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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Mixed bag for me too, but I have more that left a negative impression than positive.
  2. I'm old enough to remember this tidy little cheddar transaction - famous-for-his-tequila-marins-red-rocker-now-makes-rum
  3. Don't be afraid of posting photos on this silly site, lol. There's plenty out there to be afraid of, this shouldn't be. Plus, you can delete all of those slipper photos. I'll help if you're interested.
  4. My mother raised me to keep my expectations low. "Don't get your hopes up dear". ~sigh~
  5. I have to admit that she may not have been my first choice in a supporting role, though in this production, she definitely has an overwhelming amount of screen time for a supporting character. That couldn't have hurt.
  6. The labeling of our culture. The bane of our existence.
  7. In the past couple of decades, things have gone from "we really should become more involved in our own healthcare", to "our doctors really should become more involved in our healthcare." At least that's been my experience. These folks have (or certainly should have) the most cutting edge technology available at their fingertips, yet every appointment begins with "any new or changed medications since your last visit?" Um, seems like you should know that, at least in my smallish region where one mega corporation pretty much owns all of the healthcare providers which employ the folks writing the prescriptions. Lots of folks (including doctors) like to make fun of Doctor Google, WebMD etc., but I have learned a lot from these sources, and in fact have shared info learned with doctors, followed by "hmm, I'll have to check into that." Do I live my life according to the internet? Of course not, but it's nice to have a resource for information that doesn't ask for your insurance card and a copay just to walk in the door. I love the pharmaceutical ads on TV that tell us, "don't take Miracle Pill if you're allergic to Miracle Pill". Gee thanks. I was hoping my doctor, who prescribed Miracle Pill, was aware of my med allergies, since they ask every.single.fkng.time.I.see.them. It is unfortunate that the older I get, and spend more of my time visiting and relying on the medical community, I become more embittered and cynical about same. -End of rant-
  8. My cell photos are also notoriously large when I try to post them here. There is a site I use to reduce photos when they are too large for here. It's a couple of extra steps that sometimes discourages me from doing it, lol, but if it is something you really want to post, here's the site: shrinkpictures.com You would go to this site, scroll down to the Resize Images box, click on the grey choose file tab, choose the photo from your file, then click on the percentage you wish to reduce by (I generally select 50% by default), you won't need to select the pixels and all of that. You may even find that you have to downsize to 25%, but that's been rare. After that, click on the red resize tab. Scroll back up toward the top of the page, and there will be a link to download the resized image. You will then find the resized photo in your downloads file (the new image won't be in your pictures or camera roll file, but the original one will be). It's easy, just several steps and a bit of a pain.
  9. Yes to all the ^above package delivery peeves! My husband and I are constantly amazed at the lack of effort given by delivery companies to place the packages in a logical manner. By that I mean in our case, we have wooden railing on either side of our entrance steps, which while not a privacy enclosure, would help to make the deliveries less obvious from the street. Do they ever place the pkg behind them? Uh no. The Chewy deliveries (I think from FedEx) are large, heavy boxes of cat litter 'n such, and are often placed directly in front of the door, actually blocking the door from being opened. I mean, are these people ticked off by the inconvenience of the package so they're punishing me? Maddening. I really do feel like the package delivery companies are doing little to help fight the porch pirate thing. Their revenues have to be up tremendously, but they seem unwilling to do anything beyond the basics.
  10. Yeah, at this point they're dragging them out for revenue generation. There was certainly nothing in particular about the first two installments here that couldn't have been edited down to one episode. I've found them to be rather boring and just an extension of the screaming harpies that we've been subjected to for the preceding season.
  11. Agree. I didn't care for her makeup or styling at all. Sonja looked good from the neck up, hated Ramona's makeup/styling too. Dorinda's dress and hair were weird (usually I like her hair at least), Leah looked good from the neck up, guess that leaves Luann for the reunion Best Dressed trophy. She'll probably add that accolade to the playbill for her next Broadway show.
  12. Interestingly, none of the doctors nor the hospital in our area were giving the shingles vax. They all referred us to our local pharmacy, which is where my mom, husband, and I all received ours. Try the pharmacies in your area, you may have more success.
  13. Just got my first of two shingles vaxs a couple weeks ago. Hopefully, I won't join the group of sufferers. Best to you on getting them cleared up.
  14. Here's hoping she continues the holdout to the point where producers say "never mind". I truly don't find her contribution to this past season as anything beyond 'meh'. Saying that, I also realize that Bravo reality shows (specifically RH) have a habit of introducing a new castmember in a very benign manner, only to ramp up the nasty/crazy in subsequent seasons. If that pattern holds with Leah, she will be "doing the Dorinda" next season.
  15. Banks wouldn't be likely sources for loans on delinquent taxes; not something you would want your financial institution to know about, much less apply for a loan to cover. I have no idea how "close" they were, maybe as close as Luann was to Dennis. Again, speculation.
  16. We actually did save ours, froze it (properly), and it was delicious!
  17. Since we're all about speculation here, I'm going to speculate that perhaps he was delinquent in taxes or something. That seems to be an oft committed sin. Miss a couple tax payments here and there, and before you know it, you're in deep. It could also be something more honorable like needing cash to care for a parent or loved one. Who knows? What I do know is that based on Dorinda's reaction in that video, I wish he would borrow from her associates every.single.day. She actually behaves as if it were she that was married to the mob, or more accurately, IN the mob.
  18. Ramona and Dorinda can fight over this - louis-vuitton-roll-out-luxury-face-shield-covid-1000-mask
  19. Everyone should consider having part of their wedding ceremony at a cemetary. Also, did Ramona lend that dress to the bride?
  20. "I was going to do really neat shit for really needy people, you know, because I haven't had an opportunity to be charitable before this Not Really My Fashion Line came into being. Oh the things I was going to do."
  21. Thankfully, the food in mason jars fad had it's moment, and is mercifully dead. At least from what I can see. Damn you Pinterest.
  22. It's obvious that ^this face covering would be ineffective. I would imagine that she chose it so as not to deprive the unwashed masses of her beauty and greatness, while minimally adhering to mask mandates.
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