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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Their age is not a problem for me. It's about the only thing about them that is relatable.
  2. While I sort of agree with the idea that Mario is undeserving of the enthusiastic greeting, I guess if Ramona has come to terms with him and them, who am I? I think he and his chippy broke up several times, then didn't she write a book or something that spilled some tea? I dunno. I'm probably confusing some other ho of some other Ho.
  3. Yeah, I caught that "in a martini glass" comment. She may as well have a Countess Luann Statement Necklace made from neon lights, saying "not ready for a sober life" hanging around her neck. Imo, her sobriety, if she actually is sober, is in serious jeopardy. Continuing to exit rehab because her schedule won't allow for it, or because she thinks she doesn't need it? Yeah, that's 1,000 crimson flags flapping in the wind.
  4. It's actually the single redeeming thing she's done, in several seasons. It would be nice to see more of Luann doing for/thinking of another, but I think we all know that this was a one-off.
  5. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I didn't get the impression that Dale was terribly fond of Scott, nor thought that he was "the one".
  6. He needed serenity, so he joined NASCAR. <kidding> )mostly(
  7. This trick gets $2.85 beans. smh nene-leakes-producer-tooth-knocked-out
  8. Sketchy source, but wouldn't surprise... american-idol-canceled-low-ratings
  9. Her roughly 3.5% raise is basically cost of living, so she's not really being rewarded imo. That said, that she makes nearly $3million for being a loud-mouthed troublemaker is why I haven't watched Atlanta since the Phaedra/Porsha/Kandi (I'm sure at least 2 of these are misspelled, lol) incident. Waaay too much mess, waaay too little entertainment. Let's face it though, the messy ones = ratings gold. It's the sad truth of our Jerry Springerized society.
  10. Sounds absolutely abhorrent (to me). Granted, I'm not much of a BF fan, and I can't tell by ^this press whether or not she will be a cast member (thinking not), but nothing about it sounds appealing to me, including BF's involvement. Up to my eyeballs in mom-centric everything. Go ahead. Judge me.
  11. In the wild boar exhibit, wearing only meat underwear.
  12. Nothing, as long as you're vewy vewy kwyet, and da pup doesn't hear you. shhhh...
  13. Quick anecdote (don't taze me mods) - Had a server nearly stroke out and fall backwards saying "swee-unned or unswee-unned" when attempting to determine our ice tea preference. My DH needed an interpreter.
  14. Maybe we'll be surprised, but like you, I feel like this divorce will reach epic douchebaggery, on both sides, before it ends. We should have our own Wendy Williams D-i-v-o-r-c-e Hot Topics thread, then send her the link, lol.
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