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Irate Panda

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Everything posted by Irate Panda

  1. Somebody get me a beer Like what? An all-you-can-eat buffet?
  2. I thought the Keiko thing was going to be bigger part of the story like they would run into her or something and hijinks ensue. I’m not sure why they even brought her up.
  3. I have a serious question, do you think you can get to a point where you are so big you reallly either can’t stand to have clothes on or is “painful” in some way. I honestly have no idea what Whitney weighs I’m so bad at that, it could be 350lbs, could be 550lbs....I’m personally guessing it’s around 400. On the 600lb show a lot of those people just wear a sheet, now granted they are in their homes not a bridal gown store, but can one get so large that clothes really do make you miserable? I’m a little chubby maybe 20-25lbs overweight and I love ripping my bra off (sorry tmi) at the end of the day(granted it’s in my home and not the middle of a parking lot). Meaning comparatively speaking my chest is large and heavy compared to the rest of me, but the undergarments are confining and make miserable, however they are a necessary evil. I do think Whitney does things for shock value or is an exhibitionist (having your potential boss rub your body during an interview as your other two potential bosses watch) but do you think being whatever weight she is, the clothes feel confining (sort of like a sausage casing). I am looking at the photo of her in the bikini sitting on the beach and it just looks so uncomfortable and miserable. I’m definitely not condoning stripping at your local store, I mean she is an adult (sorta), but just trying to see if there’s more than this shock value thing to Whitney. I really wish we knew what she was like before she gained the weight, was she doing these things when she was a average weight? I’d be very interested in a non barnacle telling us about Whitney before MBFFL.
  4. Despite watching the show, I truly thought this would be an exaggeration. (Why I would think that I have no idea) of course, I was wrong, it was really and I hate to use this word, but pathetic, and for once I’m not going to put the full blame on Whitney. I don’t understand why her trainers are setting her up with these ridiculous activities, especially for someone who hates to exercise. If this was filmed for the show to inspire then it was a fail, if it was filmed to embarrass then it was a success. I agree if I were looking for a trainer this wouldn’t be someone I’d choose because she doesnt seem able to recognize her clients’ abilities or form. I’m sure the trainer is a nice enough woman and maybe is fine at training people already in shape but for the life of me I can’t figure out how Whitney jumping two inches on a box and Glenn looking like he’d rather be anywhere else doing anything else puts your company in a positive light.
  5. I agree in the pantyhose/pool scene a few seasons ago Bab’s legs were quite large, I think she carries most of her weight in her hips. I don’t mean this in a derogatory manner, I think she’s a pretty lady, physically. I do think some of the comments she makes are suspect.
  6. I do think Whitney seems “smaller” in some of the “exercise” videos....not a lot and it could be the angle but it seems like she could have lost a few pounds
  7. I’m all for encouraging any movement when trying to start your weight loss journey but these really didn’t need to be video taped. The left hand portion is extremely telling in Whitney’s delusion of her physical abilities. It seems like Glenn is killing himself to get Whitney to do any sort of physical activity. She needs to do real water aerobics and swimming and plan old walking until she gets to a more reasonable weight. Jumping 2 inches on a box doesn’t seem particularly helpful since I doubt she could do it for any real length of time.
  8. Whitney is posting about the 2018 NOBS Cruise I might have asked before (but couldn’t find if I did) but are cruises like this mixed with NO BS Cruise customers or are “celebrity” cruises totally separate ships? If they are combined, do they section off the cruise ship or do you The NOBS People just go to special events for the members? The reason I ask is if you were just a regular cruise goer and Whitney comes to dinner in a sports bra and tented skirt do you choke on your Braised short rib or ask for the exact Torrid item id number so you can copy “the look” later on during the cruise? Actually, I’m asking because we are looking to go on a cruise this year and if I somehow managed to accidentally book this my husband would swear I did it on purpose, which I would, except I know he would miserable. Also, has Whitney had these cruises since the season one? I do wonder if the show players behave the same on the cruises as on the show. Does a cruise in November mean we are going to get a Season 6?
  9. Or Hunter doesn’t want his friends around Whitney.
  10. LOL It was originally a typo but then I left it thinking, well this is still accurate, and I wonder if anybody will notice LOL!
  11. I swear Todd secretly (or not so secretly hates her) don’t get me wrong I think he hangs around and talks shit with her and pumps her big head up and then immediately runs to the next person to tell them how delusional and pathetic Big Whit is. I dont know what happened to Twitney but it sure the hell isnt PCOS. She’s a complete mess at everything. I mean your mother has to shave your legs, your fiend has to tie your shoes, you get an award because you lift your leg 3 inches off the ground. I think there’s some real schadenfreude with these high school friends of her. I mean unless Glenn was paying these people (which maybe he could considering he could afford 27 math tutors) to go on trips with her or hang out I can’t imagine most people wanting to do so before the show (and barely after having the show). Again, not because of her weight, but because she’s an asshole. You can’t tell me Todd wasn’t full of glee at Whitney’s tragic back roll. I bet he re-enacted for his family and friends when he got home.
