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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. No love for the Glassy segment, hours/days driving all over America. when an hour worth of phone calls could have accomplished the same thing. Glassy should have been apologizing to that wonderful hospital cafeteria worker he was dating for a hot second instead of some rando from 50 years ago.
  2. I was a little disappointed that the mother and daughter were in the same car accident. The daughter gets lots of medical treatment, while nobody even looks twice at the mother. Who did the mother's initial treatment and why didn't anyone do a follow up. The mother was walking around with open wounds and wearing the same bloody clothes for most of the episode.
  3. Amy has gotten really big over these last 4 episodes, I am just going to pretend it is because she has been injected with the virus.
  4. The guy on the base said that a lot of people seemed to just disappear. That aircraft might be one explanation.
  5. Veronica is so low class, "Smither's get your bus driver cap." Doesn't she know it's a chauffeur's cap. I guess it's time for Archie to start dating Josie. I am surprised that Cheryl's mom comes home at all considering that Cheryl and Toni are shacking up, she could just stay at the Five Seasons. I am surprised Cheryl's mom hate's lesbians so much considering how much she hates men and she runs a dominatrix/brothel. I am sure one of her clients must have asked for a session with more than one woman. They didn't say where they got the fake Minetta body. Maybe from the coroner, he probably made enough to retire on this week. Does Hal know about the person that Chip and Alice killed? Edgar Evernever certainly does. I guess Hal really did kill Chip. Archie has plans to become a boxer, his name can be Archie "Red Bull" Andrews.
  6. I think the poison master was saying the school was originally created for "disrupting the status quo and bringing down the corrupt wealthy caste.", but instead the school maintains the status quo, because the only students that graduate are the ones who's families are already in power, so the school actually is doing the opposite of what it was originally created for. The poison master wants the "rats" to be successful because they are the ones that would actually challenge those already in power, instead of the "legacies" that would maintain the status quo. I think the poison master reached Master Lin and Master Lin will now allow the "rats" the opportunity to do what the school was originally created to do.
  7. It is his eyes, they are very droopy. Why would they need to search for contraband, everybody who was there has been there since the day they were born, they have no contact with the outside world.
  8. But Lea told Shaun that her boyfriend was coming over tonight and all 3 of them were going to watch a movie. Shaun went out of his way to try to make that a pleasant experience for all of them. Lea was in the wrong.
  9. I was hoping the board would take some disciplinary action against Dr. Melendez this episode.
  10. I was thinking that Jenn might have saved Khalil's life and then they threw him into a pod. Maybe they faked Khalil's death to throw off Tobias. This show always kills the characters I like (good and bad) and leaves the ones I can't stand. I am getting tired of waiting for them to bring back the black Nigthcrawler (I am not racist, but I like to refer to him as the "Black as Nigthcrawler") character they showed several episodes ago in the bar. Here is a weird thought, maybe Gambi called him and he is a good guy. This might counter the 4 new bad guys Tobias just unearthed.
  11. My favorite part was when Mr. Morales steals Effie's soul and then drags her out by her leg. I was hoping Mr. Morales had thrown Effie's body in a dumpster and when Effie comes back in, she has french fries in her hair.
  12. Who finds out that there are deadly spiders in your house and doesn't call the exterminators?
  13. I'm confused. Did you mean Ed would lie to the rulers of Reger 2 (pretend the Union was going to use the Gilliacs as Guinea pigs) to get the Gilliacs released and taken off the planet to be resettled? They'd have to get massive amounts of therapy; how would that work? And then what about future Gilliacs born on the planet? I mean take all the Gilliacs off the planet. It probably wouldn't be that many people since the planet does it's best to keep that population as low as possible. The Oriville can take them to different bases where they can be studied, live, or work or be ambassadors for the Reger 2 planet. Taken to different planets to colonize (The planet Ed and Teleya crash landed on last week looked like it could use some people), almost any life is better than being locked up from the time you are a baby till the time you die. Kelly and Bortus would be included in the release. Reger 2 would benefit by having the financial burden of taking care of all those prisoners removed and you would be doing a good thing by releasing people who have been unjustly imprisioned. Another thing I was thinking the Orville could do was block their view of the stars some way. Losing one star was a traumatic event, losing the ability to see any stars might be devastating, a way to force Reger 2 to release the prisoners in order to get their celestial view back.
  14. I didn't like that Kelly and Bortus killed all those Reger 2fers. That should have been something that the Planet and the Planetary/Galactic Union would not have hand waved away. To get Kelly and Bortus back, I would have offered to take all the Gilliacs off of the planet to save Reger 2fers the trouble of guarding, housing, and feeding them. The Gilliacs could be distributed as laboratory test subjects to learn about Reger 2 physiology, to go with all the literature that was collected.
  15. I thought she worked for the "military", the same organization that took the suicide scientist's body and held Donna captive. Missed funny scene, they should have put one of the mermaids in the ugly dress Ryn was trying to get the man to buy.
  16. Prediction for next episode: Dean gets locked in the box. Dean thinks of another way to defeat Michael. Dean tries to text Sam his idea, but nothing can get out of the box, not even cell phone signals.
  17. Can they make Fallon's dresses any shorter? Who is that in bed next to Sammy Jo when Steven called, never mind, I know who it was. Where is the baby, they were kind of acting like they didn't get him back last episode.
  18. I thought it looked more like one of his fingers was broken or deformed.
  19. My prediction: The two girls killed Rosa (run over by car?) and Rosa pushes Max out of the way to keep him from dying as well. Max's powers going off causes the two girls to crash. Max tries to save Rosa and fails. The Government covers up what really happened, since they believe aliens are involved.
  20. I want to see Reed hold Lauren's hand and Reed becomes a battery while Lauren throws destructo-discs.
  21. This show is hilarious, if events are happening the way they are depicting by next week they should be abducted and the week after they will be having dinner with aliens. All the time having to write reports saying that aliens don't exist. There wasn't much color back in the olden times. Surprised nobody has said a word about Television.
  22. Saves the cost of electricity! This requires night vision cameras instead of regular cameras with better visuals. What about the cost of batteries for flashlights, what about endangering the guards as they fumble around in dark corridors and poorly lit rooms, getting eyestrain trying to see bad guys lurking in the shadows, while hearing things that go bump in the night.
  23. This really bothered me that she lived in Star City yet doesn't have any paper trail, didn't Emiko go to school or did she spend all her time practicing archery. The other thing that bothered me was the Security Guards were doing their rounds carrying flashlights, inside of a building! Don't make your building so dark that the security guards can't see what they are guarding or if anybody else is in the building. Do indoor security guards really walk around patrolling with flashlights?
  24. Who would have thought that staying up for 24 hours straight would make you look like you smoked crack for 10 years!
  25. You have to remember there is a deadly virus (Avian Flu) ravaging parts of Asia, that has a high mortality rate. They are trying to find a vaccine before this deadly disease reaches America. Yes the doctor started the research to save his wife, but they continue to try to save the world. This makes me wonder why they are only testing on 1 child instead of several. I guess I don't have any morals, I would put so many "kids in cages".
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