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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I actually think he's an attractive guy, right up to the point where he opens his mouth. He has a lot in common with Ramona in that way.
  2. I have had two, yes two fetching cats in my life. My first, Honey Bear, loved when I would flip a hair elastic across the room. She would run after it, then proudly prance back with it in her teeth, drop it in my lap or at my feet, and await the next fling. Next was Onyx. She's one of my current girls. Before she began to fail from her numerous issues, she would chase a crunchy yarn ball, or a soft yarn ball (about golf ball sized), or a rattle mouse, however far I could fling them. Her favorite game was chasing it down the steps to the basement, only to tear back up with it in her mouth. She would drag her Cat Dancer pole toy into whichever room I was in, so that I would flip it around for her. This cat loved, loved, loved to play. It breaks my heart to see her really unable to do so anymore. I'll always have cat tower mouse baseball. She would perch on the top curve, hunker down and wait for me to "pitch" the mouse, whereby she would bat it back. Rarely did it go in my direction but still. Truth be told, I think she was actually trying to catch the mouse one-handed, but I choose to believe we were playing mouse baseball. Here she is with her favorite Cat Dancer toy, after a particularly rambunctious session.
  3. I took the liberty of posting a screenshot from @divsc's link, so that I could make a snarky comment. Ramona, your skirt shouldn't be shorter than Avery's. There, I said it. Stop trying to outshine your daughter.
  4. Our entire family made the decision back when the recession was in full bloom, to refrain from buying gifts for anyone over the age of 18. At the time, there were 5 kids under 18. We never went back to gifting after the economy righted itself. We all realized that we were just as happy getting together for a meal and fellowship. Now we're starting to get a new generation of littles to buy for, which is fun, but I haven't had a moments regret about that decision years ago. Frenetically shopping for "stuff" that no one really needs is officially in my outbox. Happy new year everyone! My favorite rendition:
  5. I guess we are all products of our own experiences. What is annoying to me isn't to you, and all of that.
  6. Holy chit, a cereal dust hack! So awesome, lol. Exactly why I deactivated my account. That's exactly what it feels like. "Here we are on our fabulous vacation", "here's our fabulous house after the remodel", "here's our fabulous new car", "my successfull children just shat truffles"... On and on and on...
  7. I'm actually not a fan of any of the guys' looks. Craig looks ridiculous. They all seriously need a haircut, shame they don't know someone. 😏 I'm in agreement about Madison's dress. Kathryn's hair, per usual, is clownish. Her dress is okay, if you're presenting at the Emmy awards. I think the other women look great, though they should have photographed Dani before she sat in the dress for a couple hours, rendering it wrinkled across her hips.
  8. Is it now that I should give the workplace accident speech? It would be extremely smart for you to file an accident report, then get yourself checked out by your physician, if you feel safe to do so, just in case. It would suck to have something crop up as a result, and you don't have an incident report filed, requiring your employer to cover all costs. Even if nothing comes of it, at least you're covered.
  9. I went to it kicking and screaming. Daughter and grands kept telling me I needed an account so that I could "keep track of them". Don't get me started on that notion. I finally buckled, followed them of course, only to have them duplicate every.single.post on both IG and FB. Anyhoo, I followed some RH and cat rescue/foster pages. I quickly learned that IG was all about the marketing, and basically cut them all out. I do think it's somewhat of a generation gap thing, as I don't feel the need to memorialize every moment of my life onto a digital file. My grands know no other way, going waayy back to MySpace. I remember when my oldest granddaughter had her highschool senior pictures done. There had to be 100 proofs, with maybe 5 or 6 clothing changes, venue changes, etc., all of which were posted on MySpace. I just rolled my eyes (in my head) and kept it moving, lol. My senior pictures were done in a studio, shot from the chest up, with me in two or three poses, one with my hand poetically embracing a fake tree. My how things change. I have literally never posted anything on IG, after probably two or 2.5 years.
  10. Yep. I swear that toe is about as long as my pinky finger! Has really caused problems through the years with shoes/corns, etc.
  11. Yeah, I have abandoned nearly all of my non family and non cat-related IG accounts for this reason. Everywhere we turn, we are being sold something. I fully expect the streets we drive and the sidewalks we walk upon to be sponsored sooner than later. Wait...
  12. I'm down to NY only, and I can easily see that ending next season.
  13. There are soo many threads on this site. Take a while to browse, and you'll likely find others to become involved in; some having little or nothing to do with a show. The everything-else forum for example, covers many varied topics outside of television/entertainment. If you're feeling isolated due to a thread's temporary hiatus, check out some others! Lastly, I would like to wish you all a peaceful, promising holiday. Here's hoping that our calendar transition offers hope for a less challenging time, though I know it won't happen overnight. Hang in there folks. We've gotten here, we can get there!
  14. This production seemed to revere the queen and her father, and presented just about everyone else (in the family) to be jealous, fame-starved, and mentally ill. The one exception might be the Queen Mum, who came off as largely cold-hearted and devoid of any semblance of kindness. I would be interested to know if there were any legitimate "insiders" involved in this production, or if it was purely the invention of its creator/s. Side note - I read in the past few days that The Crown creator, Peter Morgan and Gillian Anderson (Maggie Thatcher/S4) have split after a 4-yr relationship.
  15. I have a s.w.a.g about nos 2 and 3; Demi Lovato / Harry Styles Clueless about the other two.
  16. Yes, I had to look that up. I can say with 100% certainty, that if a vinegaroon or any similar vermin chose to visit my home, I would be moving within days, lol.
  17. That is ridiculous. I would be a very vocal homeowner if that happened in our development. Follow the money to see who the new landscaper is related to. 🧐
  18. HOAs can be a slippery slope, I agree. Overall, the purpose is to support home values and a desirable way of life. I do believe that some go crazy with control, and an HOA is only as good as the people in charge, so if you think a change is needed at the top...be the change?
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