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Irate Panda

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Everything posted by Irate Panda

  1. Terra instigated the Matt/Briana thing because she didn't want the women ganging up on her. I wonder why Terra? You mean it doesn't feel good to have everyone screaming at you. Trifling bitch. Here's a thought if you don't want people making up fake injuries stop throwing real things at them. Matt cheated....and in other news water is wet. Nothing is shocking about this. Hell Terra could have had a picture of a moose in drag on her phone as Matts latest gal pal and it still wouldn't be shocking. Who cares? Brianna ain't leaving his ass. The one thing, probably the only thing, I believe Matt about in that whole scene is he does most, if not all, of the things around the house or with the kids. One because Brianna physically can't, two is depressed, three is too busy singing, modeling, noveling in her mind. I think she plays fantasy land all day to escape from the shit show that is her life. Note to Matt : since you do everything" double up" on the laundry wash time or throw Brianna in the bathroom sink and give her a good bathing so Tonya's money pit of a scheme ACTIVEWEAR/shirts come back smelling fresh. I mean if the boyfriend on my 600lb life can squirt his girlfriend down on the front porch with a garden hose it's the least you can do for Brianna. Joe continue to roll your drunken skeevy ass into a ball behind the pillow in hopes that we will never see you again. You know damn well if Elena gave you half a chance you would have dropped that garbage sack of shit you now call your wife. The only times you made any sense were when you said they treat Briana like a punching bag and you were scared of Terra. Tonya always being Terra's doormat but has no problem raging on people for stupid things such as having a one second interaction with Trevore at a party 85 years ago or someone's LP "modeling" on a different continent. Tonya expects Kerwin to buy a 3 carat diamond? Bitch please you should feel lucky if he can buy you a carrot(yes the edible kind), weren't you just complaining the last episode how you're the breadwinner and frankly it seems like he's waiting on his social security check and mine as well do it in sunny LA with the show footing the bill. Hell, I don't blame him. Elena-- When's this paycheck gonna clear? I got a mortgage now. These bitches talk about my 'green card' marriage and if it's real with the 'losers r us brigade' they're pulling in as husbands. Christy- Terra's a bitch and every time the gang sets out to prove it (TM Scooby Doo) that damn Terra gots to be pullin Matt into shit...deflecting heifer (TM Tonya) Todd- 50 pounds down and losing. Christy better step up her game instead of wasting breath on Terra. Yes one partner can be heavier than the other but not after that party has berated the other on national tv for years for being a butterball. Before you know it Todd will be working on his Tinder profile. Of course half his replies will probably come from Matt. Jasmine- Another trying to get that paycheck with a dash of "gonna make sure Lifetime knows I'm camera ready and worthy of a spin off" Chris-. I wish I stayed home with Preston. I ❤️ Preston. Preston- I think this episode officially proves I am the smartest person on this show.
  2. Where do I even begin. Terra has officially lost her mind/needs to keep the lifetime paycheck rolling in. Joe says twice he's afraid of Terra. Brianna probably still stinks but this week nobody cares. Preston has a real job that's probably why he couldn't go. Even Tonya couldn't explain Terra's insanity. Matt is presumably trolling hotel bars for (fill in the blank as anything is possible). Little anythingbutFierce Mama pretends to grow a backbone but will probably accept whatever Matts excuse is.
  3. Elena is over all of it just there to pay for the new house. Jasmine stirring up trouble trying to keep that paycheck. Terra acting like an even bigger ass than normal because she depends on the rest of these nitwits to make money because I doubt she's making millions off her musical video of Tonya dressed up as a crab. Christie's just happy to still be getting a paycheck since Terra tried to ice her out last year. Brianna's a damn fool who puts up with EVERYTHING! I would say it's all for the paycheck but she put up with Matt for free so who knows? If Brianna is Jasmine's chihuahua, Im not sure what that makes Tonya to Terra because the only time she truly gets pissy with Terra is when Terra dare question Tonya's overpriced, understocked, money pit of an ACTIVEWEAR line. On a side note every time I see Jasmine's husband he looks like he's ready to break out in laughter at the sheer stupidity of these storylines. Joe looks completely dishelved and like he's ready to topple over at any moment. I'm waiting for Todd to shed all his weight and start telling Christie she's the butterball now, Prestons probably thinking can't wait for these cameras to leave so he can go back to talking about trains with Chris. Kerwin's probably wondering why he left Texas and why Tonya keeps wasting time on flea market ACTIVEWEAR when she could be making him shake n bake porkchops. Matt's probably just happy his perversion has taken a backseat to Brianna's hygiene as their storyline.
