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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Are they doing this because the main actors are getting too old? This sounds like typical sitcom formula that plagued shows like Full House, Growing Pains, and others like that once the kids are no longer kids. The solution in those problems is that they bring in another set of kids. After all, Finn Wolfhard is doing a film with Steven Spielberg. His appearance might be limited this season.
  2. Man, I didn't think David Ogden would have gone. He was great in Better Off Dead as John Cussack's dad.
  3. Loved the 80s-90s music used here. Can I say the music used is great and kind of fits with the show in general! I was shocked to see Michael Louri here. He came a long way from Flashdance, did he? Darren Criss knows how to rock those 90s clothes.
  4. I have no doubt it would do well in the ratings, but I am just curious because Bryan Fuller doesn't stay on one particular show for long. That is where my initial concern lies. I would be interested as to how it be for a ratings receiver because there are other shows that could kill Anne Rice's VC series. Don't forget. This is a ratings competition now. It is no longer as to who gets to be on top. It's about money.
  5. Well, Jonah actually doesn't need the money. Alex did seem a little intimidated by him during the intro. He didn't feel too comfortable talking to him during the interview. A sandwich with cranberries named after him? Can you say huge ego?
  6. Jonah did seem rather pissed off that he lost to Mary Ann. Not a good way to show anger on national television, Jonah. Remember that.
  7. What a minute! Is Jonah Platt related to his brother Ben from Pitch Perfect? Is this the first to have a celebrity on the show?
  8. Bye, Alan! It was nice knowing you. No more theatrics from him! Didn't Jonah look like a young mature Corey Haim? The girl was lucky with that bet.
  9. I was actually enjoying this season than the previous season on OJ Simpson. Man, I was hoping Ryan could touch next season on the Sal Mineo murder or the John Lennon murder. What happened to them was just so wrong on so many levels. They were just returning home after a day of work and all of a sudden get shot by some random killer who had nothing to do with them. Either way, it was a tragedy and those killers should have rot for what they did to some unarmed ordinary person who was just doing his job. Horrible. And the ratings haven't been good? Crap! I was really enjoying this season.
  10. I for one never watched any of Ryan Murphy's American Horror Stories series, but I did like his Bette and Joan Feud segments and just recently became addicted to the Versace series. He does have an eye for talent and how the actors could portray emotion like no other. I always wondered what his next project will be.
  11. Were you born in 1983 just like me? I read it in 2000.
  12. I actually thought Sally's voice was dubbed, but upon hearing upon a YouTube segment, his voice is exactly like that. Damn. That is very shocking. The more you know about something. Looks like Stand By Me era Wil Wheaton in some of his promo pics. Jamie Kaye
  13. That governor's explanation was the worst excuse anybody could have come with about the shootings in Florida. I wanted to go Cher on him for making that statement. Yeah, governor, keep saying that and don't think about it. Moron.
  14. Considering this is late 19th Century New York, children living in poor or dirt poor conditions had no choice except to become factory workers or resort to prostitution. The only way a child is spared if he or she is born to wealth. Without it, they were treated like any other low class vermin. I read the Victorian era and how some of the treatments of teenage prostitution was really rampant among seedy sections of London. If you consider all the diseases people carried then, the life of a poor child was cut short due to rampant stench or dying prematurely due to illness. Living in those times was not great when you were poor. If you were rich, great. If you are poor, goodbye. Your time is up. Sad, but that was how it was then.
  15. When you look at this show and these old NY clips, you realized how much has changed over the years. Not too far off from the fashion presented on the show, eh?
  16. I don't get why he would jump on the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles, knowing he will leave both Anne and Christopher Rice once the season is over. He is not a person that wants to stay on board till the end. About the Chronicles, I am not looking forward to it, knowing that both Anne and Christopher are the ones writing it.
  17. My mom use to tell me stories about Patty Hearst. She use to tell me the horrors about the Summer of Sam, going out in a blonde wig to avoid being shot because of her dark hair color when she went disco clubbing. Good times.
  18. And Darren Criss is three years older than the real Andrew, but looks much younger than the actual person. I think the reason that Andrew was aging was due to a personality disorder or some other mental issues he had. But if that specific person was a drug user, your face could drastically age that fast. That could be another reason he was losing his looks. It's all how well you take care of yourself.
  19. A lot of people are saying how much Cody Fern looked like Andrew McCarthey or Dax Shepherd. He seems to be a cross between both to me.
  20. Bari Weiss reminded me of Tracy Gold's character from Growing Pains. I really thought it was her because of her nerdy goody two shoes attitude she had with Maher and the other guests. Out of all the guests, she was really annoying with her explanation about Lewinsky. The woman was no angel, so why paint her as a Mother Teresa? Doesn't make sense.
  21. Darren Criss is really killing it as Andrew. I found it amazing he went from Glee to a real life serial killer like that. I was skeptical at first, but he was doing great as Andrew.
  22. Randall Parks is born to Korean parents, so it would make sense not for him to speak Mandarin that much. i actually laugh at Ian Chen's expressions. His facial expression makes it all the more funny when speaking Mandarin. I knew some Asian parents, mainly my Filipino cousins, who would do that at dinner tables. It makes me laugh thinking about it.
  23. Anybody who leaves their pregnant wife for a man with a questionable reputation and uses his mantra that he is one of the working class deserves ridicule. Especially his New Yorker comment making him one of us, which is a flat lie. He is a elite lucky enough that daddy gave him money. I am sorry, but that man is full of hot air and nothing more. Mooch, go away.
  24. Actually, in real life, Eddie Huang was arrested on assault charges twice during his youth. But I wondered how are they going to paint Eddie, knowing the real life one has no control of the narrative as of now.
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