  12. I know this bunch aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but I find it hard to believe Heather didn’t know or at least have an idea what was going on unless this is a fake relationship or the broke up way longer then they are letting on. The only other thing I can think of is I don’t know Heather’s custody situation, but maybe her claiming to have no idea what was going on during the episode is so her ex can’t claim she knowingly had a drug addict around her kids...although it does portray her as incredibly stupid since we have all been saying Buddy has a problem. Does anyone know how long these seasons tape for because I don’t understand how these fools have so much time to be at Shitneys beck n call. Also since Buddys parents and friend appear in this episode do they get compensated? As far as the reunion, I was more disgusted how Buddy treated the host and thought back then he was on drugs or drunk....he has a nasty side if you ask me ymmv.
  13. Sorry I watch it on the TLC app through my cable provider but see now it got posted @Dot Sorry I just saw this
  14. I see Glenn let Whitney win again lol. As far as Donna goes I will say, I’m not tiny, in fact chubby, but I can run unusually fast for my size. I played female rugby and lacrosse in my teens and mid 20s and I always had more stamina and was faster than my skinnier teammates. Also, it could be Donna was running from a Twitney that make anyone pick up the pace. eta: I was looking at their number Glenn actually beat Whitney this time lol
  15. Executive Producer...I believe Terra created or at least helped create the LW show idea
  16. I think it’s just her hand is blurry in front of her chest unless I’m looking at the wrong place. God knows I wouldn’t inflect Whitney’s exhibitionism on us.
  17. TLC proudly presents the inspirational story : Whitney Way Thore’s Road To Arabesque 1. NAILS IT in practice! 2. Immediately hurts herself 3. Grace personified 4. WOWS the audience 5. Gets an award An inspirational story that will be passed down through the generations. Fail miserably, win an award.
  18. I apologize to you, Ketzel. After seeing this video, I actually scream out loud “That can’t be the same fucking move!” Poor Ketzel must be getting the episodes confused. I actually insisted I go to the TLC app, which I was too lazy to do before I asked this question, because I had to find out what that move was called because Whitney even in all her fuckedupness can’t possibly think in her own words “I executed the move twice”. I was actually giving her the benefit of the doubt, and said she lifted her foot 3 inches off the ground when most of the time she drug her toe across the floor. I rewound it 3 times screaming so loud my husband came in asking what was wrong...then looked at my iPad and said “ Oh the 600 lb life show again” (he still doesn’t get this is a different show). I have ZERO dance training and have just executed several back rolls and an arabesque wherein in my second foot at least left the ground....maybe not 180 degrees...maybe not 120 maybe not even 90 but damn sure more than 1 degree. I’m outraged...I told myself I was going to stop getting riled up about this show. I can’t even imagine if you are an actual professional dancer and this woman claims to be one and compares herself to you. I’d be totally pissed. I’m pissed and my dance career consists of the 3 backward rolls and a half assed arabesque I just performed in my living room. “Whitney Thore: So she thinks she can dance— SHE IS WRONG”. Thank you @Ketzel for once again proving Whitney is delusional.
  19. I am really bad at guessing peoples ages and weights but I thought she was maybe around 480 now. I was just wondering because I was watching her trying to do the backward roll in season 3 and she couldn’t do it I’m guessing because of her stomach and she seemed a lot smaller then...btw for those with dance experience...because Whitney can’t do the backward roll she does the other move during the lyrical dance. Does anyone know what this move is called so I can look it up because it literally looks like she is just sticking her foot 3 inches up in the air. I’m not understanding how this is a complicated move, but I’m sure it might be if anyone else were doing it,so I wanted to see on YouTube.
  20. I didn’t mind the antics between Jasmine and Elena since it’s a storyline most likely fighting who is the “cute blonde”, The Tonya thing seemed dumb because the fight was because Jasmine talked over Tonya presumably at a party a year before and talked to Trevore (a known bum) on Facebook? Wasn’t Jasmine happily married why would she be entertaining that nitwit Trevore. It was also a made up storyline just a really poor one. Preston and Chris have been the only ones regularly shown to be decent human beings. Jasmine is for the most part and when she isn’t, it seems like she playing a role. Elena I merely like because she gets under Terra’s skin most effectively.
  21. I’m confused I’m rewatching season 3 (I know preposterous) when Whitney is talking about Heather starting to date that Buddy is her ex-boyfriend...I thought they never dated she just had a crush on him. Did they date or is this a whitneyism of rewriting history?
  22. I’m guessing it’s a storyline for the show...there’s pics of the father on Ashley’s FB page so I’m assuming they’re still together.
  23. Whitney’s parents still treat her like she’s three hence the bribery to Hawaii and Whitney making Buddy’s issue and Ashley preganancy more about her than them. Whitney is stunted and that extends to her language. Sometimes something traumatic happens to someone and they are stuck at that age. I’m not saying that happened to Whitney necessarily because I do think she’s been coddled by her parents her whole life which has stuck her in this infantile state.
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