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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. It is called John Mulaney and The Sack Lunch Bunch. It's on Netflix.
  2. She was also the hip mother to Helen Hunt's character in As Good As It Gets. She was very pretty in Sweet Bird of Youth. I think Geraldine Page won an award for that role.
  3. Don't forget smoking. Emphysema is another dangerous category there. I truly think the decision they made is because of poor lifestyle choices.
  4. I love that she puts a spotlight on them. I know a tiger doesn't change their colors, but it most be infuriating when these states put party before country. And it is not supposed to be like that.
  5. You know the Seldon actor is from that Netflix Mulaney special, right?
  6. It is especially infuriating when you hear the reasons behind their protests. I pray when this is all over, we will be back to some form of normalcy. At least, that percentage was more believable. 68 percent, correct?
  7. Due to Convid-19, we will have to wait until 2021 or much later than that. By then, the kids will be much older. Like 19-20 years old!
  8. That was the only thing I liked in the finale. Jay learning, Joe’s haircut, and Stella. Other than that, meh.
  9. All I know about Crenshaw is that he is the person that was on SNL that Pete Davidson apologized to. And I remember Pete said something bad on Weekend Update that triggered some people due to Crenshaw being a veteran and all. That's how I know about it, too.
  10. In one of those old roast clips, it is shocking to see a young Alex Trebek there. Was that from a roast from the mid-late 80s?
  11. Don't worry. What goes around, comes around. They'll feel the pain.
  12. Yeah, Haley made me more pissed off at her than the others. A smack to the face would have been enough to knock some sense to her. A Cher smack that is.
  13. 10 dollars, yes! But something worth thousands of dollars, no! Those type of paintings are going to sit in the attic.
  14. Wasn't the head of ABC insisting on a Haley/Dylan spinoff? I could have sworn I read it somewhere.
  15. That's the problem when a show last long as MF. The writing will suffer as the seasons progress.
  16. That's the problem with TV characters who would never grow up over time. Either douchebags or being a regular punching bag to the audience. It is never going to be a good recipe for success.
  17. Every time I see Al Gore, I think of that South Park segment on Man Bearpig. I'm super cereal!!
  18. Even when I was watching 70s, 80s, and 90s sitcoms growing up with their finales, I could like some of the moments growing up. This just left a bad taste in my mouth.
  19. Fresh off the Boat and Modern Famiy were guilty of that. They just turned two good characters into unlikeable jerks. Jessica and Evan became unbearable in the later seasons as Cam and Mitchell became worse as they progress further in the seasons. Writers think this is an easy way out for having no ideas. It isn't. It just shows that you ran out of ideas already. Unfortunately, The Goldbergs are following suit with Barry & Erica becoming annoying all of a sudden. This is becoming a trend now when a show is losing steam.
  20. I thought the documentary was better than the finale.
  21. Oh, my! I just roll my eyes when they pull that stuff. Dude, you have money. And they go on about that this is the charity's money and I don't want to lose the bank, etc. This stuff makes me shake my head a lot. A million to them is just a drop of the bucket.
  22. Not that I am complaining or anything, but this Erica is completely different from the popular Erica. Just like MF's Dylan trying to be a Phil. I feel the writers are trying to make her another Beverly and it kind of annoys me so far. And no way a girl would put up with Barry's crap.
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