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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Dunno what's scarier, how Sawnya looks here, or the fact that she's takin' her act on the road. Oh Lu, what have you started?
  2. Haven't watched but a few moments of this season, but have seen some comments here about some sort of Kelly/Vicky dust up, so thought I would share this. kelly-dodd-responds-to-drug-allegations
  3. I agree. Jenni's tears were real. She's not that good of an actress, despite what "Nick" Cage might think.
  4. Everything written here is hard to argue against. So why am I not overwhelmingly Team Jenni? I can't explain it, and I'm not exactly proud of it, but if Flipping Out or some iteration of it returns, I'm pretty sure I'll be watching.
  5. I have always assumed that the activities and tasks are performed by all of them together, for filming purposes. They want to film the interaction between the personalities in places other than at JLD. I also believe that is why the "office" is set up the way it is. If the cameras would have to follow each person in and out of someone else's office, well, that wouldn't be very interesting or conducive to the flow of conversation? I'm not a professional television producer/director, but I watch a lot of it, lol.
  6. Thank you. I thought maybe I was alone on that island.
  7. Yeah, I wasn't really emotionally affected by "the firing", since we all know that she wasn't really working there anyway. If she truly was/is an EP, then her involvement in the show was at the discretion of Bravo or the production company much more so than Jeff's. If Jenni really was or thought she was sacrificing her acting opportunities by working at JLD, then she should see the break as beneficial. The whole thing is just so effed up now that the 4th wall was broken, and we are privy to all of the back story about Jenni.
  8. So next will come the "my intern didn't understand..." or "my social media coordinator thought it would be cute if...".
  9. She's appears to have had some facial reconfigurin' done to go along with her weight loss. Like mother, like daughter.
  10. Considering the controversial Diana Ross costume, the "don't introduce me to the help as LuAnn", and this, she seems destined to build an impressive resume' for the Tone Deaf Reality Socialite award.
  11. Butler's pantries have actually been in use since ... a really long time, across all parts of the world. We just needed heather to put it on YouTube. 🙄 history-of-the-pantry
  12. It's official; Luann is off her nut. Now she's publishing images which really push the envelope IMO. If she were known for having an irreverant sense of humor, maybe, but nah, this is just poor taste. Somebody needs to be humbled and quickly.
  13. Yes and thanks for dragging me back on topic, lol. #easilystrayed
  14. Yeah, how often to we see ol' Joe, or dear Franny*, driving around with their dog resting on their left arm against the driver's door panel? It's ridiculous. For me, I find it wholly unnecessary that we as a culture feel the need to take our dogs everywhere we go, just because we can. It's unsafe for the dog, and for the population at large. *I realize it's not only older folks that do it, but it seems to mostly be that demo.
  15. While I agree that it is foolish for her to allow them to run willy nilly in the car, he is a grown ass man, and could insist that she cage them. There are other "driving" jobs to be had in NYC. Absolutely right.
  16. They remind me of an older version of that couple from The Hills was it? Spencer and whats-her-name. They were professional self-promoters, with no other visible means of support.
  17. I liked the above post, and I won't remove that, but you're right. It's wrong of me to judge her for that. I guess we're just used to women soldiering on for a longer period after a spouse's death. Now men, men often move on relatively quickly. They don't handle "alone", and well, who's gonna cook dinner? As an aside, there has been no evidence on her Instagram of late, of the boyfriend, the clothing mfgr/tennis aficionado that she started dating in January. Maybe that's dunzo, or maybe she was getting negative feedback.
  18. Well, if she has developed her business and reputation to allow those perameters, bully for her! I haven't seen anything that seems extraordinary, but eye of the beholder and all that.
  19. I did consider that, and it could be that they had a more eater-friendly cake somewhere, lol.
  20. I'm willing to wager that if the phone itself isn't provided, that there is an allowance ($$) given in consideration for its use. If it's lost or not repairable locally, wouldn't one have to wait for the insurance replacement to come through the mail? That's how it was for me, and I'm thinking I've heard similar stories from iPhone users. Unless someone is willing to go the burner phone route, not sure what they're expected to do. Phones are going to get lost/broken.
  21. I couldn't muster up the interest to read the "article", but I scrolled through the photos...what the hell was the jar/vase filled with money? I saw 20s in there. Were they taking donations to help defray the cost of this over-the-top madness? Jesus. Also, the cake was beautiful (yeah, the 50th and Birthday were awkwardly placed), but can you image everyone's teeth if they actually ate it? Dark frosting is not compatible with overly bleached chompers. These two will always find a way (calling the press to make sure they're in attendance) to self-promote, but to what end? How are they monetizing this stuff? Does DM et al pay for the opportunity to photograph and write about these events? Inquiring minds...
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