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Everything posted by Snapdragon

  1. So if I'm to understand this past week's episode, the Goldbergs (a Jewish family), have absolutely no experience with bigotry, prejudice or racism. Also, during the eight years that Adam has been friends with Dave Kim, they've never had one conversation where race came up. Added to that, Adam didn't even know that racism still existed because apparently his school curriculum has never included one book dealing with racism, nor did he ever watch one of the many "special episodes" in the 80s that was dedicated to it. 🙄 Okay, then.
  2. I'm assuming the "teenage Kate is pregnant" storyline ends with her getting an abortion because the alternative is that Kate gives the baby up for adoption, that baby grows up and ends up getting pregnant at 20 and decides to give that baby up for adoption and Kate ends up adopting her own grandkid. You know this show would do it!
  3. That entire episode just made Amy look so bad. It makes no sense that she'd be opposed to marrying Jonah since they were living together and she was having him act as a parent to her toddler. I get someone not wanting a a serious, committed relationship after they'd just gotten divorced (and had been married young) but then they wouldn't have done any of the aforementioned if that were the case. I get that the writers were in a bind since they'd built up the Jonah/Amy relationship over the past few years and then America blindsided them with her departure announcement but they should have been able to figure out some other reason for breaking them up (someone up thread mentioned them disagreeing on having more kids and I think that would have worked so much better). To have Amy act like it was crazy that Jonah was thinking of marriage after they'd been living and raising a child together and were supposed to be moving across country together (for her career) just makes her seem like a selfish a-hole. Ugh. The only part of the episode that really worked was Glenn and Amy saying goodbye. That was very sweet and the emotions in that scene actually felt sincere and earned.
  4. I love that Ruby was reading "Hmmph" magazine.
  5. Brad Paisley and his wife were donating money to the charity (food bank?) that Joy wanted people to donate to for her birthday. They didn't show them or anything, Joy just mentioned it as they were closing out the segment.
  6. That was by far the best episode of the season so far. I'm guessing that Homelander is setting Stormfront up, right? Making her think that they're cool just so that he can expose her as a Nazi and take her out, thus re-establishing himself as America's hero. That's my guess, anyway. And I know he's a homicidal maniac, but I did feel a little bad for him when he'd gone to the effort to get Stormfront those flowers and she ditched out on him to run off to her "meeting". And has Starlight killed anyone before? I can't remember if she did last season or not but my only gripe with this episode was that she seemed way too cool about murdering that guy.
  7. Thank you! I knew he couldn't be saying Tara but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what he was actually trying to say. My best guess was Taron. I thought this episode was good overall, though I could have done without seeing the guy's face being peeled off. That was just gross and unnecessary. Not sure where the Stormfront/Homelander plotline is going but I'm interested to see how it plays out.
  8. I can buy Robbie and Miguel fighting. There's jealousy with both of them over Johnny and his attention, which isn't anyone's fault, it's just the situation. Then you throw in Robbie finding out that Miguel kissed his girlfriend, which would cause a lot of people (especially teenagers) to fight. So I can believe that they weren't trying to get involved with the girls' drama but once Robbie found out that Miguel kissed Sam, that would pretty much be straw that broke the camel's back in what was a very uneasy peace to begin with.
  9. Here's the thing. I'm pregnant right now with kiddo #3 and am about a month behind Meghan pregnancy wise. Being pregnant during this pandemic/quarantine has made the entire thing very surreal and honestly, this is the strangest pregnancy I've ever experienced. My doctor doesn't even touch me during most appointments and the appointments are way more spaced out than usual because they want to minimize contact. My husband has only been to one appointment with me and my older kids weren't able to attend any of my sonograms. We didn't share news of the pregnancy until well into the second trimester because we wanted to wait until this was all over to share (which of course ended up not happening) and honestly, there are some people that still don't know because I haven't seen or talked to them since all this began. I'm due next month and the only thing we've bought baby-wise are a bassinet and some bottles. With everything going on right now, it just feels weird to go out and shop and try to celebrate anything. And while mentally I know I'm having a baby soon, a lot of the time it just doesn't feel that way because everything's been so strange. So yeah, with my other two pregnancies, I could tune out a lot of stuff and just be in a happy little nesting bubble but with everything going on right now in the country, plus the fact that you're pretty much homebound and socially isolated due to the pandemic, that's just not the case this time around. So while I'm sure lots of people find Meghan's behavior strange, I can understand.
  10. To be fair, I don't think I've ever seen a show/movie that centered around teens that depicted high school in any type of realistic light. When I was in high school (back in the late 90s) I used to hate all the "teen shows" (Buffy, Dawson's Creek, etc) because they were so unrealistic. From how the kids talked, to the way they dressed, and all the stuff they were able to get away with (I mean, in both Clarissa and Dawson, you had characters who would prop ladders up to the side of the house and climb into the main character's bedroom on the regular. What parent would ever allow that?) So yeah, while it's completely unrealistic that Tory could have just barged into the PA control room, then just walk down the hall after threatening someone over the PA, I'll go with it because it's no more ridiculous than any other show about teens that's ever been made and far more enjoyable than most.
  11. The View really needs to get some better guests. Everybody they've had on this season so far has been terrible. I get that they want to be the "it" political show but come on. How many more crappy people promoting their crappy books do we need? I mean, I guess since people aren't out promoting movies/tv shows right now they don't have many options but sheesh, do a feel good story highlighting teachers or doctors or something. Sidenote, I actually liked Meghan's eye shadow but as a nighttime look. It's a bit much for the daytime but hey, it's not like there's a lot of nightlife going on right now so wear it when you can. (My poor make-up has been rotting away since March. Should probably start wearing some around the house before it all goes bad but I just can't muster the energy)
  12. This would be my guess. She's an actual Nazi who Vought brought over with him and is aging super slowly because of the V. Or the Vought company put her on ice (so to speak) and brought her back out when they needed a replacement in the Seven (and either didn't care about her Nazi ways or thought she'd be less Nazi-ish this time around?)
