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Everything posted by Idahoforspn

  1. Your my personal hero today. Still laughing!
  2. This is what I am thinking will happen. When the writers create these all powerful beings, they have to figure out how to keep them out of the storyline most of the time and alt universe makes sense for this one.
  3. I have to admit the longer Sam's speech went on, the more I giggled. Don't think that's what the writers intended but that was really, really over the top. Reached the point of a parody of all the great movie speeches for me. Sorry, I know a lot of folks loved the speech but I would have giggled if Dean had delivered that mess too. It went on and on and on and on. OK I will go to my room now.
  4. Or at least doing things that are for a Sam and Dean storyline. This whole season seemed to be more Sam and Dean in the other characters storylines. Not what I want to watch.
  5. They blew it big-time! And it would have taken so little to fix that scene!
  6. Did NOT say the majority of viewers wouldn't watch if Sam was featured in the promo. Don't put words in my mouth. I don't even not watch because Sam is featured in the promo and I lean heavily Dean. Did say that Dean is very popular ( there is plenty of anecdotal evidence for that statement) and it seems like, IMO, the PR Dept does a lot of bait and switch aimed at Dean fans.
  7. This. That's what bothered me. He kept with the I, I, and I. Follow ME! Guess he forgot he had a brother during his hero speech.
  8. The two fold was sealing the rift and keeping Lucifer on the rift side. Didn't close the gates of hell far as I could tell. They didn't say it would.
  9. Except as I've said before, Rowena death was overshadowed by Crowley's and Crowley's was overshadowed by Cas's. I doubt Crowley's death will get anywhere close to the attention as Cas's at Jibcon. And Rowena. Just kind of insulting to the actors who gave so many years to SPN.
  10. I think the first time Lucifers eyes glowed red was when Sam, Rowena, and Crowley pulled him into the cage for Sam to talk to him last year before Cas said yes. Don't remember the name.
  11. I am sure we will get wind of who is filming soon after they start back. And if Mark P is a regular for next year, Mary will probably be back too.
  12. Is it bad I just don't have much faith in the writers? I really liked the first season. Armies of Gorillas and good vs bad Flash now...not so much.
  13. I'm sure they will. But depowering Cas ended up with some very unsatisfying storylines IMO. Not looking for a repeat. Don't get me wrong. I don't want Jack evil either. I just think they may not have thought this out to well.
  14. The baby being good is problematic too IMO. Gives the brothers an all powerful Ally again. They had trouble writing for Cas because he was so powerful what are they going to do with the even more powerful Jack. I think they have written themselves into another big problem no matter which way they go.
  15. Thanks. Interesting that the episodes themselves ticked up at the half hour but fell episode to episode. Thinking about it though, I started live as usual but this time quickly got ticked off enough to shut it off. Turned it back on when it was far enough I could fast forward through commercials. Neither was good enough for me to sit through commercials. Only thing I loved was Jensen's acting. His acting is why I started SPN and the only reason I am still here.
  16. I gave up on the Flash because of all the alt reality/ different time lines stuff. I sure hope SPN isn't going there but I bet that's Dabbs plan...to open up new world's like he said.
  17. However they overshadowed Rowena death with Crowley's and overshadowed Crowley's with Cas's. Jerk move by Dabb. Way to treat actors who have given years to the show.
  18. Not going to happen. The Js have negotiated time off screen so we are going to get secondary characters even if it isn't Cas. However, I think Cas will be back. I just hope they improve his writing, Of course I hope they improve Dean's more.
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