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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I think she did pretty well, considering all the Devil gave her was a name. Imagine what would have happened if the Devil had given her a picture, or better yet, a manila folder, like he gave to the Saint of Killers.
  2. Hey! It's flashback Friday! Can somebody walk me through if there was any importance to that meteor that crashed that had a Tanz circuit board attached to it. Did they think someone was guiding that meteor, do they think someone is guiding this asteroid?
  3. Even if you are allowed into the class, you are still being taught by someone who now has even more reason to hate you. I don't see any scenario where you would get a fair and balanced assessment of your abilities or a true reflection of your grade.
  4. Well Darius does have that wonderful bunker that might actually survive the asteroid. Room for one more?
  5. Would love to hear the uncensored version of what Nicki Minaj rapped, I couldn't figure it out. Found a semi-censored version:
  6. Not her house, what is Grace going to say when she comes back to find the house wrecked after Jillian throws a house party. I read the theory and watched Raul Aguirre closely and still couldn't tell that was Darius or that it was a prosthetic. I wonder if it was a real person or just the best make-up job I have ever seen. I cheered when the railgun hit the nuke. I laughed when Raul Aguirre grabbed the gun and shot holes in the solar sail, thinking they would pan over behind the solar sail and show 7 scientists riddled with bullets lying on the floor. I laughed again when they showed the scientists covering up Malcolm Croft's body with a grey cloth and then thinking to myself that Liam turns around and shouts "The solar sail! It's ruined!". Grace is jumping from man to man like a pinball. I really enjoyed this episode. Grace electrocuting Fiona. Alycia running away the minute the nuke was destroyed. It might be my favorite episode.
  7. I couldn't understand why you would destroy the thing you scanned after you scanned it. Especially if they are living things. Sounds wasteful, I would store the data and print out multiple copies wherever they were needed. Can the government really just take something you want to patent, just because they want it, without any compensation?
  8. Polly is the only one of the girls I would trust to be hardcore enough to do whatever it takes as a criminal.
  9. Reading the synopsis of Episode 16 might shed so light on work arounds for keeping Marcus. http://forums.previously.tv/topic/73123-s06e16-uncanny-valley-of-the-dolls/?do=getLastComment
  10. They should change the name from "Claws" to "Chips". I think it would be a shame to ditch all the characters and locations they established to reinvent the show as "Desna and Roller's Excellent Casino Adventures". I don't understand how after working with the police to take down criminals, the police would allow you to go free but still allow you to continue to do criminal activities.
  11. Why didn't they just take some of Jesse's DNA if they wanted the right combination.
  12. What a steaming pile of garbage!
  13. I don't understand why it is OK for Doc to be flirting so hard with Wynonna when he hasn't told her 1) he is sleeping with another woman who 2) is his wife and less importantly, she is a vampire. Why is Zoie Palmer on the show, is she supposed to be the demon?
  14. Like another Elementary episode this season:
  15. Or maybe not, Sam was having trouble finding a show that would back/???insure??? her. If she would show how stable and reliable she is on this show, she wouldn't have that problem when getting work afterwards. I watched the show on the ABC website, it is going to air around 2:45 am tonight so I will DVR it.
  16. Not sure if he had OCD, I am remembering he seemed to have Agoraphobia, a fear or panic attack from going outside. Unless we are talking about different characters. Is Agoraphobia a form of OCD?
  17. The forum talk for the TV show Salvation. http://forums.previously.tv/forum/3251-salvation/ A show about an asteroid about to collide with earth, but every TV cliche every made has been thrown into the show, so debate and speculation is running rampant. Not a great show, but the people discussing it are heavily invested in the outcome. The show is in the middle of it's second season.
  18. Not funny, all the curse words they used that had to be bleeped out. Not funny, Anne laughing at inappropriate times.
  19. The Salvation thread is nothing but speculation. As long as you didn't read some spoilers I think it is ok to let your imagination run wild.
  20. I was wondering if it could fix some problems like stuttering or OCD (instead of doing 5 times it changes the 5 to a 1) by rewiring the brain slightly.
  21. Had time to sleep on it and I think Mara is repressing another trauma because that thing reminds me of the thing she had sex with in her apartment. I am guessing this repressed memory will be much worst than the other one, maybe her lifelong desire to help people is a penance from this misdeed. There is also possibilities that the Reverie program might find flaws in the human psyche and bring them to the forefront. What would Reverie do with people with mental disorders like Bipolar, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, Multiple Personalities, Psychopathy, Sociopathy, or Narcissism.
  22. Ray, Mara's brother-in-law (seemed to have died while in Reverie?), maybe his consciousness jumped into Mara's body leaving Mara trapped in Reverie.
  23. I don't blame Alexis for the death of her brother Dylan, I blame whoever designed the shed with a little door that is 10 feet off the the ground. Maybe it was a reproduction of an actual barn that has a hayloft? Anyway, why would the lock be on the outside and not inside of the shed. So Oliver uploaded himself into Reverie and I guess as long as he is alive he will stay in there. I wonder if that thing that looks like an evil Mara is Oliver or something else. I wonder why the thermite didn't seem to do much damage? I could see that happening if they were breaking the lines of thermite as they were sweeping the room for Oliver.
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