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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. I find her to be a rude poser. I hope she gets totally destroyed at the reunion.
  2. I bet PK's breath stunk up that helicopter. Pilot should've shoved them both out the side door.
  3. Look up "poser fucking tool" in the dictionary and there is Carl.
  4. You would think the first time seeing Bentley and knowing it was being filmed. He could get up from under his blankie. Ryan has had 8 years to change his deadbeat persona, instead he gets worse every passing year.
  5. Hey! we're back from Maui. We opened the door and were overcome with dog shit odor and had to go lay on the bed. The sheets probably haven't been changed since old Matt lived there. These stunted teenage girls sense the money train leaving the station and think getting pregnant will buy a few more seasons.
  6. He's still in the abusive relationship with Amber. I hope she moves to Malibu with this new moron, she'll still probably see Leah as much as she does now.
  7. Mom was crying. Cousin was saying No! No! No you're not!....lmao
  8. A jellied ham driving a 3 million dollar car is still just a jellied ham.
  9. That was uncomfortable, I felt like I was at a Leah Messer motivational speech.
  10. Would it have killed Bravo to have Teddi or Camille throat punch the rude poser?
  11. I just watched this shitshow and I have to give Amber some credit. She somehow manages to be more disgusting with each passing episode. The Terra Reign Trailer Park photo shoot was lame.
  12. Farrah looked like a rode hard porn star in that clip. Just fire her and her circus sideshow family already. Nobody cares.
  13. You know the bitch will be on couch/bed rest the last two trimesters. New Matt will have to dump her bedpan and tend to her bedsores. That's true love!
  14. I guess these two shitbags think people want to see photos of them. She's rockin' that wheelchair...fucking dullard!
  15. There is something wrong with you if you want to spend 5 minutes with the disgusting POS that is Amber.
  16. Where are the great white sharks when you need them?
  17. With all of the blow Dorit has, would it kill her to throw a bump her co-worker's way?
  18. POS Amber will be at the front of the line trying to draw a govt check for one of her many mental disabilities. For the Shirley's sake I hope these 2 lowlifes move to Malibu, they can lay in bed and let several dogs piss and shit all over the rental where they are living. Disgusting fucking bitch!
  19. She would probably let it go if the stupid bitch Dorit wasn't twisting everything to make Teddi look bad.
  20. Boss Bitch suicidal over the loss of her pussy boyfriend Matt, just off yourself already.
  21. Watching that about made me vomit in my wastebasket.
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