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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Maybe the animosity with Bravo never quieted. Seems these folks want nothing to do with BravoTV.
  2. Yet she told him she would totally work with or recommend him as bosun. Don't remember her exact words, but his work apparently impressed her. I think she believes that Conrad is underqualified or not ready to be a bosun.
  3. Rinna is unwatchable when hawking her wares. Ugh.
  4. Is he tall too?! <swoon> He doesn't come off as tall, probably because Shep and the rest are really tall.
  5. Holy chit! I didn't know of these things. Delightful!
  6. Some have discarded the notion, others still practice. For me, I think if it's still warm enough to resemble summer weather, white is okay. My mother would disagree, lol.
  7. Fascinating how these stories always "break" just prior to the shows debuting new seasons.
  8. Craig looks very in his element in the Bahamas, at least from the pics I've seen. Has that ruggedly unkempt, Hemmingway-ish vibe going. I think that is one handsome hunk of manhood right there. In my ute, I would have embarrassed myself to get to him. #sorrynotsorry
  9. Maybe the Richards/Hilton/Umansky Thanksgiving will be 2% less awkward now, what with the side dish of sorry-not-sorry being served up with the big ol' turkey.
  10. Straddling the line between allowed and not allowed. #AggravateTheExAtAnyCost
  11. Carole stated that their friendship was (paraphrasing) "a lot of Bethenny, and not much Carole".
  12. And so it begins. The thing caused by the thing because of the thing. josh-waring-pepper-ball
  13. Pretty twisted that this has become about BF. Gotta love da Press. opioid-addiction-foundation
  14. I don't know either. Perhaps the whole fam damily will move to Itlee and we won't have to find out, lol.
  15. There must be something in the water over there at Bravo. Something that prompts these entrepreneurs to pick the worst possible names for shapewear. Skweez & Yummie. What the actual f...
  16. I love Autumn, don't do Starbucks much less PSL, but yes to this!
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