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Miss Bones

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Everything posted by Miss Bones

  1. I laughed when Fessler said "My aunt is my second mother..." Oh, you don't say? She is literally a carbon copy of your mother!!
  2. Their kids really do seem to be very genuinely nice people. I'm not sure that I've ever been able to say that about any NJ kids. Or really any kids on any of the franchises, for that matter... 😬 I was cleaning the kitchen while watching, and when she made the comment about Paul learning English when he came to America, I still thought it was Danielle! It wasn't until Dolores complimented Brittany and said she was good for Frank that I realized it was Frank's girlfriend. I second that! And I'm sorry, but the fact that they still style their hair exactly the same, and dress identical as grown women is totally bizarre. It really is an eyesore! Mr. Bones and I have eclectic decorating taste, and the other day he had suggested a particular design choice that I was not keen on, that would make an area look too busy. Later, I was watching an ep of RHONJ, and paused it on a scene at Marge's house, and called him in the room to take a look: "You asked why I don't want to do _____ on that wall? ...So our house doesn't end up looking like THIS!" I said. I'm all for having fun with your decor, but theirs hurts my eyes...and my brain.
  3. Yeah now that you mention it... I actually wasn't in love with book 2. It was hard to get through, whereas I tore through Firefly Lane. I just like when movie/TV adaptations stick to the source material. Though, one thing I did like about Fly Away was more insight into Cloud's backstory. In the TV show, I don't care so much about Cloud, because the casting was horrible, made worse by the zero-effort that was put into the old-age makeup!
  4. That is not always true. The characters in Scream were aware of the tropes, but sometimes still made the same mistakes. In the original Scream, Sidney says to the killer on the phone (re: Horror films): "They're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act who is always running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door. It's insulting." Moments later, ghost-face is chasing her around her house, and where does she run? Right up the stairs...
  5. I'm late, but been rewatching on HBOMax and this song unlocked a memory for me! I knew it sounded familiar, played it and it totally took me back to watching Degrassi TNG on "The N" as a teen!
  6. Oh, I did not realize that. But I just looked up Lon Chaney Sr in Phantom, and I am dying laughing, trying to picture a HM leading man that looks like that!
  7. With them flashing forward 10 years, I wonder if part 2 of season 2 will go the "Fly Away" (book 2) route? Or we could get a limited series, that is called Fly Away, and follows book 2. That would be nice.
  8. I would tend to agree, but I feel like some people are just good-looking in a way that others side-eye me when I say that I do not find them attractive. I guess with using the word "objectively", I was just thinking ahead that someone would jump in and say how handsome he is, because he has one of those faces that probably reads handsome to a lot of people.
  9. Christopher Russell? He is always an immediate NO for me. I've seen others call him handsome, and I suppose he is objectively handsome, but I find him creepy... and he is an awful actor. Kimberly Sustad?
  10. Oohh yes, good point! Surprised that wasn't too taboo for CCB. I guess we are to assume that she and the love interest immediately married after the end-of- movie kiss. I noticed this, too!! Which show is that? I like a good mystery.
  11. She gets approved to adopt a child, whilst her current residence is the ATTIC of an antique store, in a town she has just randomly dropped into, no less! Yep. That was my feeling. Cute dogs. Bland, wooden leads.
  12. Oh, yeah! I did see that one, and I guess I didn't notice that she had toned down the clown. I have to say, she wasn't too bad in the new Five More Minutes, but I found it kind of boring. And I am also not a fan of the guy that played her love interest, Lucas Bryant, either. I just find something off-putting about him. Hahaha - same here! The posters on this forum brought it to my attention, and now I can't not cringe every time the poor woman cracks a grin. Ugh, I watched 4 HM movies this weekend, and I believe 3 out of 4 (may have been all 4) referenced the BIG CITY. The writers have to be trolling us, at this point. I have not watched it yet, but am looking forward to it, after seeing positive reviews from most here. However, when I was watching other HM movies through the weekend, I was getting so hungry when they would play the ads for Hannukah on Rye. Mmm the food looked sooo good!!
  13. I am curious to see her performance in the Five More Minutes sequel that is coming out this weekend on HMM. I can't imagine her goofy grin being appropriate in a grief-driven movie. I'll be watching, and looking forward to snark from my fellow Primetimers. That's usually the best part of watching a HM movie, is coming here afterward!
  14. You forgot "the big merger" 😀 This made me laugh because I live in Lancaster PA among Amish folk (no, we are not Amish), and whenever my husband overhears someone from these movies say "the big city" he repeats it, using a fake Amish accent. We have actually heard Amish people use that term, when referencing the city of Lancaster. Too funny.
  15. I was watching one of the Time for (insert pronoun) to Come Home for Christmas movies the other day, and it was checking so many of your items off the list, but it ended up missing quite a few. It was fun looking out for them though! I feel like now I'm just going to be playing your Bingo game in my head during all of these. I'm usually half "hate-watching"/poking fun at them the whole time, anyway! 😄
  16. She is beautiful, but they applied her makeup with a trowel. It appeared they had lined outside her lips also, and filled them in to make them look bigger. I found it distracting.
  17. Some of the new ones are going straight to Peacock, if you have access to it. It seems like they don't stay on there for long, though. Sorry, I see @Makai beat me to that info.
  18. I see that @peacheslatour has confirmed this to be incorrect, but @Gharlane, I am curious where you heard that Snooky rumor. Or did you think the woman in the commercial was Snooky? 😄 That's funny
  19. I dislike Pete, as it is, but now Pete + Santa pubes = 🤮
  20. I forgot, I wanted to mention that A Season for Miracles is available to watch on Peacock. I had never seen it before, and at the recommendation of one of my fellow Hallmark Primetimers (not sure which poster it was), I watched it over the weekend. I loved it! Mae Whitman was such a great little child actor, and I thought that the whole cast did wonderfully. I loved the small-town feel. It had exactly the kind of warm, heartfelt tone that I love in a Hallmark Christmas movie, which is why I gravitate more toward the HMM Christmas movies, than the romance ones. I highly recommend it.
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