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  1. Crying Over coffee on the phone really? Manuel is a Jerk, But Ashley isn’t exactly a prize herself. Imagine being her friend, she probably cries when the starbucks line is long. $8 dollars isn’t much when you want to treat yourself , but when you consider how much she drinks, it adds up quick. For someone who’s so into Social Issues, she sure is ignorant when it comes to other cultures. Clayton can seem a little odd, but I like him. I’m curious to know why he has custody of the mother living in his closet & not the “overprotective” sister…. If she hasn’t moved out in 3 years, she’s never moving out now. Jasmine is exhausting at this point. The lipgloss was totally planted. She probably put it there to argue, it’s her favorite hobby. We’ve seen his messy house, it’s not shocking that he still has shit from years ago lying around. I did laugh when Gino was describing his bachelor party like it was a night out to dinner at Olive Garden with the whole family as they cut to the clips of a shirtless (and I think a completely nude stripper) on top of him…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Going after the children hurts the parents way more,on many different levels than anything else Harold could do.
  3. Does Jasmine not realize that the $10k Gino sent that was meant to be for her wedding dress, could have been better spent to make some upgrades to the home, yet she uses it to get more botched work. Jasmine only cares about jasmine. Hope Gino is prepared to hear forever “I gave up my family, friends & home to be here” during jasmines temper tantrum every time she doesn’t get her way.
  4. Was hoping to see America on the block. She’s become so full of herself lately, She has the nerve to tell bowie to go after the pairs, meanwhile she’s glued to corey 24/7
  5. Am I the only one that’s gets so annoyed during the live votes? It’s just 10 minutes of each HG yelling shout outs in the Diary room & screaming at Julie about whatever outfit she’s wearing .Cast your vote & shut the hell up. Kinda feel bad for Mecole being stuck with Felicia as a final two deal, that’s nothing but a fantasy.
  6. Holly’s mom should have chaperoned Brandon & Mary.
  7. She was full of shit from the start with those damn tarot cards. No way can a random shuffle of cards that were produced in a factory determine anyone’s future.
  8. So Mary thinks every American lives in a palace like Versailles & the Government just gives us money? I think I’m living in the wrong America, because every paycheck the Government takes from me. Time for Mary to research more about how the average working American lives. Not the ones glorified in LA or NYC on television.
  9. Ugh, Was hoping for a miracle that blue would get evicted. Can’t stand her over the top obnoxiousness, always checking herself out, yelling in the diary room. Jared’s lying to himself if he thinks, she would actually give him a chance outside the BB house.
  10. I hardly doubt that. He doesn’t even seem like a sexual person, he’s super religious, so i’m sure sex won’t happen often & when it does, he’ll only care about his pleasure. She has a sad life ahead of her in more ways then one.
  11. Why is Nicola so afraid of his family finding out meisha’s “past” which is basically that she’s divorced & has 2 daughters…. he speaks as if she was a porn star or something. It’s 2023, he’s in his 50s. Do they really expect him to find someone in his age group that’s been single & a virgin their whole life? I’d be more concerned honestly about the one who’s 50+ still living with their mother.
  12. Too be fair, it seemed like Nicola told his mom 5 minutes before their arrival he was bringing a guest. Plus he was being a real dick & not willing to translate or engage much in the conversation.
  13. Riley/violet- TOXIC. Nicola- Is a cold, unattractive,uncaring rude man child. Christian- I agree, the planets & stars won’t reveal your future. Cleo needs to be more confident before getting into relationship. Gino- Who waits until 56 to have a child?!? All that plastic surgery why would she want a baby? She doesn’t take care of the ones she has it appears. Dempsey- RUN. David- Is sweet, I don’t know how he can financially support them all. 12/13 is a big age to move a kid to new country, he’s going to need to learn a lot more english fast. I want them to be happy the most out of all these others.
  14. “ It’s not like this in America” NO SHIT. Holly & Kim are both idiots. If you want things to be like “America” then maybe stay in America, Don’t go on TV & make the rest of us look bad!
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