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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Every time I saw him, I thought of William Devane. Mak's goodbye letter - "There aren’t that many shows on TV that brings a nation together. In recent times only one sticks out and it’s the Bake Off. A show of legendary stature and iconic value. The stars aligned for me for series 11 (2020). The world was in turmoil but for me, 2020 was all about the Bake Off. The privilege to have been selected and go in front of the nation with my quirky features was unbelievable. It was an honour to be a part of a show that was a beacon of light – there is always hope in baking. Let’s end oppression and inequality through our kindness and love. Go Bake Off!"
  2. Before my husband was my husband, we had more than one er, discussion, about this very thing. He was so scheduled and reliable, that when he was even 30 minutes late from work, I would worry. One evening, his birthday, he was a couple of hours late. Went to the pub with a couple friends after work, yadda yadda yadda. (This was pre-cell phones, but the damn bar had a phone!) Anyway, I told him that there wasn't one thing in his wallet, car, or on his person that would let someone know to call me should he wrap himself around a tree. He didn't leave the house again without an In case of emergency card in his wallet, with my contact info.
  3. No chocolate snob here, just a huge fan. I actually enjoy Hershey chocolate, but admittedly, I haven't researched much. I only know that I really don't care for Nestle's much. Not having grown up with varying chocolate makers, I guess you just like what is familiar.
  4. The one and only time I tried to raise tomatoes, I soon discovered that I was a very talented aphid farmer.
  5. I feel the same when you're driving, and stop (holding back traffic usually) to allow someone to exit a drive or parking lot, when it's clear they'll be there for a week if you don't do it, and they just drive away with no acknowledgement. I don't do it for the nod, but it would be nice.
  6. Not familiar with Alfie Boe, but one knows instantly that he's a stage performer. That booming voice would almost be too much anywhere else, like here maybe. Poor Matt, while certainly musically worthy, is no match for the sheer volume.
  7. I know, I've hijacked this thread, sorry folks. We talked about it, she doesn't feel it necessary quite yet, based on a couple of other blood values.
  8. One doc thought it was some sort of inflammatory disease, but the latest doc believes it could be related to her kidney failure issues. Not getting enough hydration. Either way, it sucks. She's only 14, and should have a couple good years left, but I have my doubts.
  9. It's hard to argue that American's are overfed, but if you're hosting American charter guests, perhaps that should be considered when planning the meals, or at least give them the option of choosing. I realize that charters are a for-profit business, but I don't think anyone will end up on the bread line if they increase the food provisions.
  10. Then he wasn't paying attention. Ramona pulled them out after Dorinda whined that R hadn't been supportive, and didn't reach out to her throughout all of her trials and tribulations. At least that's the context as I remember it. I wasn't paying as close attention to this reunion, as I found it as interesting as the mating rituals of bed bugs.
  11. In hindsight, it really is amazing how much cigarette smoking was romanticized back in the day. Makes one manly and theckthee don't ya know. I'd like to see them romanticize my husband's 30ft. oxygen hose that he has to drag around the house, and the fact that he can't walk 5ft. without gasping for his breath. No one's fault but his, just saying. I also smoked for 29 years, and have been diagnosed with COPD, but so far I don't seem to have any symptoms. We've been former smokers for about 15 years.
  12. Big time problem here with one of mine as well. She gets fiber powder in her food daily, as well as 3ml of a laxitive liquid. I've had to take her to vet for an enema. Poor baby. 😼💩
  13. In my head, I'd toss her one of mine and yell, "measure this one!"
  14. In fairness, probably often. Remember we're seeing the results of what editors have decided we should see. Even tempered, level headed cast members make for boring reality TV.
  15. I'm sticking to my story about the Parking Wars lady. Danielle Connor, from the Philadelphia PW. Kate is rapidly heading down the facial reconstruction rabbit hole.
  16. They seem to be massaging her psyche far more than they have any other terminated hw. Are they afraid of her too? lol I hope there isn't an agenda there.
  17. They've cut staff. Forced to use the rodents, between exterminator visits.
  18. It isn't altogether uncommon for one's BP to be elevated while in a medical setting, due to anxiety, etc., but I'm confident that medical professionals take that into account. As far as equipment goes, who is to say about that. My dentist checked mine at my last appt prior to performing a root canal, and they used the same wrist monitor that I use at home. (I can't tolerate the upper arm cuff).
  19. No doubt! Everybody loves a 47-yr old's blue-veined bewbs spilling out of a top from the junior's department.
  20. Hubs takes his in the a.m., but check with your Doc. There may be some reason to take yours at a particular time to maximize effectiveness.
  21. Hubs takes ones. Main side affect for him is visiting the potty more frequently. Your doc may have also prescribed a potassium supplement, as diuretics tend to deplete potassium levels.
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