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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I think Theon is one of the few characters who got a good ending to their story arc. I'd hate to be one of the extra Iron Island red shirts, though. "Lord Bran, I am so sorry for how I have treated you that my men and I are going to stand next to you and get murdered by the Night King as a very, very temporary distraction, in case like Arya or somebody has turned into a super ninja." "Um, boss? Could you maybe have asked us about this first?"
  2. The PR folk really need to come up with better catch-phrases than "That was lit."
  3. Farewell, Translucent. Great villain, gruesome death. I almost with these eps were a bit shorter so I could digest more than one at a time.
  4. That was a hell of a strong start. None of that "It's just a pilot, so be patient and wait for it to get better" shit; it's just honestly coming out of the gate as strong entertainment. And I didn't even want to like it, because I can't help but think that choosing this show had something to do with not renewing The Tick. And I do love me some Tick, but, whatever. I'm already invested in this new series. The only reason I'm not binging forward right into the second episode tonight is that I am very tired and would not retain enough details, so I'm gonna slow my roll just enough of a tad to enjoy this thing properly.
  5. The game show schtick had a lot of funny components, especially the clown-job, but it was way over-extended. I'd rather watch twenty minutes of the characters acting like themselves than twenty minutes of "OMG, aren't Japanese games shows silly, LOL?" Yes, they are. But if I'd rather be watching a Japanese game show, I would watch a Japanese game show. A good counterpoint to how it was handled was the USPIS musical, which I would unquestionably rate as one of the funniest moments in the show's entire run. And all they did was go crazy with it for a few minutes and leave us wanting more. If they'd tried to make it a whole episode, that would probably have just been weird.
  6. I hope Jenna survives a while, because she brings something to the table that none of the main 5 do: A complete unfamiliarity with this particular vampire mythos. She's the only character we've seen actually question things like "where do the clothes go," and, while I wouldn't have my cheesey cloaked bloodsuckers change form any other way I love that it bugs her. Apparently it bugs her enough that she can't even let her mind go enough to transform properly. She can, however, do to her low popularity, quite easily imagine being invisible. And, yes, "Buffy" did it first, but BtVS was basically the golden-era Simpsons of monster shows, so I'm not gonna lose any sleep over that one. The other vampires are what they are. I love them, but I don't think we're going to see any of them suddenly gain a bunch of new powers or go through much personality change. Gizmo is going through a lot personally, but he's either going to stay a human (most likely) or become a vampire who is way too genre-savvy to play in the Staten Island leagues for any amount of time. Jenna, however, stands to level up right in front of us, and I not only enjoy monstrous origin stories but also the exasperation that she will bring to the others with her learning process. Granted, Nadja has a soft spot for her because she remembers being the village wallflower herself, but I think Laszlo is about ready to see her fly away by now. And Gizmo is not happy with random catering leftovers being promoted ahead of him on the food chain!
  7. Nandor is obviously meant to be the most Vlad the Impaler like of the show's characters. I find it darkly hilarious that the writers chose to demonstrate this by making him the most anal.
  8. If it happens, I move that we name the "small talk" subforum "Blah Blah Blah."
  9. So does the disease only affect super-cool pretty girls? Does that mean the victims could cure themselves by becoming ugly or annoying?
  10. I watched all of Season 3 through Hulu. As for the first two this season: If you don't catch the pilot you won't be missing much. Episode two is where the show finds itself again. I'm not sure where to stream that one, but if you miss the show again next week you can still record it the next day. The new episodes play twice on Tuesday night and then once more on Wednesday afternoon.
  11. To be honest, I'd barely even heard of "Only Lovers Left Alive" before Tilda came on this show. I finally decided to check it out. Holy crap, that was a mistake. Boring, insufferably pretentious, and not even a single person yelling "BAT!" I watched about half an hour of it, then it sat unwatched in my DVD player for another day, then I said "screw this" and mailed it back to Netflix. Now I need to cleanse my pallette with a real vampire movie, like "The Deathmaster" or "Scream, Blacula, Scream." It not her fault the movie sucked, though. It was a boring script. Shit, I would happily star in far, far worse movies than that, and probably for less money, if the opportunity was offered. I did enjoy her WWDitS character, and I think she was a great sport for coming on and spoofing herself.
  12. I was surprised this week, and not in a good way. Although there were certainly some recognizable jokes, they were all written too broadly to actually be funny. I hope next week is better. Narrowing the entire show's focus down to just three characters, one of whom is Jareb, didn't help.
