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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I don't know it that is it, all the kids are around the same age, that would be pretty hard to pull off, 3 kids all born around the same time.
  2. I liked it. I am kind of glad it is not about how inspirational the coach is.
  3. I think they were throwing shade at Bill Maher, those words had him apologizing for weeks, on this show nobody even bats an eyelash.
  4. Celebrating Christmas already starts before Thanksgiving, so it is not surprising that now it starts before Halloween.
  5. Interesting clothing optional episode. WTF! You expect me to believe that an under aged Betty is going to a therapist that her mother dropped her off at, but her mother never met and never paid. Betty is forging medical scripts from fake doctors. Give me a break.
  6. I liked the episode, the only thing that bothered me was: A woman that has to borrow money from her mother to pay off her abusive boyfriend, she couldn't afford to get a tattoo removed, let alone the hundreds of thousands of dollars required to get facial reconstruction surgery. I wonder if she even had a job, living in that fancy house, with her fancy vacuum cleaner and food in her refrigerator.
  7. You could tell that Noam wasn't very good at the sex, because all us experts know that once you remove the condom from the wrapper, they go stale very quickly, you know, kinda like when you cut an avocado.
  8. Hems-Worthless meet LARRY the Hemsworth Brother They Don't Want You To Know About
  9. I liked that Eleanor was reading "AUS Weekly" magazine.
  10. Can Amy really afford a car like that working at Cloud 9?
  11. Swamp Thing TV Show Casts Jennifer Beals In Recurring Role
  12. TV News Roundup: Ann-Margret Joins ‘Happy!’ Season 2 at Syfy Syfy’s “Happy!” has added Ann-Margret (“Ray Donovan”) to its upcoming second season, and Bryce Lorenzo (“Orange is the New Black”) and Christopher Fitzgerald (“Godless”) have been upped to series regulars. Ann-Margret will play the recurring role of Bebe Debarge, a former siren of stage and screen. Lorenzo returns as Nick Sax’s (Christopher Meloni) estranged daughter, and Fitzgerald is reprising his role as Sonny Shine, a world-renowned children’s entertainer with a dark past and an even darker present. The series follows Sax, a hitman who befriends an imaginary winged horse named Happy (Patton Oswalt). A premiere date for Season 2 has not yet been announced.
  13. More news I don't know what it means Neil Gaiman signs exclusive deal with Amazon Studios Good Omens, American Gods creator Neil Gaiman signs exclusive deal with Amazon Studios
  14. I thought it was a little weird how successful and more mature the other 3 are compared to Magnum. Magnum never seemed to put down any roots.
  15. I was hoping that the new guy wouldn't have a family so that he might be a little more reckless. It seems like Rog is also being the reckless one, it was hard to tell which one always puts his life in danger and which one just wants things to go peacefully until they can retire, they seem to switch back and forth.
  16. WTF moment: You give MI-6 the alias of a terrorist and they can track his phone and tell you exactly where he is at the moment. If he is that easy to locate, why haven't they picked him up. How did that guy steal a tuna that takes 3 people to pick up?
  17. For everybody claiming to be such a close knit community, I was surprised that the black guy acted like he had never been inside of the house that was right next door. Beth Behrs was a sexy surprise.
  18. AnimeMania

    S02.E02: 7.1

    If you watch the cars during the earthquake scene at the hotel, none of them seemed to be affected.
  19. Is this the 28th Amendment?: Taken from The Purge amendment is poorly drafted, doesn’t go far enough 28th AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION SECTION 1: The Annual Purge shall begin each year on June 20 at sunset, officially starting at 7PM, and ending at sunrise, June 21, at 7AM. SECTION 2: During the time of The Purge, any and all crime, up to and including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and hospital aid will be unavailable until The Purge concludes. SECTION 3: The following weapons cannot be used during The Purge: weapons of mass destruction, fragment-producing explosives higher than a hazard class HC/D 1.4 and viral contagion projectiles. Recommended weapons: A.R. rifles and handguns of caliber 6.2 and all bladed weaponry. SECTION 4: Government officials of ranking 5 and higher have been granted immunity from The Purge and shall not be harmed. SECTION 5: Non-compliance with any of the aforementioned rules will result in death by hanging. Taken from The New Founding Fathers of America web page. I also see a page that explains the fundamentals about how the original Purge was conducted with paid participants, signing waivers, wearing trackers, video camera contact lenses, and constant surveillance, (using super science gobbledygook) to monitor their behavior and make sure that everybody followed the rules. I found another website that has a very detailed timeline for The Purge: The Purge Movie Timeline Explained: 2014 - 2040 This website is filled with tons of spoilers for the movies. First Purge is 7pm March 21, 2017 to 7am March 22, 2017, localized entirely on Staten Island. The government goes nationwide on March 21, 2018. This was written before the TV Series was finalized so there is no useful information provided for that time period.
  20. Your source says the TV Series is set in 2024/2025 around 10 years after the first Purge. This newer source says the TV series takes place in 2027, around 10 years after the first Purge. Feel free to be confused. https://www.inverse.com/article/48872-the-purge-tv-show-characters
  21. The Staten Island test case was in the marine's family flashback. That was 20 years ago! The Purge is nation-wide and already an institution by this point in the story line. Not 20 years, 10 years, look at the age of Penelope. I still stand by my original statement.
  22. FYI, The Purge is only occurring in Staten Island (maybe other areas close by) at this particular time (in the TV series) as a test case, before they roll out the idea nationwide. That is why so many U.S. reporters and international reporters are so interested in talking to participants. They pay families $5,000.00 to stay in the city whether they participate or not. There appears to be somebody monitoring their activities, making sure they don't break the rules.
  23. So you are telling me you would be able to pick Nicky Hilton out of a line-up. I noticed she skipped deleting Taylor Swift's number.
  24. I saw the kid, she is pretty big now.
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