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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Just wanted to point out in the opening credits that right before the changing shapes reveal a human face (which I am assuming is Julian), they show something that looks like bull's horns.
  2. They should have spent more time explaining how and why "The Purge" came about. It looks like they are going to spend most of their time focused on 3 groups of people. It might have been nice to show how this is perceived and affects people of different socioeconomic status (rich, middle class, poor, homeless).
  3. I see in the previews that Michael is chasing Watson around the Brownstone. It would be funny if for a change Watson wakes up Sherlock from a deep sleep and says "I've handled your little Michael problem".
  4. I thought a lot of the Q17 were from Russia and China. Liam don't be alone in a room with Grace "Love The One Your With" Barrows or it's "Cougar Time".
  5. Since when does having the blueprints of a rail gun give you enough information to allow you to override it's software programming and cause a meltdown. They should let everybody in the world know that it was Bass that destroyed the rail gun so that every time somebody sees him they can punch him in the face.
  6. So Darius is going to fly the rocket to crash into the asteroid and save the world. Good thing his Vice President is an astronaut, he can be Darius' "wing man".
  7. Sylvia Kozar was played by Siobhan Fallon Hogan who also played Leslie in the movie "Only You".
  8. So are you saying that Q17 wants the asteroid to hit earth? Grace in the arms of another man at the end of the episode. I am guessing the whichever guy is alive at the end is the one Grace will choose to be with.
  9. I don't like Sherlock's new girlfriend, it will be OK if Michael kills her.
  10. How can you hate her, she lets cats sleep in her butt crack?
  11. The show probably thought they needed someone with supernatural muscle that could fight monsters toe to toe. They had Dolls for that job. There are not a lot of monsters you can kill by being sassy.
  12. If you really need to know: SYFY website: Sneak Peek, Season 4, Episode 8 https://www.syfy.com/killjoys/videos/sneak-peek-season-4-episode-8 Funny you should say that, because I thought that "I love you." at the end of the message for D'avin wasn't for D'avin, but for Dutch.
  13. Unless "Beacon dude" was the the person in the hood (the one Julian keeps drawing) that Julian said came into his room and scared him. Julian says he is real and Vera says he is a nightmare.
  14. Stolen from this article: http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/feature/a864341/disenchantment-season-2-release-date-cast-trailer-spoilers/ When Netflix announced the show, they ordered 20 episodes and the first batch of 10 episodes arrived on August 17, 2018 as "Part 1". The characters from Futurama appear in Disenchantment: http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/news/a864377/futurama-easter-egg-disenchantment/
  15. Is far as I could tell, Eddie vouching for the kid was real, but before Eddie found out that the kid's father was the one that stole the drugs.
  16. I wonder how old they are going to make Julian the Angel look. There has been at least a 25 year gap since they have seen each other. I am guessing they are saying that the Angel connected with mama Earp on a spiritual level, so her physical appearance now shouldn't made any difference. Do angels age, can they change their appearance.
  17. I liked the alien abduction story, but they had to do a lot of hand waving to make it work, like that the guy spent millions of dollars to do the hoax and he worked in advanced weapons research to get the light that knocked people out. What is wrong with Eddie, vouching for that kid with the loan shark. That kid's father is a drug smuggler and should be put in jail. How will he ever pay back the loan now.
  18. I don't see it as that weird since the mom didn't kick Marin out, Marin chose to leave. The mother probably knew where she was and probably would have taken her back if Marin appreciates the things that she does for her. Over time, she knew that Marin wasn't coming back home so she saved some of her personal items in case Marin wanted them (not much, one copy paper box worth can sit in the back of a closet forever) and converted the room to her needs.
  19. We have only one character that crosses over from Season One and they really toned down his personality. This is original plot and doesn't had to mirror what the author wrote. The storyline is much more coherent than Season One's.
  20. I am sure it is all supernatural jibberish or even worst a fever dream of a man in a coma.
  21. I can't even remember now WHERE the storage unit was.... Canada Where did the book that Marin had underlined come from? Marin's mom Speaking of Marin's mom... is she just a garden variety bad mother, or will there be more to her story? Marin's mom said Marin was flirting with her boyfriend. Marin's mom doesn't need the competition. Marin doesn't seem to take criticism very well so she might be overreacting to what her mom says. Then again her mom didn't try to get her from the cult when she left. Or have they mentioned that they are vegetarians? Julian says he is a vegetarian.
  22. The only thing I can think of is there are a faction of the cult that want Julian to be sacrificed for their sins and the others don't. There is also Purple Lake where all the bodies are buried, maybe they (people who want investigation wrapped up quickly) don't want it's location to be revealed, and how many/who is in there to be discovered.
  23. Did I miss something? I don't think Julian's father has been identified. Agreed on all points. The actors are what's holding this thing together. I continue to love Bill Pullman as well. (Ok, and all the others too) :) Interesting point about Marin naming those who are to be offered up. Vera and Dr. Jeffries (The Beacon) were discussing that Dr. Jeffries got Marin pregnant and Vera wanted to get Marin an abortion, Dr. Jeffries said Marin should keep it. Then Dr. Jeffries asked Vera if Marin had thought up a name for the baby. Vera was the one who thought up the name for the calf.
  24. Yes, I meant Dr. Jeffries (The Beacon), not Dr. Poole. And the worst part was I corrected somebody earlier for making the same mistake. I was more interested in which cult leader used the hypnosis tool first, Dr. Jeffries or Vera.
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