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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I wish Alpha had chosen Jack Black to make her costume out of.
  2. No, Lydia was right. Not everything is about you, Henry.
  3. Eugene has a one-man embassy there.
  4. Lydia schmydia. Her whole family belongs in an asylum.
  5. Carol would be giving him a cookie speech! Kill her! She's a whisperer in disguise! And kill Henry, too, just in case.
  6. So are they going to disguise themselves as normal humans to go to the fair? "Hello. Yes. I am your friend, whose name and voice I do not currently remember. The stitches and blood-soaked hair? Just a new thing I'm trying." Bonus points if they wear the normal person masks over their zombie masks.
  7. Oh, just drop the anvil on them already.
  8. I am officially here and now claiming "Colt Python" as my porn-star name.
  9. New opening theme to the tune of "The Beverly Hillbillies" Come and snicker at the story of a once-great show It used to be amazing, nowadays you wouldn't know But it's Sunday so we're drinkin' up hooch and hope Kirkman don't decide it's time to kill the pooch Daryl's, that is. Keep Dog. Kill Henry. They've lost Heath, Maggie, Sasha, Carl, Neil, and Rick The cast are swimming off like rats aboard a sinking ship Rick said "Cor! Blimey! Mate, me contracts over," then he rode off on dumpster fanny; now the star is fuckin' Henry Prince, that is. Stupid hair... wandering... Just stay inside, whiny boy!
  10. I assume that everyone will be sent to EoE until only Joe is left in the game. And then, by default, he will get all of their "give an advantage to a remaining player" benefits. And then they will have a final immunity contest, of, like, fishing or tree-climbing or hair-styling... and he will still somehow lose.
  11. I understand now why purists were so upset about the Exiles twist in Pearl islands. But at least it was kept a secret from viewers until the big reveal. Extinction Island not only sucks up time that could go into watching players who haven't been voted out, and renders TCs fairly meaningless, but it also allows people who have been voted out to still affect the game. That's really unfair to those who are actually still trying to play the game that they haven't been voted out of.
  12. Those weighted ropes that they were throwing in the first challenge were bolas. I'm not really sure why they chose a South American weapon for a South Seas locale, but whatever. Bolos, as Jeff kept on calling them, are Filipino machetes. I would have let it go once or twice, but he just kept on saying it! Over and over and over again. Probably because it sounds like "balls." But so would "bolas.' Was the original challenge supposed to involve throwing machetes, but there was a mix-up in the props department? That's too bad. 'Cause I would have enjoyed watching that. Also, what could have been a very interesting tribal council is ruined by the fact that apparently nobody is ever voted out any more. They just play a ridiculously complicated version of musical chairs.
  13. I think Connie and Michonne should switch roles. Michonne can go help Daryl fight Beta, and Connie can guard Negan. It would drive him absolutely batshit, having somebody just sit there reading a book while he tries to monologue at them.
  14. Watch them do another time jump to screw us out of seeing The Fair.
  15. Damn! Somebody's going for Carol's record!
  16. Please tell me these kids are all named after Peanuts characters.
  17. Yeah, someone at the bar was asking me about that, because they'd found out about the time jump, and specifically wanted to know Judith's age. I was like "I don't know. Carl aged about three years just while his mom was pregnant. Time travels at whatever speed the writers want it to."
  18. I am actually kind of amazed that Negan did not escape years earlier by reaching through the bars and grabbing Judith's gun.
  19. Sorry! I was just venting! Didn't mean to summon him.
  20. Well, just last week, Michonne was honestly sincerely shocked and horrified that Judith had conversed with and/or heard the big loud obnoxious man who absolutely never shuts up and lives in a big-ass obvious cage in their house.
  21. Can somebody please explain to me why Henry always asks his barber for the Joffrey Baratheon? I mean, GoT wasn't even running when the ZA started!
  22. Michonne was actually allowed to smile? Well, New Head Writer Lady, good luck in your future employment ventures. This was nice while it lasted, but I don't think Big Bob Kirk Man is going to embrace your new vision.
  23. Another Grimes kid is out of the house. Sure that'll end well.
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