  4. I didn't really believe it when Terra said it because well it's Terra and Tonya is always going to agree with Terra unless it involves the logo for her ACTIVEWEAR! It was Jasmine saying it that I thought it was probably true but I agree it might have more to do with the laundry. How the heck does she gets the clothes out of the washing machine unless she has the front facing kind. Honestly, if it weren't this Terra would be griping about Brianna for something else until it was Christie's turn for Terra's wrath. Although I think it would take a lot more than BO to make Matt leave. Terra should spend more time worrying about Joe looking like he's going to topple over at any moment, but she's too busy airing other people's dirty laundry, literally and figuratively.
  5. She could get one of those bath tubs old people get with the little door and built in seat so you don't fall or even get a kiddie pool and have away at it....Good lord I spend way too much thinking about this show. If it as @Alapaki mentioned the sentence was muted/edited let's say she does shower I still give up because her showers are not working. I think Lifetime should pay us for our in depth analysis of this program. We clearly put more effort into it than the producers.
  6. Damn, that was basically a whole show about how Briana stinks and you know Terra reveled in it like a pig in slop. Now based on the edited conversation between Terra and a Jasmine it seems like at least one of them (Jasmine) tried to address it or hint at it but if Chelsea Handler (who I personally can't stand) is saying somebody/thing stinks in your group of friends Im pretty sure she's not sugar coating it. Originally, I thought if Brianna was depressed maybe she just stayed in bed and didn't bathe but if she pulls herself together to film or go on Chelsea lately wouldnt you jump in the shower before hand? Is there a medical issue that can cause an odor? Man, I'm grasping at straws like Brianna does career choices. I guess It's just one more example of Brianna's low self esteem, but I do feel bad it was broadcast on tv multiple times by her "friends". ETA was reading another board and apparently I missed the part where Briana said she doesn't shower because of her balance...<throws hands up> I got nothin'
  7. I thought it said ZoloftBob too :) for a couple of weeks
  8. God, these two are pretentious and insufferable. Oh...it's messy! Amy and Matt's situation is so messy! MESSY! MESSY! MESSY! Bitch, please! You know what's messy that rats nest on Jeremy's head! I skipped out on a lot of years at Roloff farms, but were these two this bad from the beginning of their relationship (well whenever they first came in tv)?
  9. I hate when Terra puts both her arms over her head and screams like a fool, I hate when she makes EVERYTHING about her, I hate when she does the cry/squeak/talk thing. Basically, I hate Terra.
  10. I'm no fan of Brichelle's hence my previous post but on the "trash" level I think she's fairly low down on the scale on this show not that that's saying much. Honestly, I think Brichelle is trying to be the Juicy of this show and go from "friend" on show to "full cast member". If we are talking pure "trash" level getting your own show Emily would be the clear winner ymmv.
  11. That's the same thing I thought! I have more chemistry with my mailman and trust me he's not making any kind of special deliveries.
  12. What was I thinking?? Of course MMA champion of the world! He also had the job "saving kids lives" ....sadly on that list I think fairy or unicorn are the jobs Briana are most qualified for
  13. After an all day marathon of LWLA (I know pathetic)I need to ask do any of the men on this show besides Preston have a job? I was left wondering after Tonya telling Kerwin she's was the provider. I thought maybe he was on some sort of disability since he seems to have trouble walking. Chris went to conductor school (no idea what it was actually called) but did he ever get assigned to a route? Todd seems barely able to move so he also might qualify for disability but I'm not sure what kind of work outside the home he could do besides maybe telemarketing. Joe is/was a drummer but is he able to go on the road with Terra missing so much although I don't see how he's able to physically take care of two kids so maybe they just have the nanny stay at home? Matt....well Matt is Matt. In the midst of my binge watching I caught the episode where Brittany season 3? was talking about the women dating her Dad and when she got to Briana she said I heard she was psycho. The next thing out of her mouth was I know who's crazy...I know who's smelly so I'm wondering if that was a dig at Briana after Terra and Tanya's trash talking about her the last episode.
