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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I don't even think that Jeff would try to pass it off as "help", lol. It's so rare to see him on the other side of 'losing one's ?'. As close as Jeff and Shannon are, it's hard to imagine him doing this without her endorsement, but it is Jeff so...
  2. An interesting paragraph from this link: why-is-the-nanny-getting-sacked-by-thomas-ravenel-and-kathryn-dennis-in-the-southern-charm-custody-case (July 2017) Makes the bruised arm/blood draw story even more of a hmm... In the recently signed parenting agreement between Southern Charm couple Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel it is confirmed that the drug test, a Kathryn Dennis clean hair follicle test from April (hair tests are often considered the best sign that someone has been clean for months) would be the benchmark for the agreement, and would lead to Ravenel phasing out nanny Deirdre and her daughter Paige from the lives of Thomas, Kensie and Saint Ravenel. The agreement makes it clear that after phase one, the Politellis are gone.
  3. The blogger has published texts purported to be between David Beador and Jeff Lewis. They're pretty believable. David losing his cool, and Jeff well, not losing his cool. is-this-an-actual-text-exchange-between-jeff-lewis-and-david-beador
  4. I read somewhere that she is suffering from a very rare disorder called Pinot Pelvic Polywogism. Sad.
  5. I would be amazed if PR or a clone of PR doesn't surface somewhere. TWC will probably try to bundle all of the popular stuff as a buy all or buy none kind of deal, which may or may not work, but even if that fizzles, I would think someone would clone the concept ala American Idol/The Voice/etc. Unfortunately, it could take 2, 3, or more years to fruition. How would you like to be a designer that is inked to appear in the next season/s of PR? Sad. I hope it gets worked out and quickly.
  6. I thought that too. Looks like she should insist on a more accomplished phlebotomist.
  7. That could definitely be it. I'm disappointed in it so far. Maybe they have to hit their stride or something. I'm hoping.
  8. To me, everyone's acting is off, with the exception of Laurie Metcalf (Jackie). It's as if they all forgot how to do it. The most glaring to me is John Goodman. I'm a little put off by his new voice (surgery of some kind?), but they all seem like they're delivering lines, not acting. ymmv
  9. I have to be honest. I never really knew who Elizabeth was. She has been pretty much nothing but background through the previous seasons IMO. He has struck me as being simply an arrogant also-ran. We're learning more about both of them now, aren't we?
  10. Perhaps she's leaving the door open to rehabilitate the relationship, and doesn't want to say something that would permanently harm that possibility. Or, she's straight up skeert of B. On the Adam subject - I'm of a mind that she was so laissez faire about the relationship because she was trying to prepare herself for him leaving. I think she was totally into him, but wasn't convinced that he was as invested.
  11. The first five PRAS winners. A "where are they now" item - project-runway-all-stars
  12. See, I thought she seemed altered also. I really dislike what she's done to her hair. The cut is probably okay, but the bleached out bits look like she spilled a bottle of developer on her head. I also thought she looked like she has had her face reconfigured. I agree. She looked pale, not well.
  13. Yeah, somebody was a little heady with their French 3 & 4.
  14. See now so did I! I thought he looked very refreshed, and his skin looked amazing. Kadooz (™Ramona) to his cosmetic dermatologist.
  15. The brand is Yummie, whereas it formerly was Yummie by Heather Thompson. I'm not sure if it is still sold at HSN, but I do know that Heather wasn't the brand rep the last few times I saw it aired. When I last saw her, she was repping Tommy Copper on Evine. I remember reading about a lawsuit that she was involved in with her (former?) business partner, but I can't say what the outcome was, or remember what the kerfuffle was about.
  16. Oh I wasn't trying to correct you - just seemed like a good place to put that photo, since I didn't think I had seen anyone post it, and for those who may not have been familiar with the video. I love this little avitar guy too! I get no credit, kadooz to the innerwebs.
  17. I'm of the impression that she's pretty much been drummed out of that business. That Yummie thing.
  18. Wow. She better charter a plane to The Vatican. I don't think folks should be derided for only writing checks. Some people don't have money, and they give their labor. Some people can't or don't give labor, and they give their money. Some do both. It's all good and it's all necessary. There was plenty of social media presence for organizations collecting support for PR after the hurricane. Almost all of them used the word "we" in their posts.
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