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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Seems Jamie recognizes her low involvement in the season. Sort of sounds like she won't be back, which isn't a surprise to me. I like her, wish she could have had more story.
  2. You gave it more than I was willing to give. They can repackage the season six ways from Sunday, and it'll still be the Bethenny/Carole show, with a few moments of the LuAnn show. Saw it once and that was more than enough. Bleed that turnip Bravo.
  3. Now see, I would have done just the opposite. I would have had him there, opened the phone lines to any and all comers, and let him sit there on a rotisserie, and get pummeled. Missed opportunity "Bravo execs."
  4. Former smoker here, of 29 years. Trust and believe that if it was my name on the title of that dinghy, no one would be smoking within 15 feet of it.
  5. Tamra and Eddie selling the dang house already. Am I the only one who thinks that U-shaped banquette in the middle of the kitchen looks like a pain in the ass? Guarantee that is the first thing the new owner rips out. Looks like they paid $1,585,000 less than a year ago. God had better be real good, 'cuz they're gonna take a hit. #godisgood #religionofconvenienceisbetter zillow.com/homedetails The interior is lovely, but the next time the Judges tell someone they're heading off to the quarry, that person should tie them to a chair in the basement. #JustSayNoToAllThatStone note: $1,700/month for property taxes alone. I feel faint.
  6. I have abandoned OC, Shahs, Dallas, Potomac, Jersey, Atlanta, and VPR. Never watched the Medicine thing. Beverly Hills is on thin ice, and New York is on the bubble.
  7. I won't condemn how others interpreted what she wrote. I took it as she had some sense that she wished she had witnessed the event, the totality of it, in person. Had she thought further, she would have realized that running for her life away from a killing debris storm wouldn't have been all that poignant, but again, I wasn't offended by her words. It is no secret that I am not in the BF fan club. This was just my impression after reading her words.
  8. He and Frankel ought to do a show...Designer Death Match. I worked one place in my life where lunch on-site with coworkers was mandatory. Hated it. A mid-day escape is sometimes essential to sanity.
  9. I furrowed my brow over that comment also, then I thought that maybe the private school was nearby, so less travel time...for the nanny of the week.
  10. So now no Zoila and no Jenni...can Gage be far behind?
  11. That this trash (TG) is still employed by Bravo is reason enough to boycott their entire lineup. If I weren't a weak, pitiful excuse for a television viewer. Bravo, I can't quit you. Yet
  12. Yeah, that edit of the three of them in the car, camera zooming in on Jenni's expression, definitely was meant to show us that she was unhappy with Tyler's involvement. I don't know what to think about this news of the Jeff/Jenni split; part of me doesn't think of Jeff as one to manufacture drama for the show, but if she truly isn't an employee of his, then this is shady even by Bravo standards. What it has done, probably by design, is cause us to watch. Well, me anyway.
  13. My $.02 - The unfortunate truth about reality shows, particularly Bravo reality shows, is that the squeaky, ratchet, horrible wheels get all the grease. Jamie and Colin were basically also-rans during the season, and that was reflected in the reunion as well. Nice 'guys' really do finish last at Bravo and in reality tv. They should have done more during filming of both the season and the reunion to be heard, if they had any hope of going forward with the show, imo. Hope I'm wrong! I agree. Don't think there is a 2nd. I can't imagine what they would discuss.
  14. I started the new season topic. Hope I did it right, lol.
  15. Jeff focuses on flipping properties; there have been multiple additions to the team, with Jeff relying heavily on his new full-time assistant Tyler; when Jenni returns from maternity leave, Jeff is not exactly sure where she fits in.
  16. Wishing the best for you all! Please hunker down and stay safe.
  17. With the caveat that I didn't/don't live in Manhattan, nor do I have anyone in my life who was directly impacted by the events of that day, I wasn't offended by either of BF's tweets in question. I don't really even think that they were out of line. I'm already aware that others don't agree, so I'll just back out of the room slowly.
  18. Oh Gosh Sunny, please stay safe. I'll be thinking of you.
  19. Here are the timeline tweets I saw, prior to the "Let's take a cleansing breath" tweet - These tweets all preceded any mention of 9/11.
  20. 20% is generally the biggest upcharge, when there is one. Nearly double is right up there with calling your brand SkinnyGirl, then selling plus sizes under that name. It's so tone deaf, you need a new phrase for tone deaf. p.s.: I'm beginning to think there is an attempt to allude to a penis in these damn crotches. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
  21. But this doesn't have anything to do with Weinstein. So that wouldn't explain the mass exodus.
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