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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. They were surrounding the house, from the outside. You could hear them communicating with each other on the radio while Darius was in the kitchen cooking eggs for Grace.
  2. Do we need a new Season 2 topic or should we just post Season 2 stuff in this one?
  3. If I get this right.....Heather ran a background check on Dr. Jeffries. It was clean except for one malpractice complaint that went nowhere. The person filing the complaint was the crazy woman. Dr. Jeffries is the psychiatrist who wrote all the books and started Mosswood. Dr. Poole was the doctor the police were trying to question and he committed suicide. The crazy lady filed a malpractice complaint against Dr. Poole because she went in for an abortion and he removed her entire uterus. The police were there to get her side of the story. The crazy lady was living in Mosswood at the time. She also said that lots of people in town were helping Mosswood. Wild conspiracy theories follow super spoilery:
  4. AnimeMania


    Some website posted a date when iZombie will return, not sure how accurate it is 4-22-2019.
  5. Siren Season 2 2-07-2019 Freeform Spoilers for Season 2:
  6. Nope, just bees running on teeny tiny hamster wheels.
  7. They are both very good fighters and sleep with everybody but the person that is pining away for them.
  8. She also had a major role in Dark Matter after leaving Lost Girl. Watching the show might help answer your question.
  9. Is Sherlock's Brownstone wired more like a house or an apartment building? That might make a difference.
  10. Grace: But my father is in prison. Harris: Damn, your right!... I've got nothing.
  11. Here is some of the articles that might have inspired this episode. Different creatures they put spider silk into: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/10/spinning-spider-silk-startup-gold Using spider silk to make bulletproof clothing. https://www.popsci.com/animals-inspire-armor
  12. RIP Jillian. Please don't stop her. I thought they could have done more with the outside scenes where Liam and Jillian were talking. The world is supposed to be ending in a few days and everybody was walking around like normal, talking on their cellphones. I want to see some street corner prophets wearing sandwich boards taking about the end of the world and repenting. Where is the lawlessness of the previous episodes where they needed tanks in the street?
  13. I don't know why they don't just get a spider, lay it on the person's chest before they go to sleep and when they wake up in the morning they would be completely wrapped in a cocoon. This way they would have complete body armor that is a custom fit. Scientists always seem to overthink their problems.
  14. Season 8 is confirmed, but there is a shakeup in the cast.
  15. I think they were pointing out that she liked the name Julian, so if she ever had a kid that would be what she would name him.
  16. They actually elaborated on this subject in the 8th episode of the M-Towne Podcasts if you haven't already been listening to them. These podcasts are done by the cast (in character) to provide an expanded perspective of what is happening in the town and the events that happen on the show. You can find out more information about them here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/72301-m-towne-not-brought-to-you-by-mailchimp/?tab=comments#comment-4538063
  17. Yes her father was an angel and I think the next episode is going to go into great detail about that.
  18. Yes it was very confusing and they did say something about a changeling, but from what I could piece together, Waverley and Jolene seemed to be the same person that had the bad parts separated out and turned into a kind of aura demon that always followed Waverley around. The demon wanted to kill Waverley but wasn't able to harm her physically, so she has to convince her to harm herself through mental manipulation. It seems that if Waverley dies the demon would die as well, but if the Demon dies Waverley would be fine (just my guess). I thought it was funny when Haught said that Jolene knocked her back into the closet.
  19. This probably seemed to the unenlightened layman to be extremely sexual, but to those that have mastered the "Yogi" arts these series of motions (like the martial arts for Buddhist monks or doing Tai Chi) might have caused her to release some "aura", expand her "chakra" or open her "third eye", when reaching the "Astral Plane" resulting in "Karmic" bliss, which is a very similar experience to having an orgasm.
  20. Unless it ages so fast that it dies of old age before the lady can find out where it is.
  21. Were all the robo-Hullen flying off to intercept Dutch's ship?
  22. That could possibly be a cult, "grow your own food" type of thing. Probably, if I was growing my own food, I don't think I would be raising animals to eat, maybe a few chickens, but just for the eggs. Cows seem like they would be more trouble than the milk is worth.
  23. You don't have $100, no wonder she is still pregnant.
  24. Sam was talking to Eddie about Detective Christine Rollins almost like Sam had never met Christine before. There is no episode August 23, 2018 and two episodes on August 30, 2018.
  25. Is that what we should expect to see if they add yoga to the Olympics? If only there were a way to test if a mother and child were related, they might finally get the answers they seek. I hear a guy named Maury is making great inroads into this process. Once Jullian gets his 2 teardrop tattoos under his eye, the kids in juvie will stop picking on him. Lots of people in town are secret members of the cult, I wonder how Carrie Coon was chosen as a leader. I wonder if she was a psychologist or if it had something to do with where she used to work.
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