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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. I'd like to see a ball that was kicked very hard smash Karl right in her disgusting excuse for a face.
  2. I can't wait until Jenelle's kids are treating her just like she treats Barb. I keep getting this wonderful vision of Jenelle working at the Wal-Mart deli counter and raising 2 or 3 of her grandchildren. Rancid cunt!
  3. Lmfao! It warms my cold black heart to come in here and see all this wonderful hate for Lydiot.
  4. Cortney is a total idiot, but I would love to see someone throat punch douchebag Antonio.
  5. I just watched this shit show again, my wife had not seen it. It took a baby shower to bring out the true scumbag in Briana. Speaking of scumbags, the scene when Karl took the boys to class, she has absolutely no self awareness or consideration for anyone. Karl is the most hideous human on TV, and yes I have seen Danielle from 90 Day Fiancé.
  6. Chelsea with the hair and excessive makeup looks like a kabuki/sumo hybrid.
  7. Briana chose not to be with her husband in OK. Her boys really should be around their dad at this age. Although, you know, Ryan is a major prick.
  8. I was indifferent to pinhead Lydia the first time around. I was outraged at Ryan going off on her mom. If it happened this season, I wouldn't even care. I still think Ryan is a major douchebag.
  9. I have an idiot brother in law just like Larry. There is nothing you can say that will change their minds.
  10. Shannon, divorce the skeevy creep, take half of his shit, you two can go fuck whoever you want. Healthier for everyone, I don't see this marriage ever being happy again.
  11. Bruno is a delicate little flower. Chris Brown is hungover, Chris Brown is going to take a nap.
  12. Pao is a fucking clown. Russ should dump her ass off with her moron buddy Juan, right after he gives Juan a major beatdown.
  13. That looked like the most pathetic lameass party. Too bad Lydiot didn't bring her LSD casualty mother. Douchebag Ryan could have escorted her out at gunpoint for putting her feet on the couch.
  14. When did the pregnancy glow start looking like someone spreading their ass cheeks apart? Looking good Karl! I hope Jo and Javi have the balls to say no when Karl wants a babysitter for this third kid.
  15. I was too, for the 2 seconds it took to grab the remote and FF. I can't stand either one of them.
  16. Antonio is a rude fucking dullard from Spain. Courtney you kind of deserve this, I wish you would have gone back home before the dipshit tool showed up.
  17. Chelsea and Jughead are already married. I would think their families and friends could give two shits if they have another wedding that they felt obligated to attend. Such a fucking waste!
  18. She knows her lowlife scumbag daughter likes to pose as a mother in a happy family. Fucking poser bitch!
  19. I think Shannon is really funny when her beady eyed skeeve of a husband isn't around.
  20. Because it can't be said enough, Tom is a major tool/douchebag. He should have married Ashley Lauren who is also a tool. They deserve each other and they could have filled their house with little douchebag tools.
  21. If he gets her back here to the US, he better keep some test kits around. When she realizes shes with a total nerd, she might stray. Larry, your girl in the Phillipines is going to want to send money home.
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