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Everything posted by IgnoranceisBLISS

  1. So all of their new houses are like 20 minutes away from each other? That makes sense, not!
  2. Brianna, it's called shampoo. Regular or Dry it doesn't matter just use some!!!! Her unkempt hair is one of the main reasons she always looks dirty to me. JMO
  3. You did!!! I am a little confused though cuz isn't she trying to make it sound like her and Chris are a half ass item? So now you have three different baby daddies and you are going on a dating show? I'm sorry but if one of those guys were my son I would tell him to run as far away from all of her baggage as he can.
  4. Kail's excuse for why she is wanting to reconnect with her family is BS. I think she has realized that she will be sitting at home alone when all of her children are at the plethora of Daddy's houses that she will be required to let them spend time with on the holidays. She probably thinks it will give her some kind of leverage if she has some of her own family that they can spend time with on those designated days. Kail to Baby Daddy's- "I think it would be better if they stayed here this Christmas since my third cousin removed will be visiting and they need to get to know my family too." Baby Daddy's- That's not how it works, Kail. That's not how any of this works. Jenelle- I am not a fan at all but to see how she explained away the 911 call was chilling. Her eyes just make it look like she is completely dead inside.
  5. Is Devoid always baked? I mean I would probably have to self medicate if I had to go deal with The Coven but dude is always FAAAAAAAAADED!
  6. I was trying to figure out why they were all looking like characters from A Clock Work Orange. (I totally just dated myself! LOL)
  7. When did Jen and Larry get a new house? So I google mapped their old house and it looks like they just updated the exterior of the old house?
  8. This times a million!! He turns everything into a blowup conversation.
  9. Dayum!!! How high was Shayden this episode? He looked like he was actually almost nodding off in the scene in the bedroom. Kelsey, get your daughter and baby away from him stat!!
  10. Am I the only one that thought that Sara Palin had a few drinks on the plane ride to LA? She acted like she had to really think about what was coming out of her mouth and it wasn't slurred but was very stilted.
  11. Yes!!!! I was trying to concentrate on what they were saying but was too distracted with trying to find out if they were secret twins. LOL
  12. Having PTSD does not give you a free pass at being a douche. I'm looking at you Dakota. The way he talked about parenting was a little off to me. He seems as if he is VERY overbearing.
  13. Because like idiots they were trying to conserve their electricity when everyone else loses theirs. Duh!!! LMAO
  14. My jaw dropped when she said this on National Television!!!! She is a Big Dummy!
  15. OMG!!! I can't wait for next season! I love me some bitchy Kate.
  16. I understand where you are coming from and I don't think there should be any huge celebrations (other than for a healthy baby) but you also don't want your kids to think that you won't be there for them because they messed up. There is a difference between loving your child even though they made a mistake and condemning them for it. Children are going to make mistakes some bigger than others but that doesn't mean you just turn your back on them and go about your daily duties. We see how well that is turning out with Anna and her resentment. I have a feeling that is part of the problem in that family and Laura is going to pay for this mistake for the rest of her life and I'm not just talking about raising the baby.
  17. I think a lot of the outrage comes from seeing the look on her face when her father said it to her. She was obviously hurt by the comment. I don't think they know how to show emotion. Her father looks like he is in constant confusion and her mom just sits there like a bump on a log. They couldn't even get Anna a cake that said Happy Birthday on it and don't even get me started about the not showing even the slightest interest for being there at the birth. They acted like it was a blip in their schedule to have to attend. That must be a miserable house to live in.
  18. She was naked wasted in Mexico in the pool crying with Ramona(? someone) that felt awkward hugging naked Bethenny. She was naked wasted in the Bezerkshires fighting over an elf onsie with Dorinda. ETA: at least Doris doesn't get naked when she's drunk I would take a naked, happy or sad drunk over a vapid drunk like Dorinda.
  19. Love all of the comments but I'm just over here stuck on how NO ONE in Mariah's circle has told her that her make up is horrible!!! I can't even pay attention to what is being said because I am too distracted with the 10 tons of make up that she has so poorly applied.
  20. Just wanted to see if Ricky is still sitting at the restaurant. LMAO
  21. This would be sooooooooooooo delicious!!!!!
  22. Will someone please let Kristen know that letting her child act a fool isn't cute? There is a way to let a two year old know that throwing her things everywhere isn't acceptable. She just sat there looking at her husband like she was at a loss and she wants to have more kids. Uh no girl, you aren't ready.
  23. I saw one of the male security guards grab her but maybe I am wrong. Won't be the first time and damn sure not the last. lol
  24. This isn't the first post that I have seen that references Evelyn. Who the hell is Evelyn? Thank you in advance for answering. :)
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