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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Just when I thought @JTMacc99 had me back in, you pull me out again! lol I guess there's only one answer: Laundry Service 👸
  2. Yeah, I get a little twinged when I see people who have perfectly acceptable teeth, go to the expense and even risk frankly, of having them veneered. All in the elusive search for the ideal. Then there's the folks like me, who could seriously benefit, but can't begin to afford them. I'm a free market capitalist, but still.
  3. This world has a serious mental health problem. No, I don't have the answer, but I certainly hope that someone will find one soon. comedian-jak-knights-cause-of-death-aged-28-ruled-as-suicide
  4. I wish them luck, because happy people/couples garner far less press. I'm all for less press where they are concerned. 😏
  5. Now I'm wondering what to buy when this *&)!*(# front-loader bites the dust. I was convinced a top loader, sans agitator was the answer.
  6. Woke up to find the first kitten my DH & I adopted, asleep in a puffs tissue box, which was tucked into a cubby in our bookcase headboard. It was a sweet, aww moment that I will remember until the end of my days~ Edit - This was the 80's. We no longer have a full wave waterbed with a bookcase headboard, lol.
  7. Non-competes are very difficult to enforce when they completely tie the hands of someone who needs to earn a living in their field of experience. Often, non-competes are required in return for compensation (bonuses, etc), though I'm sure that isn't always the case.
  8. They had so much cause, we'd need a new word for 'cause'. ^That said, I never really believed she was a legitimate employee or contractor. PR/marketing probably, that blew up in their face.
  9. And not to dress like she was on a day pass from the nut barn.
  10. Wonder if he's still tight with Chaz Dean of Wen fame/infamy. Chaz's home/salon appeared like it would be a 20-yr project, lol. Edit - Quick search results indicate "no". chaz-dean-former-friend-jeff-lewis
  11. Bringing the Madison's teeth discussion here. While it's hard to unsee the difference, I'm not 100% sure that if we didn't know of her, that we would notice it so much.
  12. Of course "Miss Patricia" <gag> wore yellow to the all pink party. Her hubris annoys the hell outta me.
  13. The movie Jackie Brown always comes to mind. One of the best songs on the planet~
  14. If ever a word/concept should be banished from society, it's that one.
  15. Having exprienced illness a few times this year (not Covid, won't bore with the details), I sort of get the don't want to die/face illness alone mindset. Do I think it's a selfish and superficial reason to couple up? Yes. Can I wish my husband wasn't himslf disabled to the point that he couldn't help me? Also yes. I'm not alone alone, but when so sick you can barely drag yourslf to the bathroom, let alone want to shlep into the kitchen for ice water or a bit to eat, refresh the cold washcloth, etc., I was alone. Cats still had to be fed, cat boxes still had to be emptied. It sucks. Gawd, what a crybaby, lol.
  16. If you leave a voicemail, or worse, answer one of mine, without clearly stating what it is you require of me, we can't be friends. I always state what it is I need from the person I'm calling/emailing. Do NOT leave a voicmail along the lines of "returning your call". Makes me stabby.
  17. I actually thought that sauce looked like a bottled barbque sauce of some sort. Why would the producres even attempt to make us believe things about K at this point, like that she can or has any inclination to cook. And for Chleb to actually sit down behind that bowl just adds to the farce. Points for the fake tears though Chleb. Acting 101 quality sh*t right there.
  18. Is there a website where one can follow the charitable donatons made by celebrities? Does anyone know what she donates? Is she supposed to give away 100%?
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