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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. I don’t see why people think they are married just Because he’s wearing a ring? My brother wears a ring like that,he’s not married. I have a few friends that have been with their guys for a long time and they wear rings on that finger. Not married. Lot of people wear rings these days as a way to show they are “taken”
  2. Jihoon/Deavan- I can’t with her. She’s totally that friend everyone ignores because she is always seeking pity and killing all happy vibes. She was asking him to be there like it was a favor or something,the way I would ask my husband to pick up milk on his way home. She has a kid already,she should be aware of the complications or that babies come when they want to.If they ever go thru with marriage she will for sure remind him everyday how he missed the birth. Laura-Sweetheart, if you wanted to have Your rights and freedoms as a women, then you should have stayed in your country. You are not Moses, you are not going to lead women to the promise land. Karine/Paul- I always imagine when the locals see Paul they think “Who did this guy kill in the US? For him to be hiding away in this shithole. “ Tiff/Ronald- what’s the point in getting married if you have no fucking idea on where you will be living? And can we stop with the dramatic clips of how dangerous South Africa is? I”m sure it can be,but the area they are in looks to be pretty decent. Lots of nice houses and cars with people living the same lives as Americans.
  3. My favorite part was seeing Sam just sitting there chillin, reading the Bible meanwhile the whole house is in chaos. I watched the leaked footage of the whole argument that took place ( which lasted about 1 hr and 20 mins) Sadly the editors only chose to air the least Entertaining clips of the arguments compared to everything else in the 1hr 20 mins. Kat needs to lay low, before everyone’s figures out that she’s playing EVERYONE The whole “are you bitches conspiring against me?” Thing is getting old and annoying. Ever since Julie/producers showed her the clips she’s made it her job to say it nearly every episode. Along with her DR sessions of trying too hard to make witty stupid comments.
  4. Nick pretty much admitted that He only wanted Jessica to play Veto,because she wouldn’t win because she’s not “athletic” he kept low key hinting at her weight. Not cool for a guy who’s a freaking Therapist to Children. Jessica does suck as a player, but these people every year act like having nice bodies is the key to winning. When in most cases the more fit people suck at the comps. Also Jackson referring to everyone else in the house as “common folk”.... the idiot continues on.. I’m gonna miss Sam, he annoys a lot of people with his loudness, but at least seems a like a genuine nice person.
  5. For being a final season, I feel like they added too many new characters/stories to fill time. Such as, The mother of 2, the lady pregnant by rape. The Egyptian girl. So much time spent on trying to be relevant on current issues for example,#metoo movement and current immigration issues. The show has been circling the drain for a few seasons now,did Writers give up? Some of the main characters had predictable endings, Doggett passing her GED ( her death shocked me tho) Taystee not killing herself. Cindy going back to her mother/daughter. Daya getting what she deserves. Hopper getting caught. Was happy to See Poussey and boo and the others again! The ending when the cast all said goodbye was my favorite. Especially Selenis Leyva ( Gloria Mendoza) “I’m currently unemployed” I love when shows do that, I always wonder what it’s like on set when a show is ending after so many seasons. It must be sad.
  6. So far I Just finished Episode 6 ( The tale of two cultures) Deanna is gorgeous! To me her look before the makeover wasn’t even that bad, sure her hair was a little crazy and she only shopped at stores like forever 21, but that’s common for people in the Midwest. I would like to see Tan shop at more stores that are more realistic & affordable for these people’s budgets that they can actually use when the fab5 are gone. It looks like The shopping scenes are always at some boutique, and those places can get pricey. Especially for those on the show that have kids to support. They did go to Target during the first season and that was nice to watch! Her “before” looked way better compared to past people on the show. And her “After” was great too. The whole episode seemed to only focus on the Mexican issue and low key shots at trump and the government. I started to lose interest. I’m tired of hearing about politics,I don’t want it invading my tv shows too!
  7. I love that jack shaved off his facial hair, it only reveals how unattractive of a guy he actually is, underneath that false wanna be aquaman persona. Now he just needs to get rid of that Hair that looks as dry as Egypt and his shitty personality.
