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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. No one can convince me that Sawnya's behavior is solely the result of alcohol abuse. That wackadoodle has substance abuse issues that only her pharmacist street dealer can speak to.
  2. I realize that I am not in the same stratosphere as Ramona et al, but I am close in age, and I am so thankful that things like the "right" bag, etc., no longer mean a damn thing to me. There was a time when I spent ridiculous amounts of hard-earned resources on such things, but if aging has any rewards at all, one is that the chains of conspicuous consumerism are released, lol. But yes, beyond that, for her to request they pool their money so that she doesn't have to be assaulted with 60 less-than gifts, is really beyond the pale. In my area, there is a charitable organization made up of 100 women who meet (can't remember if it's monthly or quarterly) and donate $100 each time, pool the money and determine charities to benefit. It really does highlight how incredibly shallow she is. Over the top self involvement, while simultaneously displaying an incredible lack of self awareness.
  3. While I couldn't say for certain, it seems to me that when Adrian Maloof failed to show up for a RHOBH reunion (the year Brandy outed the fact that her children were born via surrogate), Andy was so po'd that he fired her. He or someone from the cast insinuated that she was contractually obligated. Since then, Bravo has tolerated a lot of shenanigans from others, Nene Leakes for example, so hard to say what they're bound to do.
  4. In honor of Mr. Brimley, the single best gif ever! (sound up)
  5. If what I read is true, it was a kiss on the cheek, not sure whose cheek. She always made a thing about her lipstick (which I found clownish, not that you asked), and I think this is much ado about nothing, other than to garner further attention. If her marriage couldn't survive a kiss on the cheek with basically a co-worker, than it wasn't long for the world anyway.
  6. While Sonja, Ramona, Luann, and Aviva may get a charge out of being mentioned in the same sentence as Tiger Woods, they shouldn't. Rachel Uchitel would not necessarily be one with which to have a common denominator.
  7. Part of my daily workout routine. Adds 1,000 steps minimum to my walking regimen.
  8. This is an absolute nothing burger interview, but I'll share simply because I spent the energy to read it, lol. naomie-olindo-breaks-silence-on-southern-charm-exit
  9. Anecdotally, my sister is sort of a helicopter mom, and imo, it is in response to and a result of the way we were raised, which was basically by unsympathetic, unsentimental people who were ill equipped to raise kids. They went through the motions, took care of the nuts & bolts, but that was it. My sis was determined to be super mom, which is hard to fault, but results in perhaps equally maladjusted people, just for different reasons. Not sure my neice ever heard the word "no" from either of her parents. Now, we would have to believe that there are a piss load of children of f*cked up parents out there, procreating, for this theory to hold water. With every passing day, this would seem a reasonable hunch.
  10. Blogs. I get it. It's the way that Mommy/Daddy/Joe - Jane Blow can monetize their ramblings while working from home. We should all be so lucky. I've discovered that whenever I happen across a recipe that interests me and it's from someone's blog, I first use the scroll bar to get to the 9th inning if you will, read the actual recipe (which is generally written in traditional form at the bottom of the page), and if I feel the need to torture myself by having to actually read the colorful (or not so) bits by the author, I will do so for additional info or context.
  11. Strangely perhaps, my two would rather be in the screened porch than in the house when the AC is on. They both, one more than the other, detest the AC, and when forced to be inside, will often burrow under blankets. One will even burrow under the towels I have on the screened porch furniture, in 90+ degree heat. I practically faint from heat prostration just watching them, lol.
  12. The fruit fly thing is a chronic problem for restaurants too. Maybe you could ask one near you to give you some advice. It's possible they use chemicals, which you may not want to use, dunno.
  13. In line with the licking of the fingers, can we just render obsolete, all of these candy/gumball/toy crane machines? I actually watched parents, this was maybe a month ago, smack in the height of the COVID outbreak, send their two small kids to a candy machine, filled with unwrapped candy, armed with quarters, hope, and bad decisions. Now you might be thinking that these things could be relatively untouched by human hands; au contraire! I personally witnessed a man (with what seemed to be filthy hands) enter an establishment to check/fill a peanut dispensing machine once. He removed the top, stuck in his arm up to the elbow, swish around the contents (you know, loosen things up), then proceed to fill same. Now I'm not a germaphobe as a rule (things will be different now I suspect), but I couldn't even form a sentence for an hour after I saw that, lol.
  14. I mowed the lawn in it yesterday, and about halfway through, began wondering if I should reconsider. I soldiered through, and was a limp dishrag for the remainder of the afternoon. ~first world problems~
  15. That's the thing about Dory, she sticks to her guns. No matter the reactions or push-back, she feels she's justified in her actions and statements. She has a total disconnect with awareness.
  16. This fool clearly suffers from a chronically chapped ass, and isn't afraid to show it, albeit deleting the scathing Tweets in every instance. Despicable. former-southern-charm-star-thomas-ravenel-calls-patricia-altschul-a-fame-whore
  17. As has been displayed all season, there is no low that's too low to go.
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