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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. And also, since accountability and self awareness are terms of the day, when does Bravo have or take some level of responsibility when one of their cast members shows big red flags of addiction? I am a big fan of personal accountability, but if it takes a village, then maybe Andy needs to do some reflecting of his own. Example: The WWHL which reran directly after the 10pm viewing of the reunion. Dorina and Isaac M were the guests, and directly after quizzing Dorinda about her drinking and the buzz surrounding it, Andy pops up and announces that it's time for a shotski. After the commercial break, he apologizes for the questionable timing, but you must know that was prompted by staff, not because of any conscience on Andy's part.
  2. I can say with great satisfaction, that nary a SG product has crossed my lips or made it into my shopping cart, real or virtual.
  3. I thought maybe it was to buttress the idea that was put out in the press that he was "nearly broke" an couldn't afford the payments to Shannon.
  4. I haven't really seen anyone disparaging Ramona's body, with the exceptions of her pot belly and her misshapen bewbs, both of which are real things. Neither would probably be spoken of at all if she were remotely likeable or a whole lot less vain.
  5. I seem to recall that Bethenny was inexplicably Lu's official spokesperson when she announced, the day prior to taping the reunion, that she was returning to rehab.
  6. I thought B's statement on this last night, something to the effect of "nothing's changed", speaks to her interest in reconnecting with Jill. She also mentioned that they haven't actually spoken, but there have been texts between them. Wanna bet who is initiating the texts? lol Jill came off as desperate at the end of her RHO tenure, and she is sort of coming off as desperate even now. Her Instagram shows a lot of travel and some really great experiences, so I'm unable to understand why she needs the Bethenny connection so badly, or even the Bravo relationship. I suppose the same could be said of most of the cast members on Bravo shows. Save your damn paycheck, live how you were living preBravo, then leave them in the dust and live your life.
  7. Whole lotta letters in the political alphabet that could be summed up this way. A's 'n B's 'n C's.
  8. The only positive feedback I'm ever willing to give Ramona is about her look. Except for the tummy that she refuses to acknowledge, she looks terrific. I really think that Bethenny looks haggard and drawn this season. Perhaps Dennis' issues were wearing on her, or maybe it's the poison in her soul trying to escape through her pores, but she looks rough.
  9. Yeah, for those who rely on the "but it was the edit" excuse...will anyone acknowledge that this reunion is heavily edited?
  10. Okay so naked drunk and mean, nasty sober. Not better imo.
  11. I agree for the most part about Carole, save the beautiful part. Eye of the beholder and all of that. I actually think that the Carole/Bethenny alliance from the previous couple of seasons was the anomaly, and this season's split makes much more sense based on their personalities and life history. I can almost see how spending considerable time with women who are über superficial could rub off a bit. Maybe that is what happened to Carole. I sort of think that her change in demeanor could be blamed on a progressive realization that she shouldn't be doing the show, that it wasn't a natural fit, and maybe resented the contract that she willingly signed. Whether or not her termination was voluntary, I think it will be a saving grace for her psyche. Ramona never changes. Bravo/Andy probably love that and count on it, but for me, someone who doesn't change or grow one iota in 10 years...well, something is wrong in the fuse box with that one. If Sawnya left, I wouldn't notice the difference. Her performance in Part One sort of sums up her participation imo. Don't make waves, until your contract is in jeopardy, then WHAM-O!! I continue to defend Tinsley's participation because I think that this group absolutely needs someone who doesn't appear to have an agenda with the other women, and appears to be a genuinely nice person. She's the exception to the RHO rule. Like most of you, I don't need Dorinda on my screen anymore. I liked her at first, found her to be a welcome change, but yeah, something is going on with her and she needs to seek the solution. Wouldn't miss her if she left. I betting that Bravo/Andy will overlook Lu's obvious reunion avoidance scheme, and willingly sign her for another season, as she just has too much messiness to ignore. Bravo feeds on messiness as we all know. Bethenny. Like a lot of people, I'm conflicted about the B. I realize that her participation is pretty important to this franchise, but I'm tired of the format of B can do no wrong in front of the camera. I think she'll hedge on renewing in light of Dennis' death, and Bravo will massage her for as long as needed until she is of a right mind to make the decision. Someone else suggested she might come in mid-season, and that could be. I think it will either be that, or she'll not come back at all. Maybe like the sniper she is, she'll be paid handsomely to make drive-by appearances, you know, whenever there's a new SG product to hype. I want to like her and her humor, as I did in the first couple of seasons, but it's not the same. She's different and I'm not liking the difference.
  12. Season 6 trailer - https://people.com/tv/below-deck-season-6-trailer Man overboard!
  13. The shift has already been created. Happening more and more everywhere.
  14. If one were sentenced or inclined to do other people's laundry, clean other people's toilets, and clean other people's dishes, I suppose that yachting would be the optimum venue. I don't even enjoy doing my own ^^^. Now maybe for $1500 per week? <commences pondering> edit - Never mind, I forgot. Claustrophobia.
  15. If nothing else, this funeral debacle might just be a poster example of why the trend towards having no public services will be happening even more going forward. Direct cremation>>private ceremony>>move on with life>>put a whole lotta money back in your pocket.
  16. It's what I've suspected for a while. Why else wouldn't she move back to California? Wondering what the ratio of one-percenters is in the Charleston area vs. her home base, relative to the population? As with all things, follow the money.
  17. It's how you know you've truly arrived...you have an umbrella hoister on your payroll. Just ask Diddy.
  18. Was that before or after she climbed up on the stripper pole? lol
  19. The same summofabicch that told Kim Zolziak Beer Man that she could sing, Melissa Gouge Ya that she could sing, and Linnethia Monique Johnson that she could act.
  20. Plus we now know, rather than just suspect, that the vow renewal was a steaming pile of hooey, contrived by production.
  21. Your post shows more concern about her kid.
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