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Everything posted by Idahoforspn

  1. OK I don't really understand the rules here yet.
  2. Probably should move to Bitch/Jerk thread.
  3. Supergirl went up a tenth. Let's hope SPN does too. Last weeks good episode might help.
  4. I think that sounds really plausible.
  5. This is probably under the wrong comment but just wanted to say: The comment wasn't wanting Dean to say I told you so. I don't want that either. It was a statement saying some of us would like Sam and Mary to acknowledge that Dean' has pretty good instincts. That doesn't require Sam or Mary groveling in any way.
  6. I didn't take it that anyone wanted Sam to grovel but I can't speak for them.
  7. Yes. I didn't intend to give the impression that Jensen was giving a well thought out insightful analysis. It was a one off good natured quip after some other jokes or making fun or whatever. He wasn't being arrogant or demeaning. If he had been, there would have been an uproar in the fandom. Instead, most folks apparently didn't even notice it. Could it be the first two are live view numbers and the last includes delayed viewing? Just guessing here.
  8. It may have been in regard to just a part of a season and I thought the yeah Dean had strong storyline. Don't attribute arrogance to Jensen off my memory of something. Yes, this.
  9. I agree. Don't have my hopes up though.
  10. I know he made a comment about one of his storylines getting better ratings than what they were currently.getting. I just don't know for sure it was the MofC sl.
  11. Didn't Jensen make a comment at a con that the ratings we're higher for the MofC storyline?
  12. That is what I have been seeing among my friends too. I didn't even watch live last week for the first time intentionally because I was so discouraged by the previous week's disaster. Maybe if they keep Dabb, the TPTB will at least give him some direction. I can hope anyway.
  13. Let me know when you have a set location. I wouldn't mind reading a few of them.
  14. I am reading page 23 now but I am kind of slowed down because I am rolling on the floor laughing at the Sam's hand of ipecac quip. I have never heard that one. Good one Demented Daisy. You made my day!!
  15. If I could figure out how to go back to that page without having to hit Previous 40 + times or Next 23 times I probably would. ?
  16. You explained your methods in great detail in THIS thread so no, I shouldn't have to go back to a thread I didn't even know about until now that is from years ago before I was even here. I have indicated I don't want to start a rehash of everything we've just spent a great deal of time discussing in great detail. We have both articulated where we are coming from so agree to disagree is where I am at.
  17. I loved the brother banter in Baby. And I agree the writers haven't done much of a favor for Sam either. It just makes me sad.
  18. That's a completely different thread and WAY before my time. I'm just going by what has been said here. Why don't we just agree to disagree, ok?
  19. But you also said your count is not subjective. That it is literal which IMO means it's supposed to be definitive. I am sorry that this has turned into such an uncomfortable topic. You are right. We need to just agree to disagree because neither one of us is going to convince the other. I do very much appreciate the work you did and find it interesting.
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