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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I have never, ever, in my 60 years on this marble, met a single person let alone several in a group that were so entirely self-obsessed about their own birthdays. Very unappealing to me.
  2. I sort of enjoyed Elise in the early episodes, but yeah, coming to this party to stir up trouble with Ramona isn't cool, even if it is what production wanted her to do. Ramona was not having it, again. She always runs away from trouble, especially if she bears some responsibility for it. Maybe if they were original clothing brands.
  3. I have to believe that Dorinda is watching this episode while curled up ...with a bottle of Mylanta.
  4. If Dorinda doesn't understand that this party wasn't going to be populated with 50-somethings dressed like Leona Helmsley, then well, she should be fired. Wait -
  5. I wouldn't miss Sawnya for a hot second, I would miss Ramona for about an hour. Of the three remaining "og's" of NY, I think Luann has positioned herself the best for going forward. She's rarely hateful, keeps her nose relatively clean on camera, and has done a really good job of character rehabilitation since the whole cop-threatening/marrying Tom debacle. I find the cabaret stuff annoying and laughable, but I still think there is a place for her. I could do without Leah for the most part. Start over Bravo, it was a good run.
  6. Just want to drop sincere best wishes to those in the path of the hurricanes. Hopefully you're only able to see this because you got out of harm's way, and are socked in somewhere safe, with power. Take care, be well, stay safe~
  7. Pet peeve - hurricanes! Just want to drop sincere best wishes to those in the path of the hurricanes. Hopefully, you're only able to see this because you got out of harm's way, and are socked in somewhere safe, with power. Take care, be well, stay safe~
  8. I really, really, hate that she calls the deck crew "the boys". It's as dismissive as grown women being called girls (depends on who says it and the circumstances). She has a double standard.
  9. It will be interesting to see what Ms. Medley does for income going forward. She's been living pretty well for the 9 years that Sir Richard has been gone, but it's impossible to know what kind of financial shape she's in. I can't imagine she joined RH for kicks. She's one of the few who never really had a serious product or business to promote, so she's either in very, very tall cotton, or she will be scrambling to replace this income.
  10. Glad she won't appear next season, I would bet the farm Bluestone Manor that she was canned, and no, this doesn't mean that Bethenny should return. Can we move on from BF? I'm relatively certain that in a city of eight plus million people, they can find another woman to fill a role in this shit show fine artistic vehicle.
  11. Just being his normal, correct him as many times as you wish, it won't affect his future pronunciations, self. And I love him more 'n butter.
  12. My husband, raised by a woman whose parents were both born in the country with the boot, yes, he does it, he says "Eyetalian". Ded. Every time.
  13. She did make reference to emulating the 'Yemen oil wars'... Most bizarre, out of character plot line I've seen in a good while.
  14. With few exceptions, this entire season made me mourn seasons 1 & 2. I won't be holding my breath for season 4. As someone ^ said, lazy writing ruled the day season.
  15. We humans tend to have a narrow window for what we consider "normal" don't we? Goldilocks syndrome. I know I'm guilty, especially when driving a car. Anyone driving faster than me is a maniac, those slower are idiots. George Carlin had a comedy routine about it, and nailed it.
  16. I am to a fault, one who wears my heart on my sleeve, and known to show my displeasure with poor service, etc., but I find myself to be sickeningly sweet when it comes to food service, lol.
  17. You're probably correct, but Leah is right about her assertion that Ramona judges her more harshly than she does Sawnya. We've all seen Sonja act like a pornographic sideshow act while Ramona giggles about it.
  18. You got the important part right. The designer was Naeem Khan. luann-de-lesseps-says-carole-borrows-designer-clothing-too
  19. Alas, I'm a loud talker. My husband is forever telling me to quiet down when in public, or when I'm on the phone. I'm not sure why, because my hearing is also good. I even had it checked to be certain, and the tech said there were no problems. My sister is the same way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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