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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I had to read the lyrics to the song after I read about this last week. It is basically about a fellow coaxing his (presumed girl)friend to spend the night, while she sort of offers up reasons why she shouldn't. There are references to her parents, so we know that she lives at home. Now remember, this song was written in 1944, when it was the norm for women to live at home with parents, generally until they married. All that said, I will weigh in with the idea that we can chalk up another one for the professionally offended. I would put up these lyrics against many, many modern lyrics, rap and other genres, which portray women and the treatment of women far, far worse than does this song. As for Rudolph, once again, the professionally offended are missing the teaching moment provided. Rather than consider it as an example of bullying, I would think it to be more of a morality example about the positive outcome Rudolph had, despite being "bullied". Idiots. You have a smart neighbor.
  2. Hopefully, Avery's career will take off quickly, and she can use her financial resources to pay for her mother's lobotomy.
  3. Pulling the skin back from the outside corner of the eye, and relocating it somewhere behind the ear just might have something to do with that. Joan was one of the worst examples of low self-esteem turning into a boon for the cosmetic surgery industry. It shouldn't be a surprise, as comics very often are people with damaged psyches, for one reason or another.
  4. I would like to wish a Happy Chanukah to our Jewish friends! I wish for you a warm and joyful holiday~
  5. If it will fuel her attempts to keep him out of his father's custody, at least that long.
  6. For me, their figures equally suit the dress, but I just don't care for the dress. Too much going on/overdesigned. I like from the waist down, but bodice and sleeve treatment is a hard 'no'. Better suited to a younger person imo.
  7. I realize that there are varying viewpoints on the subject, but I'm in the camp of just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  8. Jill definitely trying to challenge Ramoner for the Thirsty Wench Of New Yawk title.
  9. This chick is certifiable. Her kid has been "sick" in every one of these dramatic stories that have somehow managed to find their way into the press. Every time. rehab-addict-nicole-curtis
  10. If you're interested, BF on HSN currently, selling her wares.
  11. Being upside down simply means that she owes more than it's worth. That usually happens when you pay too much up front. Even people of means pay too much for toys.
  12. She probably co-signed on it, and has access to the deets. Briana has helped to create that monster imo.
  13. I mean no slight to you, but to Lisa I have no loyalty. I've been over her for a good bit~ Have a lovely evening! (-;
  14. Keep up the good work! I became a non-smoker 12-1/2 years ago, after having smoked for 29 yrs. Yes, I gained weight. I held on to the weight longer than I should have, but that was my doing, not the non-smoking. If I'm honest with myself, I think I was subconsciously rewarding myself with food. Anyway, I'm losing it slowly. 24 lbs. and counting since July. You'll be okay Gam. You can lose the weight, but you can't grow new lungs!
  15. Sort of seems like that horse has already left the barn, doesn't it? Now that Tommy Shaw's wife has moved to Nashville, he needed a new bearded lady to be the id to his ego. She knows how to play, having been a member of the Miami RHO franchise. I actually don't mind her on the show. I think we need a couple of strong peripheral characters to balance Jeff's scenery chewing. Gage isn't that, and Taylor isn't that, at least for me. Meghan wasn't ever that, but she's leaving, so if the show is to continue, it will definitely need a couple of additional characters.
  16. Ashley is still romanticizing him and her relationship with him. This chick is goofy. Note: It isn't a video, just a photo montage. It was barftastic.
  17. Kathryn's photos are an enigma to me. I saw this one on her Insta, and thought she looked quite heavy (for her), though not pregnant imo. The next photo on her Insta, she looks far less so. Can't explain it, tough this outfit is quite matronly.
  18. I was thinking that Ryan left the military. Some sort of disability or something. Could be wrong.
  19. First time I've seen Ally's dad I think. Freudian tennis racquet positioning? lol
  20. Maybe it's me, but I think she looks like a ghoul. #endorsementhell
  21. You can never make me understand why someone would actually put VG out there as an endorser of their facial cosmetic procedure. I think she looks a lumpy, plastic, hot mess. She will never stop chasing whatever it is that her mirror has her chasing. Just me?
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