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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Yes and it's child's play (if you'll forgive the expression), compared to the smut which spews from Sonja's pie hole.
  2. This episode for me, was an example of a challenge that has little to do with fashion design. I'm not an industry insider, but I am a consumer, and nothing that was presented here has much to do with fashion consumption, at least from where I stand. So far, I'm not seeing much difference between Lifetime PR and Bravo PR, at least where the challenges/sucking up for commercial revenue is concerned. I'm not deluded into thinking that I am the target demographic of this show, but would it kill them to have the designers actually design clothing that appeals to the people actually buying fashion? This was basically a cosplay episode imo, and that doesn't seem to be anywhere near appealing to enough people to prop up an industry, let alone a television show.
  3. The deeply religious Tamra left this Instagram for Easter: The Lord is risen! Buy my sh*t with a 15% discount~
  4. This statement clearly came from Ramona: “She said, ‘Ramona, I know you didn’t come from a place of badness, I know it came out the wrong way, I know what a great person you are and don’t worry about it,’” she shared. “And his daughter said the same thing.”
  5. Being the arm candy of a plastic surgeon may have it's financial benefits, but whoa!, the pressure!
  6. The thing is, I didn't even mind her when she was on RH, but I don't find her compelling to the point of watching her tell me how to be. I won't even let The Great & Supreme Oprah do that.
  7. Burnett sees something that I don't necessarily see. The RHONY thing has been successful, I won't deny that her participation seems to make a difference there, ratings wise, though there is some evidence that the bloom is drying up on that rose, maybe. The Bethenny Ever After thing got derailed by the "ever after" part, so who knows where that would have gone. The experiment with Fredrik flatlined, I believe, because too.much.Bethenny. I've seen her a couple of times on Shark Tank, and well, I don't see that as a vehicle that will make a difference to her brand (wouldn't you just love to hear her utter that phrase a couple of hundred more times). I don't believe that she can carry a show when not part of a larger ensemble, and perhaps that is what will be at play with one or more of these. We'll see.
  8. Just what the world needs; another D-list celebrity telling us how to live. "...inspiring stories to help you Upgrade Your Life to the BEST level of success, health and wealth!" <gag/sputter/choke> rhoc-alum-lizzie-rovsek-talk-show
  9. Brynn "knows him, loves him". This actually makes my gut hurt for this kid. A delusional mother who is a serial girlfriend. She doesn't stand a chance. bethenny-frankel-boyfriend-love-life-update
  10. Luann think she's some sort of pop princess now, so she just parrots what she sees, or she has given her social media people far, far too much rope with which to hang themselves.
  11. Ah, thanks. edit - Why in hell would a professional famous person's husband need a stage name? How utterly stupid.
  12. I'm curious as to why some spell WW's husband's name as 'Kelvin'. Everything I've seen has it as 'Kevin'. What'd I miss? lol
  13. Insufferable. I really, truly don't wish it, but I can't help but know think that she is headed for a really hard fall. She is far too in love with herself, at a time when there should be a lot of questions, and deep introspection. mmv
  14. With all due respect, a 3-toed sloth could have seen that Sonja was going off the rails at the Morgan house.
  15. There is a considerable group of humans between the ages of 21 and dead. For some of us in that group, the name Dapper Dan goes back well before a man named Daniel Day started calling himself that and borrowing logos from famous design houses and creating so-called street wear. He clearly developed a following, but I had never heard of him prior to this episode. Doesn't make me decrepit, just means that this genre of fashion isn't on my radar. Here are a couple of examples of the term Dapper Dan being used, well before Mr. Day co-opted it. disneys-iconic-barbershop-quartet-the-dapper-dans
  16. We don't know the intimate details of Tinsley's relationship with Scott, but her reaction to the "dare" is certainly enlightening imo. Do I think these women should have ganged up on her about it? NO Do I think she should have made the phone call despite reservations? NO At the point of this filming, it seems they would have been dating for maybe a year and a half or maybe two years. Even though these are "older" folks, that is not an unusual amount of time to NOT be formally committed to each other imo. It's up to Tins to drive the wants to have kids point home to Scott or any other suitor. This clearly wasn't a big priority for Scott. They're apart now, which is probably for the best.
  17. Truthfully, I could totally see her in a brawl like this as that's her thing imo. Just doesn't seem like she's broken up with the Dr., so that part might be old news.
  18. I realize that WW has to earn a living, but she should do herself, her kid, and her viewing public a big favor, and take an indefinite leave from the show. Perhaps she can concentrate on publishing books or producing movies (eye roll) in the interim. She will undoubtedly cause problems in her divorce case, and probably give her attorney a serious case of acid reflux if she continues like this. Kevin can just sit home and count commas, the more she cracks on him.
  19. It's finished! (Until it's not). lisa-vanderpump-kyle-richards
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