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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. Nicole is a big lying tub of goo, I hate her more with each passing episode. David is the biggest loser, it's embarrassing. The two virgins deserve each other. Molly's dad and Olivia told her stupid ass.
  2. Agreed, Devoid walks around like he's brain dead and I don't think that will ever change.
  3. Devoid's parents probably got a little taste of the coven and said "you're on your own son", we don't want any part of this.
  4. To be fair, their were various drugs to be consumed, children to be neglected. When you're really high do you really feel like laying a couple acres of sod?
  5. Olivia is probably going to have to schlep them around whenever they want to go anywhere.
  6. So, MTV pays the Squat Ass Cum Dumpster 300K for a show called Teen Mom. She has never been a mom to the child that got her on the show. That makes me so fucking angry. FU MTV!
  7. Javi was there, he was in all the Briana scenes. You just can't see him because he crawled up inside her ass.
  8. Sean is a cuckolded, skeevy, loser piece of shit. I hope Scabby gets all she can from his dumbass.
  9. You know a show is circling the drain when it only gets 30 or 40 posts for a reunion show...and I'm fine if it is over.
  10. Chelsea vs. Squat Ass Cum Dumpster (SACD) Wedding Showdown....lmao!
  11. I've learned one thing from this show. Desperation is very unattractive.
  12. Karl's opportunities will be limited to an occasional Sasquatch movie or Sasquatch documentary re-enactment.
  13. Dyson makes a great vacuum. Dodge CEO just needs to watch a couple episodes of TM2 and the skank won't be getting anything free. The first 4 years of the Waltons is classic television...IMO.
  14. That's not cranky, that's disgust. She finally gets a guy to the Phillipines and it's dullard Larry.
  15. That band and her singing are pretty lame.
  16. Does Molly know that she is going to have to start sending TV's, laptops, clothes and hygiene products back to Luis wif...wom, err family back in the DR?
  17. But it's ok if she gets mad and shoves you out of the way. Somebody should have been yelling at this blob of shit a long time ago.
  18. Damn! Larry is such a fucking dullard. Did he suffer a serious head injury at McD's Hey Sean! Scabby rode home from the airport with Chris, you sad sack.
  19. I don't know why they even bother with the reunion if they're going to have the fucking hack Dr. Sad Panda host.
  20. Corny is very stupid, but Antonio is a total fucking douchebag whom I find very punchable.
  21. I can't wait until Jace is punching that skank in the nose.
  22. Jenelle gave her little speech to Jace about how walking her down the aisle is like Jace giving UBT permission to marry his wretched mother. Two minutes later, "I wish you weren't marrying David" made me so happy. Karma's a cunt and so are you Jenelle...and you too Karl, I didn't forget you.
  23. That wasn't an act, Larry is a complete moron loser. The dumbass didn't even realize he insulted anybody. I bet everything he touches turns into a big pile of shit.
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