  8. I know it’s wrong but I would have loved seeing only Black Officers show up to the scene of that racist Idiot who was pissed off because his sister was dating a black guy. That would have been entertaining as hell!
  9. Luera is such an asshole. He’s always starts out aggressively rude with people and then wonders why it escalates. He needs to take some notes from the Richland officers in how he Interacts with people. Muskitt was wearing jeans because it’s Rodeo Week in Salinas, which is apparently a big deal....
  10. If he had put it in the toilet I think production would have stopped it. In season 2 I think it was( sorry many years ago!) there was a pissed off HG who secretly used another HG toothbrush to clean the toilet, But production called them to the DR And threw the toothbrush away.
  11. I know it won’t happen but at this point I would LOVE a twist where everyone in Camp comeback gets back in the game. Bella is horrible. She’s totally that girl in school, that wanted to hang with the “popular” kids,and now that she’s been accepted,she’s a total mean girl. Since Nick, or as I like to say ,her “2 minute man” (watch the feeds) is HOH she feels invincible. Nick- he’s so worried about Nicole,but I’m more worried about that hairline Sam -Stop hanging with those jerks! Tommy- I rolled my eyes so hard at his over the top comments about “Katelynn“ being his fave houseguest ever” he seems to play up his accent in the DR clips. How long until they all realize that tommy is at the scene of everyone’s conversations and knows a lot of information Cliff- forgot he was even on the block
  12. I don’t understand how Corey actually believes that giving Evelin all of that money to open up a Bar was a good idea,or that the investment would bring them success Judging only by the area that has been shown, I wouldn’t drink or eat in a bar/restaurant that was located in that area. So many wild dogs,pigs running around. Trash all over. The town just looks dirty. As a tourist, especially as an American, I am use to only eating/drinking in cleaner establishments. Perhaps others would agree with me. (If not that’s okay) And does he just assume/expect that a lot of the locals will be hanging out,spending money there? And how? With what money? Does he not see the poverty surrounding him or is he blinded by “love” by the looks of it the people in that town have very little money and struggle for what they do have. I don’t mean to offend anyone but that’s my opinion based on what we’ve been shown, I could be wrong.
  13. Sam is loud & hyper during his Diary Room sessions,it doesn’t bother me, i’d Rather listen to him yell, then to be subjected to Smug DR sessions from the Jacks. I hate that Sam didn’t use his veto, because now WannabeAquaman has an even bigger ego in his head. At this point I just hope I get to witness his head exploding when he finally over fills it with too much Bullshit. Maybe it’s just me but couldn’t the HG take a few seconds to throw on some clothes out of their bikini’s/swimsuits when trying to comfort Sam? There is a time & place for wearing your swimsuit, but someone mourning a death is not one of those times.
  14. The scene where they all finally sit down to eat “breakfast” the camera zooms over to Jihoon’s mother who is happily gnawing on an apple not bothering to eat any of the other crap had me laughing.... I would do the same!
  15. Some people are questioning why Deavan is the one making the move. I’ve wondered that aswell and I kinda have a theory. I’m wondering if maybe she’s doing it as a way to feel like she’s achieved some type of accomplishment. She was a Teenage Mother & now pregnant again at 21/22. Most of her friends have probably went away to college, live on their own with roommates,go to parties,live care-free,all of that stuff. Meanwhile her life doesn’t appear that exciting in comparison to people her own age. A lot of them probably find her life sad & want nothing to do with her. Moving to Korea could give her a sense of actually being interesting to her peers & feeling better about her life choices. And maybe I missed it but is Drusilla’s father in her life at all?? Is he okay with his daughter leaving the country? I have a friend with a 7 yr old that moved from the US to The Netherlands, and there was a lot of paperwork before it was finally allowed because the father signed away his rights to speed up the move.
