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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Seems like this "literally" nonsense is often used as a replacement for "actually" or "really" also, and can often be omitted altogether with no change to the thought. It truly annoys me to the nth degree.
  2. I think I'm right here...prior to a couple of days ago, there was only a single, thin yellow line at the top of the first unread post. Now the entire post is surrounded by the yellow line. The pink (purple) line is awarded when a post reaches 25 reactions. I'm told 😏 that if the newest unread post is by a person you might have on ignore status, the yellow line does not show.
  3. That's what it is. Also, if you check notifications and click on those, the yellow line will show you the post someone reacted to or quoted.
  4. Okay. So you and I are willing to admit that she has a problem. Unfortunately, that will do little to alleviate said problem. I'm willing to listen to proposed solutions outside of the overcrowded jails, and forced sobriety, but hiring a sober companion to travel with Diva DeSlipUps just sounds a little too fuzzy slippers to me. Can't you hear it? "You work for me Bernard! I said go downstairs and peel me a grape, then drop it in my mimosa! The show must go on!" See that's the thing. The world loves to forgive, but it is generally accepted practice that one asks first. This is unfortunately, an illness unlike those other illnesses. This one has a whole bundle of social and familial messiness that goes with it. Unfair? Perhaps.
  5. From the moment she got in the shit in Florida, she was a non-believer. She has never believed that she has a problem with alcohol. She just believes that from time to time, awl-ka-hawl has a problem with her. If incidents like rolling around in shrubbery up to assaulting a police officer, followed by making the perp walk in front of a judge wearing the dress she slept in doesn't convince her, I am a little afraid for her. Clinical disturbances aside, the fact that she clearly views herself as above the law, hell, above it all, kind of enrages me a little. At this point, I actually do want to see her go to jail. Perhaps she can pen pal with Lori Laughlin and they can comfort each other about how no one understands them.
  6. This whole Big Apple Circus hoopla was imo, nothing more than a multi-episode ad for the Big Apple Circus. The role that Tinsley had was minimal and frankly, uninspired. I don't believe that the Sonja bit was unplanned. For all the talk about it, there was very little involvement. This was a commercial. This is the future of television, and I'm not here for it. 😕
  7. This will be the final chance that I will give to American justice. If they allow this self-important, egomaniacal, condescending bitch off the hook again, I will be forced to toe the line and live at the foot of the cross, so that I don't find myself in the thick of trouble. I don't have a cabaret act, the kind of friends that will forgive years of verbal abuse, nor am I completely deluded about my talents or lack of same. If $Eleventy six dollars can't get me out of it, then I'm in it for a long bit.
  8. She has couched the notion of awl-ka-hawlism more ways than a 100,000 sqft. discount furniture store.
  9. Nothing shows off a great (debatable) set of bolt-ons like a wrap something.
  10. It actually was discussed, and that it was an obvious in-show ad.
  11. @Whimsy, I love your insights, and hope to see more, but to be honest, there isn't much about 9-1-1 that is realistic. I mean, rebar through the middle of your forehead? lol
  12. I was going to add that she had clearly been overserved. I can relate. Back when I drank a little, I may have cried ugly too.
  13. She looked around, saw children and "regular people", and bounced. No handsome, wealthy men for her to fawn over, so she took a powder. Despicable.
  14. I really like Tinsley, but I can't stand this Tinsley. Jeezus, grow the eff up.
  15. Is it me, or did Sawnya steal Tins' thunder a bit? Tinsley took it very well. Better than I would have I think. Also, leave it to Ramona to make sure and demonstrate how little anyone else's shit means to her. Such a rodent.
  16. EST (DST) here, and the show airs at 7:30pm in our market.
  17. Ramona has come a looooong way, style wise, in the last year or two (I'd bet real money that she has hired a good stylist), but she has a very spotty history where clothing is concerned. Keep it light Moaner, keep it light.
  18. Okay, thanks. I assumed (dummy) that we were considering a 3 hr. time difference to PT.
  19. Is this Big Apple Circus even remotely as big a deal as the show & Tinsley are making it out to be? I like her, but Geebus, how many episodes are we going to drone on about it?
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