  13. I actually liked that episode most out of all the ones they've had this season so far. I prefer creepy Homelander to murdering Homelander. And speaking of Homelander, I guess he did rape Becca? Unless she's lying to Butcher? Because based on everything they said/showed last season, I really didn't think he'd raped her. I thought that she'd had a one afternoon stand with him, felt bad about it then disappeared since being pregnant with a superbaby wouldn't really work out with her married life with Butcher. Also, when Butcher confronted Homelander about it last season, he said it was consensual and I didn't see a reason why he'd lie about that since he enjoys sticking it to Butcher and it's not like he's going to get arrested or anything. Glad they got straight to the point about Stormfront being Liberty. I was worried they were going to drag that out for a few more episodes. Honestly, this season's been very sophmore slump for me so far. All the characters are just kind of spinning their wheels and not much seems to be actually happening.
  14. Honestly, both the election special and grandparent spin-off sound terrible. I like both Ruby and Pops as supporting characters but I can't see either carrying a show. You'd have to tone them done a lot to have those characters as leads and if you do that, then what's the point? I guess the point of the election special is to inform people about voting but if you haven't registered by this point to vote in one of the most contentious presidential elections this country's ever seen, is a sitcom episode really going to inspire you? Also, isn't Junior at least twenty? I know this would be his first presidential election but he would have been able to vote in local and state elections staring two years ago so why would this be his first time voting?
  15. No. That used to be the recommendation back in the day but nowadays it's fine to get your hair colored (the chemicals or procedures are different now or something) as long you're in a place with good ventilation.
  16. I think the reason they used Iron Eagle is that it's one of those movies that you probably won't know or appreciate unless you had been a kid/teenager in the 80s. I've never seen it but my husband (we were both born in the early 80s) was super excited when they showed it in the show since he had watched it several times as a kid. Something along the lines of Top Gun has fans that are more likely to span generations so it's not so much of a callback for original fans of the Karate Kid. Anyway, am I the only one who had to watch this series through twice (watched each season when it first came out, then just re-watched both seasons when Netflix added them) to realize that Robbie is probably supposed to be named after Bobby, the one "good" member of the original Cobra Kai? I was re-watching the episode with Bobby and Tommy and it all of a sudden clicked, "Ah, Johnny named his son after his least dickish friend. Makes sense."
  17. I don't get why they didn't do the Ladies Get Lit this summer. Are things a little different this year? Obviously but if they can still do View Your Deal segments, they could have taken five minutes to suggest some books. If anything, people have more time to read right now so some recommendations would have been appreciated.
  18. That was the very first thing they discussed, right after giving their condolences about Herman Cain. All of them said it was ridiculous and not something a president had the power to do, so discussion lasted about two minutes.
  19. I don't think having or not having an interest in baby books is a fair gauge of how interested someone is in having a baby. During my first pregnancy, I read maybe the first couple chapters of What To Expect When You're Expecting and that was it. Baby books never really interested me. I just listened to what my doctor said, went to breastfeeding and birthing classes, looked things up online and took advice from friends and family. Never had any issues beyond the normal ones that all first time parents face (ie, lack of sleep, etc). That being said, today's show was a mess. Meghan's rant about cancel culture was completely weird and off topic, the communication issues between the hosts seem to be getting worse (can none of them hear each other? The longer the quarantine, the worse the talking over one another) and Amy Schumer was the most boring/pointless guest.
  20. Ugh, hopefully Glascott and Mellor can go back to The Goldbergs. They'd be the only characters worth watching on that show at this point.
  21. Yeah, I'm pretty sure ABC just cancelled every show of theirs that I actually liked: Single Parents, Bless This Mess and Schooled.
  22. I took my dog to the groomers last month and honestly, it's a very low risk interaction. My groomers had a sign on the door that said only one patron in the lobby at a time so when I walked in, no one else was there, the woman who took my dog had gloves and a mask on and when I went to pick him up a few hours later, it was the same. So way less human interaction then you'd have at a grocery store. I'm guessing other dog groomers are assuming similar policies and not doing walk-ins right now, so you're only briefly interacting with one or two people tops.
  23. The second they announced that Jake and Amy were having a boy a few episodes back, I knew it was going to be named McClane. It was the only name that made sense. I am curious about the baby's middle name though. I'm guessing they're saving that for some comedic reveal later (probably after some super dorky thing Amy's into, like the inventor of binders). Overall, I think that was one of the show's better episodes and probably my favorite finale. I'm glad they didn't do a cliffhanger because if they're only going to be getting 13 episodes a season, I'd rather not have one or two of those taken up with resolving the previous season's finale. I am hoping that with Will & Grace ending that NBC will give this show the full season it deserves but I'm not going to hold my breath. Also, the Holt/Terry dance might be my new favorite moment from this show ever!
  24. I wish they'd just have Coach Mellor and Julie get married already. All the relationship drama they keep throwing their way is super annoying when you're dealing with two characters who are beyond grown. And Julie's character doesn't really add anything to the show so I'd be fine with her being Mellor's wife who's mostly just mentioned by Mellow every few episodes and shows up in person like, four times a year.
  25. I found it really weird that both Mixed-ish and Black-ish had episodes about flu shots on the same night. Is one of their sponsors a pharmaceutical company that makes the shot? Also, it's odd that in this episode, Rainbow presents her mother and aunt's fears about doctors as misguided but understandable whereas on Black-ish, when Ruby (who would be the same age as both of those characters) doesn't want the flu shot, Rainbow is all, "You're insane!"
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