  13. Somehow I missed season 3 entirely, so I just finally got to enjoy that. Just finished it up today. Which works out perfectly, as far as timing goes. Not only did I get to spend a day off catching up on a hilarious and unpredictable comedy, but I now have just the right amount of time to take a shower, grab some stuff at the hardware store, go to the bar, get drunk, and take some half price wings home before season 4 begins. I'm looking forward to it. I even like that they've split the band up a little. Nate and Robin are a their best when they're playing off each other, and Jeb's character is pretty much the designated "dumbest guy in the group," which probably precludes him from not being part of the group, but Delilah's character is ready to go out and make some of her own trouble. I trust the writers to make it interesting, and I trust the kid playing her to make it great.
  14. This season isn't dull, but it sure does feel like they're rushing a bunch of extra stuff in at the last minute.
  15. Laszlo certainly does. But of course he can always watch 100 years of bad porn. Perhaps that's the answer for the others. I could see Nadja doing porn. Perhaps even Nandor. "No, Guillermo! Is 'vampires only' gang bang!" Colin, though... not so much. I think he has a normal reflection anyway though.
  16. Nadja learned how to groom herself by touch alone, because when she was a poor Gypsy girl nobody in her village could afford a mirror anyway. And also, the story somehow involves donkeys.
  17. Quite a few characters have commented on how tasty Gizmo apparently seems, so I read that as him giving off strong virginal vibes/pheremones/whatever. But then on the other hand...
  18. So, now that the original airing is over, does anybody know where and when it will be available on a main streaming site? Not only do I know people who don't have cable and are waiting to binge it, but I myself would actually like to zip through a rewatch in the episodes' actual intended viewing order.
  19. It's very possible that at some point there was something in the mail that Gizmo did not want to show Nandor. Perhaps it was a flyer advertising all the Familiar-training benefits of Camp Renfield. If you're taking a second to read something addressed to your master, and then realize it's not something you want to tell him about, then the best strategy is to escape quickly with an easy simple lie. Especially with Nandor.
  20. Those obviously domestic rats always take me out of the moment. Even if they just stuck with all-white ones I could pretend they were some inbred catacomb-dwelling strain of albinos. But hooded rats? Those guys have "bred for aesthetic human appeal" written all over them. Still not the worst rat-casting ever, though. How does that even happen? "Duh, sorry, boss. We couldn't find any rats." "How about mice? We could use mice and turn the zoom lens on 'em." "No mice either." "So what have we got?" "Well, I do always have a car trunk full of random armadillos. You never know when a bunch of random armadillos might come in handy. Should we use armadillos?" "Sure, why not? If anybody asks, we'll just say they're Transylvanian armadillos."
  21. As usual, the best character interactions are between Liv and Ravi.
  22. If Nandor was Muslim in life, which seems most probable, the Orthodox garb might just be him imitating the Christians of his era. But nowadays I'm pretty sure that if the main three had to declare a religion, they'd check "Vampire." Colin, of course, could simply check "none." But he wouldn't. Because he could have way more energy-draining fun if he answered the question with a long rambling monologue about his philosophical journey to define which particular micro-nuance of "not religious" he is, and why nowadays he has eventually concluded that he is a pandeist, or apatheist, or whatever the hell he ends up telling his victim by the time they pass out.
  23. I assume the church thing works one of two ways. Either 1. Holy symbols in general are effective. Christian symbols are the most commonly encountered in western countries, but other religions have just as much power, or 2. Different cultures have different religious magic, and usually there is one that a monster type is particularly vulnerable to. Christians just happen to have stumbled onto the mojo that is effective on vampires. On Buffy and Angel, they often had to use magic from Tibet or Sumeria or whatever, but against vampires the deterrent that worked best was Christianity. A Jewish character had a bit of trouble explaining to her family why she had a crucifix in her room. Personally, I hope it's the first set of rules, simply because there's more jokes to be had there.
  24. Yup. Gizmo the Vampire Slayer is shaping up to be a thing. And in other news... Laszlo has known about Gregor all along, witches steal semen to make magnets, and even Colin doesn't like funerals.
  25. Not as good as the dancing episode. And I agree we don't need even more antagonist factions sucking up screentime this close to the end. However, I do enjoy Blaine. Peyton and Major usually get stuck with boring scenes. The fun writing always goes to Liv, Ravi, Clive, and Blaine/ Don E. Oh, and because it can not possibly be asked enough: Who the fuck keeps writing that stupid Inspector Clousseau character into the show? Nobody has ever .liked him. Ever. Just stop.
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