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Miss Bones

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Everything posted by Miss Bones

  1. Same! Like you said before, the mom's were total dicks! Angela was obviously a pretty fragile person to keep going back for more abuse. Between making her take the fall for the smoking, and leaving her to fend for herself after throwing the bag of crap on Halloween, on top of what we saw in the first episode. And we haven't even seem what lead up to her pleading for their attention at the NYE party in episode 1, right before her death. There has to be more to that, that we are going to learn.
  2. While the party was going on, they showed A go into the basement through the outdoor "bulkhead" entrance. Those usually do not have a key; they are more of a latch on the inside. I know that A had been down there when Imogen went in the basement in a previous episode. Perhaps A slipped in through the front door when Imogen was upstairs in her mom's room (when she went to get the picture from her ultrasound in the first episode), and then A left the bulkhead unlocked for future reentry? Perhaps it was left unlocked when they were showing the house to potential buyers, and they forgot to lock it? Or perhaps you could be onto something with your theory! 😉
  3. Hahaha this made me laugh out loud! Reminds me of the time I was reading Tori Spelling's first memoir (it was free in the community room of the apartment building that I lived in, at the time). I took it to read on a flight, and I took the dust jacket off, because I was embarrassed for the other passengers to know I was reading it.
  4. I thought Chip was going to do something bad when Tabby came back from her panic attack, and Faran and the jock were gone, and he had all the camera stuff wrapped up (I did not watch episode 5 yet). But then he just left. There were a couple of other mannerisms/expressions Chip has made, that made me start thinking he might be a little sketchy. The way he looked at her at the prom episode, when she said she wanted to go dance with her friends. He said it was okay, but then looked after her, in an almost sinister way. It could just be the facial expressions that the actor is making, but I don't trust him. And it would be a good way to try to throw us off, since they were making it like Tabby's boss at the movie theater was the "bad guy" vs. Chip's "best-friend-who-has-a-not-so-secret-crush-on-her good guy". The whole chase sequence with Noa on the roof, then "A" making her call the hospital and rat on her mom about the drugs (which were given to her mom by "A") finally made me feel like this is PLL. "A" was always making them do things they didn't want to do to their friends, family, and partners. Before this episode it seemed like they had created this generic stalker psycho and slapped the name "A" on them, so they could name it PLL. My one complaint since episode 1 has been: Tabby, we get it, you love horror movies! They are beating us over the head with her movie references and meta comments. I'm enjoying the show overall. I keep trying to save an episode, so that I don't have to wait a whole week for more, but I will probably end up watching episode 5 tonight!
  5. It makes me think of Slimer from Ghostbusters. Great, now I'm craving some Ecto-cooler! 😝
  6. I have a lot of purple Halloween decor. I have orange and purple fairy lights that I decorate my plants with for the season. I have some things that have some bright green accents on them, but I'm not big on the green for Halloween.
  7. That sure is the best time for deals! I was so happy when--a few years ago--I scored these beautiful black ceramic pumpkins, that have a gold stem and a gold snake wrapped around them, for 75% off right after Halloween. It was especially rewarding because I had kept going back to Christmas Tree Shop during the season, and really wanted them but could not justify paying what they wanted for them. I was so glad that I waited!
  8. That's so cool! What a fantastic idea. I would be into something like that where we look like skeletons.
  9. I don't know anything about Gwyneth's candles. What is the deal there? I know! I think I would be open with my kid (I do not have any yet) about his/her own body at a fairly young age, since some girls can get their periods at 8 or 9 years old, but if my 2 or 3 year old asked me what a pubic hair is, because of this stupid unnecessary commercial, I would be a little taken aback. Especially because then it could prompt "Why do some people shave them?" "Well, honey, some prefer a landing strip, some like to be bare..." No, Venus! That is quite enough of that!
  10. Hee! Sorry, I will never stop that! And I actually don't do pumpkin spice. Maybe a candle, but I am not a fan of the pumpkin-spice-flavored everything.
  11. Ohhh I have definitely found my people! I am planning to start my Fall/Halloween decor and horror movie extravaganza before the end of the month also! I am also a huge Friends fan, so I immediately saw your pic and said “Gladys!” 😃 yes I’m a dork. I would totally hang those for Halloween. My Halloween decor scheme is “pretty meets scary”. Think black lace and blood! I think Gladys and Glynis would fit the bill!
  12. Oh thanks! It is me, when I painted my face for Halloween about 10yrs ago. I used Elmer's glue and toilet paper to make the bloody prosthetic. I'm a Halloween junkie! 😁
  13. Yes! I do not remember which channel. I wish I did, so that I could be on the defense, and ready to plunge for the remote, for future airings. Ha! Sorry! 😁
  14. Yes!! Especially because my husband bought a truck from Carvana recently, and it was the worst experience buying a new vehicle that we have ever had! I always say that he is the exact opposite of that lady, telling everyone that he encounters to AVOID Carvana. 😄 P.S. The truck is beautiful and everything got sorted out in the end, but it was an ORDEAL, and the process was not seamless and great like that lady would have you think!
  15. It rendered me literally speechless! We had the TV on for background noise while we were working on something, and I walked in the living room at beginning of the ad, and said "What the hell...?" and my husband said "What?" I could not even answer him, I just stood there flabbergasted. He came in and looked at the TV, confused. And I said "Those are dancing pubes!!" Just...wow.
  16. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but there is a new Venus razor commercial, that is encouraging women not to shave, if they do not want to. That is fine, but I could have done without the a super annoying jingle and the ANIMATED DANCING PUBIC HAIRS! Yes, you heard read that correctly. Watch Here
  17. That works, too. Either way, she isn't dressed like any teenager I've seen lately. And its not like she has some quirky personality, where she is knitting all the time, and acting like an old fart, so why is she dressed like one? ETA: Nothing against knitting or old farts, just the odd wardrobe does not fit the character.
  18. I totally agree about Imogen's wardrobe! I was wondering if it was paying homage to the little girls from The Shining, with the blue dress and white knee-highs combo. Then every other outfit of hers is just as puzzling. When she finally had on pants, a sweater, and flats in ep2 or 3, I was shocked how normal she was dressed.
  19. Thanks. I did a rewatch over the weekend, before watching ep3, and I caught that this time around.
  20. Good point. In the OG PLL they had secrets about themselves that ‘A’ knew, and that they didn’t want to get out, which is why they didn’t tell any adults about the texts. Haven’t watched episode 3 yet, but didn’t think ep 1 had anything to do with a PLL type show, but ep 2 did better, I think.
  21. I think Dorit’s new “Princess Bride” TH look might be worse than [what I have seen other posters refer to as] her Widow in Mourning/Mary Todd Lincoln TH look, and that is saying something. The silver lining is that neither look is covered in designer logos. P.S. even Mary Todd Lincoln made mistakes.
  22. It is funny and—call Alannis—ironic, how Erika is suddenly a brand ambassador for hair extensions, when hers look worse than EVER
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