don't want him doing the big jobs. We only saw him at the meetings and he did help with the nailgun but that has been it. Chaz could hold the camera, since he only has 3 limbs, he would make the perfect tripod.
  8. What kind of clown was Chaz?
  9. I think Kai and Winter had a bet. If Clinton won, I think Winter might have been leader of the cult.
  10. I can't believe that Chaz would be in the same room with Ivy and Winter without wanting to kill them.
  11. Why is Zoey still there, I thought she went to college?
  12. Not without the patient's consent. They should have tried to reattach the kidney. Astrid from Fringe, they should give her a huge part.
  13. No ghosts, I demand a refund! I am guessing they will be investigating all the paranormal classics.
  14. There might be several different reasons for this, when Margot was putting the eggs back in the refrigerator there was already an identical set of eggs in the location that should have been empty and she set the old eggs on top of the new eggs. This might suggest that the world is on a fixed loop where nothing really changes and if she opens the refrigerator again there will be one carton of eggs with none missing. Food feels real to Margot and nobody else. Something similar happens to the doppelganger of the guy where the clone remembers pistachio ice cream, but not how it tastes. The memories of Margot are probably the only thing that satisfies her father. The more memories he takes, the less reasons Margot has to find the exit to the room. I think the other situations will be different. The other guy might be the more passive he is the more aggressive his doppelganger becomes.
  15. If you are going to continue to watch, here are a few things to watch out for. Why did Black Bolt's parents kill Mesuda's parents? Why did Black Bolt kill his own parents? Why is Maximus treated so well when he has no powers? (nepotism?) Why is Maximus so interested in winning Crystal over to his side? How does Crystal (and other gifted Inhumans) use their powers to benefit Attilan? The one case that we saw looked pretty bad, where Auran (Leather Lady) threaten to kill the family of the Inhuman so he would teleport her safely to earth (even though he said it caused him pain). It seems like they like to use Inhuman powers instead of (their more advanced than earth) science and technology. Why do they waste terrigen crystals, one per person, they could gather all the children of a certain age in a room and throw in a terrigen crystal. Why don't they supply science and technology to the Inhumans without powers? Why do the subjugate Inhumans without powers? Why would they choose to live on the moon instead of Earth? If they just don't want to come in contact with humans, there are plenty of places humans don't live, like Antarctica, underwater, underground, deep in a cave, etc. Gorgon sometimes wears shoes that make his hooves look like feet. I am sure aerospace lady will have a large role in upcoming episodes now that she has gone to Hawaii to investigate. Aerospace lady's human-ness will allow the Inhumans a way to explain/justify the Attilan way of life.
  16. What are they digging for in the moon mines? They should let everybody who didn't turn into an Inhuman go live on earth. Hard to side with the Royals, they could at least give the miners some equipment to dig with.
  17. I was thinking that it might be an egg and Jules had an abortion. Jules seems to have mysteriously disappeared when Margot needed her most. Maybe Jules also had some things she to work through at the same time before her college deadline hit. I wonder if Margot will still remember her mother after this. If her father eats enough of her memories she might not go looking for the exit.
  18. I think it is because they telegraph everything that is about to happen. The only time I as truly surprised was when Brady opened up the file cabinet and there was C4 in there. I wonder if anything will come from Brady switching Bill's phone.
  19. I would be very leery if Meadow made me that offer as well. If that is all she wants, I would wonder where she has been and who has she been with. I might be nice to rewatch Chaz's performance with Ally in the first episode to see if Chaz's character gives any indication that a hand is missing. Bev and Kai have Equal Power because Kai said that the only way his plan was going to work was if he had a messenger that could reach the masses. Kai creates the fearful situations and Beverly makes sure that everybody knows about them, manipulating the narrative, while creating the right kind of fear. If Winter and Kai are brother and sister (or just living together), that would explain the opening scene where he just walks into her room. I originally thought the were college students in the same dorm, but that doesn't seem likely. I am not convinced that Ivy is part of the cult yet. Winter could be doing all this because she is jealous of Ally and wants to take her place in Ivy's life (Winter practically told Ivy this). Who knows how much information Ivy told Winter about Ally, thinking she was confiding in a like soul. Who is Evelyn?
  20. I would like to see how he moved in with hospital administrator and how he learned everything there is to know about medicine before he went to college. Flashbacks might be an interesting way to show some of the coping mechanisms for an autistic lifestyle. Anybody know why the episode was entitled "Burnt Food", they should have called it "Ice Cream Rain".
  21. Coach kicks more ass in one minute than Scott McCall does all season. Best scene of the finale.
  22. I am totally confused, at the start of the episode they showed Phoebe's death scene completely different from the one last episode. Cora was in a different sexual position and no longer noticed Cora's death or jumped up to help her or hit Frankie. Frankie had to ask people to come help him and nobody responded. Then Frankie crumpled Cora's rib cage (the only part that was the same). I blame Cora's parents for not raising the alarm when all their children disappear. How can they declare Phoebe dead, they couldn't have done it legally, since they didn't have a body. Did none of Phoebe's doctors find it odd that she was no longer coming in for treatment. The police could have tracked Cora's phone which JD had and put an end to all this nonsense in one day. I was expecting an over the top story, but everything was so underwhelming. Bland Cora, Cora's mother religious fanaticism, Cora's father's night time visits, JD the drug dealing boyfriend, Maddie the jealous ex-girlfriend, Detective Perversion, Lady cop with the blabbermouth, Over-the top lady detective, and many others all were underwhelming compared to what I imagined they (would/should) be like. The only people who exceeded my expectations of them were Frankie the super sweet boyfriend and Phoebe the Twisted Sex Sister. Maybe I hyped my self up too much for a story that was sort of mellow and mundane. That might have been my fault.
  23. That would make it super obvious who did this, even if Ally and Winter were taping the scene for their own purposes, there is no way that Ally would have let OZ be able to access it from his laptop.
  24. I can't tell if they know or don't know if they have cameras in the house. Oz mentioned something about knowing the password which might have just been for gaining full access to the internet. If they know about the cameras why haven't they checked for clown sightings or spying on that fool Winter while she is alone with your kid. If they don't know about the cameras, there is no way that randomly surfing the internet would lead you to your own camera's feed and to a (very specific) stored video of you in the bathtub. That can only be deliberately placed in your path (Oz thought it was a virus) in the same manner as how your address might be deliberately placed on craigslist soliciting sex acts. Both of these things might be able to be traced back to the source by the police.
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