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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. You know I always LOVE your comments, ZM, and this one, just made me laugh out loud! And, why did I picture you (well, your avatar, anyway), saying this in a talking head with some over-designed backdrop?? ;-)
  2. I think there's even more than that. I think the secrets go all the way back to when Vicki was still married to Donn, starting with that guy in the pool in Puerto Vallarta (or was it Cabo) that looked just like Donn, and Vicki supposedly hooking up with him (Tamra called her out on this at another previous reunion). I really think that Tamra knows more about Vicki than anyone.
  3. And, Vicki still didn't back down or apologize to Shannon. She just kept repeating some b.s. about "I'll stand behind my statement that no man should ever hit a woman". (Not that I think the statement is b.s. - I totally agree - I just think that was Vicki's way of non-apologizing) Shannon is a better person than I - Vicki would be sporting a couple of black eyes if she said that shit about my husband.
  4. Of course Andy looked pissed off. Vicki's comment about "I like Eddie - I LIKE YOU" came across very homophobic - as if she was saying "I like you, Andy, even if you're gay". She said something else that I couldn't quite make out at the end of the conversation, and I think that's when Andy got super pissed at her. I also think that Vicki is just a little bit more afraid of Tamra than she is of the other women, because Tamra has been around Vicki the longest, and has been "best friends" with Tamra. I'm thinking that Tamra knows a LOT of secrets about Vicki that she could spill if she wanted to be as mean and hurtful to Vicki as Vicki was to Shannon. I think Vicki doesn't want those secrets to come out, so that could be why she backed off from Tamra.
  5. Loved this...but, my bolded part of the "conversation" between Ben and Sierra made think that this is something that Rocky would have done, and tried to convince everyone that it would be delicious!! (Of course, she would have added grenadine, as well!)
  6. Exactly....cool people do not have to draw attention to themselves - they are cool because of that fact!
  7. I think he said that she's been his best friend "for-like-ever" or something similar. He mentioned that she has always been there for him, in good and bad times. When Tim said that they were the two coolest people in the room, I cringed, because 1. - I don't think that at all ~~ and 2. Tim was feeding Dexter's sort of huge ego.
  8. Me, too....I say this same thing every time I watch! :-)
  9. This was a hard challenge to watch, regardless of how you feel about each of the designers. It had to be completely nerve-wracking to be designing for your Mom or loved one, and know that you could be on the chopping block and aufed in front of that person, because of the garment you made for them. When I saw all the relatives/good friends walk in, I got a little nervous, because I was remembering another "real woman" challenge, where the designers had to design for each other's Moms. I think it was Jeffrey Sebilia who basically phoned it in and created something really ugly for another designer's Mom, and it created a lot of bad feelings and animosity. So, I was kind of glad that the designers were making garments for their own loved ones. Erin is coming across very smug, and I agree - she seems to be a one-trick pony at this point. She does not listen to anything that Tim has to say. I'm glad that she's willing to defend her designs, but Tim is there for a reason - to give advice and mentor the designers to perhaps re-thinking what he knows will not work. Oh well, if she continues to designing ugly lacy dresses and cocoon coats, she probably won't be around for too much longer. Also, she must have had a REALLY bad time in Utah - could she bash it anymore?? And one other thing - I really wish she would wash her hair - it so often looks dirty and greasy. Dexter, also, is really showing himself to be very mean. His designs don't do anything for me. Interesting that he was safe with a sweater knit dress, but yet, the first designer to go home (Linda - ?) was aufed for creating a sweater-knit dress. How come no criticism for him? His comments about Cornelius getting the TG save were just mean spirited, imo, especially when he doesn't have much in the way of design skills to back up those comments. I loved Rik's dress for his Mom, and was so glad that he won. He clearly understood the challenge and made something for his Mom that she will be able to wear for many years. I loved that jacket! Laurence's look - again, she is also coming across as a one-trick pony, creating another jacket with stitching details. I didn't see much of her look, but it just looked repetitive. I think that Jenni and Natalia both should have gone home (and maybe Erin, too, or at least a very strong warning to Erin, again). Jenni's look was all over the place and sloppily constructed - I'm glad her Mom defended her and the look, but I cannot believe there is anyway that she would wear that in real life. Natalia's look had so much potential, if she had just made that jacket to fit her Mom's size and body - maybe cut a little longer with a wrap belt, so that it would work everywhere in Europe. Those pants needed to be better tailored, and would have looked better if they were a straight leg. The high waist would have worked with the top, but make it a true high waist, so that the blousing of the top would hang correctly. And, while I didn't like Mah-Jing's look, as I said upthread, I felt like all he wanted was a smile and hug from his Mom. He created exactly what she wanted, or so it seemed, - couldn't she have just given him some encouragement?