  16. I would love to know why Jackson (miche) always puts off a “You’re a loser and I’m better than you” sort of vibe. He should be spending his summer looking for another job, other then being a waiter so he can move out of his momma’s house. He’s not going to be landing any girls long term that look like Holly, Kat etc anytime soon,when there are better looking Lego’s in the world with more to offer. I don’t typically judge what people do for a living, but he’s a douche bag who’s clearly insecure because others in the house are more successful then he is, and being that he still has a high school mind set, he thinks his looks out weight anything else that actually matters.
  17. I actually like this officer, and so far all of the other new OK officers. But I do think his tattoos look ridiculous . Marvel/Comic book tattoo themes can actually look really really good. But his look sloppy,too spaced out with all of that blue scribbled in. he has way too many colors going on so that the whole thing looks like a kids artwork.
  18. Yay found the forum! Paul/Karine- I’m Sorry but I have no sypmpathy for these two. ( and it’s not because of his criminal background,which is horrible in itself) it’s because they both are stupid for getting pregnant. Paul thinks 26K a year is impossible, I know college students who work part time and make more then that. You don’t make a baby,when you can’t even figure out how to legally live in one country together,and manage to survive with no plan at all. Also after all the miscarriages Karine really should have let her body have more time to heal. I only feel sympathy for the innocent baby. Jenny/Summit- I’m not understanding this relationship AT ALL. I’m way younger then Jenny (26) a guy lying to his family like that would be a huge turn off. I don’t understand how at 60 she doesn’t feel off about it. I’m an adult,I have no reason to lie to anyone,especially my parents,when it comes to my life choices and I expect my husband who is 30 to do the same. Laura/Aladin- She’s in lust and he has nice teeth. Corey/Evelyn- he acted like he was getting brain surgery or something. Over a few shots? Really? I kept waiting for the scene of him leaving the appointment with a sticker and lollipop.
  19. I know it’s lame but I reallyI miss how excited I would get on Friday’s at work knowing Live PD would be on. But after this last 2 week break they got rid of even more departments. (Franklin, Warwick, Slidell) we still have Richland but even then they barely show that department anymore and when they do it’s usually new officers. Really wish they were still following the departments that originally started the show, Pasco, El Paso, Arizona,Maryland, Greenville NC, Pinal county,Spokane.
  20. These people often make me question how real my relationships with friends and family is. Never in my 26 years of living has anyone ever gifted me a free car. I think I’m hanging out with the wrong people,I’m jealous.
  21. Omg I just can’t with this family. These 2 grown ass “men” continue to act like 9 year olds fighting for who can be daddy’s favorite. Dad needs to get help for himself cause he’s Delusional if he thinks they will ever be a normal family. At this point he deserves all of the stress they bring, because he won’t walk the hell away. Steven & Justin hitting their father only proves how much they disrespect him. I swear this was mostly just 2 hours of Justin crying over and over again how much he hated Steven and can’t wait to be back home to his life and his career. I find it hard to believe that his store does so well. It probably barely makes even every month.
  22. I agree. As annoying as the plaintiffs were, I didn’t like the defendants side much either. I kinda would have liked to see the proof that the plaintiffs actually did make weekly reports to housing authorities. Or if the Landlords were just being cheap and not wanting shell out money for repairs (even if they are simple things that don’t seem that important) because I’ve had landlords like that. Although I never made reports to anyone. Side note: $3,500 a month for rent seems crazy expensive to me, then again I live in Wisconsin (suburb of Milwaukee)
  23. I’d guess no,I bet they are the type to say “It’s their job,why should I tip them for it?”
  24. Whew, Jacob is a very creepy looking guy. Not sure what the attraction is there.
  25. I just love how Dr. Now throws out these low key snarky comments lately, especially “It seems to me you need a calculator” i know I’m horrible but I knew she would fail. Karma is a bitch, but Angie is a bigger one. You get out of life what you work for & earn. I’d rather see Dr. Now offer the weight loss surgery to Desiree. I’d also like for someone to tell that girl she doesn’t need to breed with every guy she gets with like her idiot mother.
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