  14. A BRAILLE CATALOG.....the only thing I can say is
  15. I know this post is literally 3 years old but I laughed so loud my dog came running in barking like someone was committing a crime. This is a perfect recap of that episode
  16. I know!!! I was like WTF??? They wanted to lighten your hair to make you look taller??? She could have at least said they wanted me to wear lifts in my shoes and I was offended by that so didn't do the show or when I got there it was clear they wanted to use me as a "joke" or any of the other 5 billion more plausible excuses in the world. I don't remember her being this bad before Matt. Honestly I don't remember much about Briana in the earlier seasons other than Todd supposedly being in love with her. I can only hope all these nitwit shenanigans she finds herself in are for the show. Does anybody know what Briana's job was before the show and I know this is probably a joke in itself but did Matt ever find a job or is it "taking care of Briana and the baby" in between texting people? I'm curious as to the salaries on this show besides Terra's are they enough to live on or do they make most of their money from appearances because aint nobody buying Little Boss activewear, makeup kits or any other crap they're shilling.
  17. Totally agree with you....So Briana the delusional twit model was surprised a photographer would airbrush her photos, isn't that pretty much the industry standard? I get maybe not the industrial-strength job they did on her but she can't honestly believe she's model pretty. Don't get me wrong I have zero chance of becoming a model which somehow is still better than Brianna's chances and I know she can't help the achon features but arent the majority of the people on these little women shows achondroplasia little people? I don't think any of them have jacked up faces but Brianna is like I've said facially challenged. I'm trying to figure out if producers are just trying to embarrass her not possible after Matt or she really thinks she's going to become a huge star? I guess she is willing to put up with it for a check but just when I feel bad for her because of the nationally televised BO stunt she turns around and does some other dumb shit now she's arguing about the word fierce. I know it's bad because I absolutely hate Terra...and almost by default take the other person's side but Briana is just trifling because she puts herself in these stupid scenarios. Now that I think about it maybe she really is depressed I guess that would explain the B.O. she just doesn't care. Her life is beyond screwed up. I know most of it is her own doing but....I can't even complete this post because I know she'll do something infuriating the next episode and I'll hate her again. Oh well I tried.
  18. I totally agree with your assessment about Namond's mom making Weebey (sp??) look damn near respectable and as far as I remember it's been a long time I don't think she was hooked on drugs or anything just plain old mean although I guess she'd could be diagnosed with some sort of mental disorder. Oh my little Kenard....I ain't gonna lie I giggled like a school girl when Michael beat his ass in season 4. My bf was like are you really laughing at 8 year old getting his ass kicked? I should have been embarrassed but i wasn't. I hated Kenard.
  19. Ok Caylea so you're friends are sitting on your side of the couch....well with friends like that who needs enemies and is she really fighting over Chase with Amanda?? Dude looks like he needs to be scrubbed with a Brillo pad and Clorox. Emily's still trash and Bri's still clueless. Dare we forget Lontell lounging on the bed telling Emily he didn't care about her, the baby or anything else without a barcode and a retail price when she was pregnant, Bri couldn't trap Wooda with one child so she thinks two is the winning combination. Yet these two (mostly Emily) act they are winning in life. Of course they aren't which is why a Emily is mean and Bri pathetic. Is Austin a loser? Of course!!!! Isn't that a requirement for the men on this show? Is Tiffany delusional about their relationship? Of course!!! Isn't that a requirement for the women on this show? The only acting Brichelle is going to be doing is on this show...no offense but her tongue is too big for her mouth and she seemingly has no upper teeth...you can't understand a word she says. Amanda no idea if she's a drunk.....although I'd think you'd want to be if you actually did sleep with Chase. she's a hard looking 20something year old. Hell I just want to take a bath looking at that guy. Amanda go back to smoking your medical marijuana and fake dating firemen or "ex-boyfriends". Asta...leave this show before you turn to trash too....probably too late but still. Terra go away! It should be mandatory that Kevin "When you confronted Monie about welfare fraud was it because you were worried about where your tax dollars were going?" Frazier host all Little Women reunions.
  20. So sad about Sully....he was by far one of the more respectable members of the Roloff family ??
  21. Elena giving zero f&cks to Terra during Terra's all-about-me apology---Brava! Tonya has an active wear line??? Really? When was this mentioned? I never would have known. I can't believe they just sprung this story line on us. Where did this "fashion show" take place? The food court of the local mall? Briana is funky...Geez...is there anyway left to embarrass this woman? Married to a pervert? Check. Struggle note bellowing "singing for Kerry/Berry/Terry or some random person with the last name Gordy"? Check Clomping around in Mom's high heels "sexy Maxim photo shoots"? Check. Failing at every other made up career she has mentioned on this show? Check. Facially challenged? Check. Smells so bad that her body odor would disintegrate clothing? Check. I can't even tear this woman down because there's nothing left. I'm done.
