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Everything posted by Idahoforspn

  1. I agree. It particularly showed with the raid. It was really anticlematic. Seemed like 2 minutes from when they drove up to the building to when it exploded and part of that was spent talking to Hess
  2. Awesome explanation! I would have just liked a little more of them showing us the hunters actually had all the relevant information. For me, it just felt to rushed.
  3. I actually thought that too but where we didn't see anything on screen, decided not too. I could be wrong but weren't the only other humans he "executed" when he had the MoC.
  4. In addition I wasn't happy with the Daddy's little girl broke in thirty when Daddy apparently lasted a hundred. IMO, there were a number of script problems in the episode but I loved it because I was in awe of Jensen's acting. He portrayed a Dean that was real and hurt and very badly broken. That kind of acting is what brought me to SPN in the first place and that is what has and is keeping me here. I haven't gotten quite mad enough at the writing yet to give that up. I don't care about Jensen's looks or his singing or any of the peripheral stuff. What I care about is that Jensen makes a character that I find compelling come to life for me on the screen. His acting isn't always perfect but its usually very good and at times it's absolutely spectacular.
  5. I don't agree the hunters were the aggressors. I would actually say they were the ones that could claim self defense. They didn't start it. The BMoL were literally hunting them down and killing them. To me it's like taking out a terrorist camp that is sending out suicide bombers that have already killed multiple people. Hess grabbed a gun and was raising it. Police officers are taught that if someone is in the process of shooting you, your partner, or civilians, go for the kill shot. They train to make these decisions in a split second. Hess was raising a gun. She was absolutely a threat. Jody acted according to her law enforcement training. However an officer would normally aim for largest body mass ( the chest) instead of the head. Anyway, absolutely self defense even in a court of law. I can absolutely see your point but you also need to remember Mary had just almost succeeded in murdering Jody while pretending to be a friend. I think that probably swayed her in Sam's direction a little faster. There were a number of things about how none of the hunters questioned Sam and how easily they fell in line that were (IMO) unrealistic. I think the hunters should have needed a little more convincing/information. They just seemed to blindly follow. I agree there.
  6. I never even thought about the woman doing research and that maybe she was just a computer tech. Got me thinking so I went back and watched that scene. She was actually pointing a gun at the hunters when they shot her so not really an innocent. She also knew exactly what the BMOL we're doing and was actively participating using her computer skills to find hunters to be executed. So an accomplice to multiple murders. While Lady Bevell would have been an execution (deserved), the research lady was not.
  7. Although there are quite a few really committed Misha fans. It sounded like things were very emotional at JIBCON until Misha reassured them.
  8. Can they hire you for the writing team? I could have gotten behind that speech.
  9. If they hadn't killed Cas, Crowley's death would have resonated more.
  10. Ditto! That's been my concern is how does it make the actors feel. Mark and Ruth have to feel at least a bit unhappy if not very unhappy they have been pretty much forgotten.
  11. I'd trade for Mary and the rest of Doomland possibly except Bobby. I actually liked Bobby. But Benny is THE character that supported Dean.
  12. Not if you take Dean in the segments. I was comparing speech to unbroken segment of speech. For me, I guess I'm a bit of a softy. I care about Mark not being treated very well if he's dead. SPN is supposed to be a family and I just think if you are killing off a long time character you can be respectful of the character or not. IMO, this was not. It has nothing to do with how I feel about the character.
  13. I agree on both those episodes so he struck out for me. That's what I thought. It didn't sound like he had signed anything and I'm sure Rich jumped at the chance.
  14. I see a couple of things. First of all, the short break in Deans speech gives a definite mental stop. Even that tiny time gives the mind a reset point. The other thing is Jensen had the definite upper hand in what he was given. It would have looked pretty silly for Sam to cry through his speech. The sheer emotion in Deans speech makes it seem shorter just like a really good story seems shorter than one not as good even if they are the same length. That emotion just makes it FEEL shorter. And I think there is probably a little bit of preferring one character over the other but I really don't think it is the major factor.
  15. They talked about the SD episode at JIB and the death scene also. The SD would have been done before the finale as they talked about a studio in Vancouver if I remember correctly.
  16. I just saw something from JIB8 where Jensen says we might see some of his reaction to Cas's death in 13. Makes sense they would film more of his reaction and start with it (no time jump) in the premier.
  17. Jared did a good job on the delivery. Unfortunately nothing could save it with what he was given to say. It is often very difficult for an actor to maintain appropriate emotion for such a long long long long speech. He did really well with what he was given.
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