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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. She'll say it was a homage to Diana Ross, a tribute if you will. She had to go as a singer you know.
  2. Someone will either purchase it or clone it, I would suspect.
  3. Why do Hollywood TPTB think we need more Tonya Harding? Please someone riddle me this.
  4. Though I haven't done it in a while, I've done it. Told a contractor once that I would be sure and leave the alarm off. Than proceded to set the alarm as I left. Yeah, that was a great experience for all.
  5. Okay, there's all ^that^. I was actually referring to the sort of two different images portrayed of her dad. That's all. That's it.
  6. If it's all an act, is this information to be taken as gospel? I believe it to be true, but so do I believe what I see.
  7. Orrrr, recommending manager wanted her the hell outta his/her area.
  8. I was consulting The Google in an effort to learn more about Tinsley's background, specifically where the family money was derived from. In doing so, I came across two very different accounts of her dad, one being his obituary where he is portrayed much like you would expect a moneyed, she she foo foo member of society. The other...not so much. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/palmbeachpost/obituary.aspx?n=george-riley-mercer&pid=174515732 http://guestofaguest.com/new-york/tinsley-mortimer/tinsley-mortimers-dad-george-mercer-model-of-a-modern-major-general
  9. What passes for 1) Short, and 2) Newsworthy. It really does amaze. rhony-tinsley-mortimer-cuts-hair/ Yes, it's shorter than the Alice In Wonderland extensions she's been sporting. There's that.
  10. "Okay, take it now. I want everyone to see how great the back of my dress is." Tree>>>apple
  11. We all had the same rude intent. Many, many millions of folks had a really tough row to hoe coming up. The vast majority are decent, kind people. It's doable.
  12. Tinsley should really stop following fashion and hair blogs written by 20-yr. olds. Carol and Dory look like they were at a different event. Luann still wearing her HSN line?
  13. I'm not privy to, nor was I on this forum when/if it was discussed why they left. Did they have "other projects" or were they drummed out?
  14. I'm not reading her aggression that way either. I think she amazes herself with how she has conquered her horrible, damaging, abusive upbringing. ~yawn~
  15. Oops. I probably saw the name and thought male. Thanks for the correction.
  16. Catherine Curtin http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193160/?ref_=tt_cl_t9
  17. Exactly what I was thinking. Accidental stuff like this tends to pi** off judges.
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