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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. "It's an ink stain on the chair people not mold (ick)!" Glad to hear that! I'll make the Amanda correction; thanks! Best of luck to you both.
  2. @chick, I know the mash sammiches are supposed to sound terrible but I'm always like, "That...doesn't sound terrible unless there wasn't gravy?" You're so right re: G. Torr too.
  3. ...the Jersey Devil. I...words fail me. That isn't even scraping the MoW barrel. That's, like, digging around UNDER the barrel.
  4. Unfortunately, they threw Elliot under every bus at the MTA during Liv's weepy goodbye speech to Amaro, so even if they could get Meloni to agree (and I bet they could), I can't imagine how the writers would fanwank Liv's sudden resentment of Stabler BACK to caring about him again. Shut up, show.
  5. Oh my -- best wishes to your mom for a speedy recovery! [bk bk B'KAHHHK]
  6. My Hyde hate just surged again.
  7. Well, really. Guess a lot of angels don't read The Blaze.
  8. I'm sure you're right, but it's the Thanksgiving game. Basically has to be the Lions. What FOOTAGE they used, I don't know.
  9. More likely to be Cowboys/Lions from Thanksgiving of '92 (when the ep is set): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_on_Thanksgiving_Day#1970.E2.80.932005
  10. ...God, the wig. You think it can't get worse, and then it does. I wouldn't be a hundred on the scuttlebutt that JuMarg's a huge bitch if it weren't for the clear evidence that hair and makeup haaaaaaaaate her.
  11. Well, and is Anne (...her?) TRYING to get that shit caught on a branch? Braids. Get the knack. And stop flinging it around, I'm eating. This is one of those aggravating-circumstance things (as it were) where I wouldn't notice/care about her tresses if she weren't already standing on my nerves in golf spikes. Thank you, long-haired listeners, for understanding what I meant.
  12. I should do a ranking of all the Manson credits on IMDb, a la the one I did of all the Bundys. ("Bundies"?) http://www.the-blotter.com/five-actors-whose-ted-bundy-imdb-credits-might-surprise-you/
  13. HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA "just the tip" as a verb. Dying.
  14. I've still never seen the '76 one but my mother still speaks of it in shuddery tones.
  15. It doesn't suck for people covering the ep, I'll say that. I suspect we're not seeing a ton of Fin because of the impending...Icicle? He does manage to get in his "civilian, please" faces each episode regardless of how little time he's onscreen, though, bless his heart.
  16. AJ typo corrected. "Though I don't think I would use the term "serious bad ass" to describe him." Fair enough, but in my memory he was the one of, like, four people who consistently and from the beginning would say in so many words that he thought OJ did it. People were *awfully* careful at the time not to pick a side, and even after the verdict, to find someone who would just say "he murdered those people" was relatively rare. (see also: Bugliosi, Vincent) It was a strange time.
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