  10. I agree - Mah-Jing mentioned in a talking head that he and his Mom weren't that close, and that he didn't see her too much. I think that all the man wanted at that point, was a hug from his Mom. While I appreciate what she has accomplished, I felt she was a cold person - not just to him, but to everyone. She barely smiled when the judges were praising her, Mah-Jing, his work. I'm not knocking her, as I realize that is just some people's personality, but I felt badly for him.
  11. What show was Liza from? Was it that godawful show about the housewives of Long Island?
  12. Yup....and how seeing her marriage on TV is "therapedic"~~isn't that a mattress brand?
  13. How ridiculous they all look with their boobs hanging out all over the place - hope they're all using industrial strength fashion tape.
  14. I agree - he did speak up, but his voice wasn't heard or if it was, it was ignored (or else, his team members couldn't hear him over their crunching on Cheetos and Doritos). So glad Tim used his save on Cornelius - and he is just not one of my favorites, either - but he totally didn't deserve to get thrown under the bus the way he did. Erin and Dexter were not happy about the save - now, they have to continue on in the competition with their "mean girl" victim around, garnering sympathy from the other designers.
  15. If they bring back Vicki, they may just have to bring back Jeana, as she is probably the only one who will film with her.
  16. I was wondering about that, too. I thought maybe that was the gift Vicki had given Shannon, and she was taking it back, but realized that the gift box Vicki carried in was too small. I would have loved to see Shannon's reaction to the card/note that Vicki wrote to her. No - only Ramona from RHNY is allowed to get away with that look on camera! ;-)
  17. I thought it was cool, too, but it did kind of show Heather in a bad way. Heather does, at times, sound like a schoolmarm or disciplining Mom when she "orders" people to do things.
  18. The short preview of the reunion, where we saw Vicki yell "Get off MY show!!" - got me wondering if maybe Vicki should check out the current cast of RHONY. There was once a redhead on that franchise that thought the show was hers - now, she's basically out of sight, out of mind. Maybe Jill can give Vicki some advice on what NOT to do in order to stay on the show (and, if so, hopefully, Vicki will continue to be her narcissistic self, not listen, and not get renewed).
  19. I thought Tamra said Louboutin, too, but what she actually said was "Louis Vuitton". And, yes, Louboutin's always have red soles (and Tamra has a few pairs).
  20. Vicki kept saying that to anyone who would speak with her, just so that she could spread more rumors about Shannon and David. She was literally dying for Tamra to ask "Why are you so worried for Shannon?"...so glad Tamra didn't take the bait. But, I would bet anything that Andy will be bringing it up at the Reunion. Vicki knows how to play the game. Say something enough on the show, and if it isn't addressed then, it will definitely be addressed by Andy.
  21. I laughed at that, too, except I laughed because I thought that Vicki was the one who called Tamra and begged to come to the party asked Tamra if it was okay if she came to the party. I guess she forgot about that phone call, just like she's forgotten about how horrible she's been all season.
  22. I thought it looked like a bunch of Christmas ornaments that were spray painted black and strung together. I don't know where her style sense went, but that whole outfit was just bad....granny print body-con dress, fishnet stockings, huge, fugly necklace and a stupid half-bun on top of her head. Usually, I think Meghan looks pretty good (I even liked her headbands last season), but that outfit looked like she got dressed in the dark! She really is trash (to quote Heather).
  23. I think Melissa and Teresa on WWHL said that last episode was filmed in March. And, last winter, we had crazy weather in New Jersey. Even without that, in NJ during the month of the March, you do see people wearing all kinds of clothes. Some are still holding onto to winter, and wearing their sweaters and boots, while others are embracing spring, and are jumping into warm weather clothes, regardless of the temperature. Teresa also said that the coat she was wearing wasn't fur -- it was some kind of threads (I guess it was supposed to all fringe - ?)....either way, it wasn't a good look. She kind of looked like a Yeti, or a long haired Shih Tzu.
  24. Does Heidi even REALLY wear poopy pants (or, dropped crotch, whatever....)?? I usually only see photos of her on a red carpet somewhere, so I've never seen her in this style. On the show, whenever she is wearing pants or jeans, they are very well tailored, and definitely NOT poopy-pants looking. And, okay, I live in the suburbs, but I don't think I've ever seen any young girls/women wearing dropped crotch anything. Guys - yes, but usually it's because they've sagged their pants below their natural waistline.
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