  22. Trash....trash...plain trash...where do I start? Isn't Terra being a belligerent jerk on one show enough? Now I have to suffer through seeing her on two? Terra started off her career bopping her booty around for Lil Wayne now she's so above it. Girl, please. The whole minibar is thing is stupid. The cast of this show probably makes up 90% of the LP population in Texas, but lets make the main focus a bar for LP?? Yes, the logo was ugly, but Emily thought it was great until Terra got there. I like Asta (well compared to the rest of the cast) but her art seems like something I used to do in middle school. Emily, I'm so tired of hearing about your trust fund. If you're so rich why don't you hire people who have real experience with marketing/pop ups/ logos/anything even remotely involved in making this successful? Oh yeah I forgot you're giving Asta 5% of nothing and the person who supposedly has bar experience (Asta's husband) is not involved because well you screwed him over (in this madeup plotline). Dumb...dumb...dumb. Tiffany and her deadbeat....I won't even comment on these two twits except to say the only thing I enjoyed was the bum's inquiring if Tiffany was going to pay for his Uber. He's a keeper! Bri and her codependent relationship with EVERYBODY. Five years later still chasing Wooda. No commitment unless he needs sex or promotion for his music on your corny show, although he at least seems involved in his child's life and the only one that doesn't seem completely miserable on the show. Although if I were getting free trips and maybe a little paycheck just to show up and do nothing I'd be smiling too. Bri's five years later still chasing Emily. No commitment unless she needs someone to hit Brichelle with a pizza pan. Bri, Emily is not your friend. Bodybuilder girl (how bad is this show I can barely remember anybody's names) and her story, which can be summed up as : Won't pee in a cup, does weed, almost killed Asta, broke her tooth in a fight, ex-"boyfriend" comes back to help her keep a spot on this show. Caylee/Cayleigh/however you spell it. Glad she seemingly got herself together. I'm sure it won't last long but just not sleeping with Wooda's bum friends is a 100000% improvement of her life. When Wooda is the most respectable man in the room, you're probably in a crappy room. Leave immediately and alone. Emily, I'm sorry she lost JJ, but she's just so unlikable and insufferable. She was mean and rude before JJ so I can't blame it on that. Never thought I'd say this but please bring back slow-talking Lontell just so I can remember while Emily is screwing over everyone it doesn't really matter since all the spoils will go to Lontell anyway and he still won't claim her. Emily stays losing and if this trust fund was so large why was she driving around in that busted up car when she was in Atlanta? When and where she did she get this money from? Also how many trust fund babies are professional twerkers? Can't believe I wrote professional twerker. Don't you shake your a$$ in dive bars for a nominal fee because you don't have money? Talk about hustling backwards. The whole thing is confusing. Best part of the finale was the producers shading almost everyone in their wrap-up summaries. Worst part of the finale- Well everything, but the entertainment at the "bar" opening was horrendous. When even Wooda doesn't want to be associated with this crapfest (yes I know it was just so they'd have a reason for Emily and Bri to get up there and make fools of themselves, but I like to pretend Wooda has some standards and refused to tarnish his image as a "serious" artist. Those performances made me wax poetically for the Hubba Bubba video of LWATL.
  23. This post made me register here. Every single comment is not only hilarious but completely on point.
  24. I watched the reunion. It was underwhelming at best, but I guess that could describe most of the season. Tal and Heather really served no purpose being there other than Buddy should be concerned with the faces Heather was making when the rent question came up rather than the host's actual question. YMMV but it doesn't seem like Heather and Buddy are together any more if they ever really were. I don't think the host asking Buddy about the rent was out of line since it was talked about on the show and supposedly a "huge" issue at the time between Buddy and Whitney. Buddy looks like a complete mess, the whole stomping off playing victim, was ridiculous. The other thing that made it more preposterous was him saying that Whitney owes him for internet. Of course, Whitney's such a great friend that she doesn't answer (which basically is answering) when the host ask if Buddy is up-to-date on his rent. Not that I believe these people are actually living together, but geez these people are so nauseating. I feel bad for Roy. I feel bad for anyone who has to bear the brunt of Whitney or her minions. I'm glad he didn't kiss Whitney. It's bad enough he was forced to touch her butt that one episode. I'm glad Todd and Maney got a few digs in at Whitney. It must be exhausting to be her friend in real life. I know the TLC check makes it a lot easier, but it's really creepy the way she seemingly clings to even the most inconsequential interactions as people flirting/wanting/being in love with her. Todd said it best where she just takes affection wherever she can get it. I'd love to know what the other people on the show really think of her. This show should be called My Big Fat Delusional Life because besides whatever money she's making off this I don't see one thing fabulous about her or her life.
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