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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. Now you have to list the other four. (thanks!)
  2. Or all these people show up at the beach apartment holding comic books.
  3. Can't spell "gauche" without them? Or...something!
  4. hee! We nearly were defeated, in three attempts across seriously three states. Damn you, Cape Cod Comcast. Anyway: ...Hi. (hee) We're glad to be back. #SuperToilet2016
  5. Thanks, @MPS. @very I had the same thought.
  6. "Nany's cousin is the worst! I refuse to even learn her name." It's Dragbrows. (...hee, but seriously every time someone says the word "Nicole" I'm like "what's that?")
  7. That Deliberate Cooper remix-y bidness is art, Dave. xo
  8. Challenge accepted. (Not by me but I'm sure someone will pick up that gauntlet.)
  9. It's not confined to next week, either. He sulks about it for like five years.
  10. Keep in mind: I was not allowed to watch TV except Saturday-morning cartoons and PBS until I was like 15. I only knew shows that aired on Friday nights, that I might see at a friend's house or while babysitting. I thought Airwolf was made up until, like, two years ago. So this was pretty much a meaningless exercise to me at the time.
  11. @njbchlover, I GIF'd that gesture for the write-up. "Enjoy"?
  12. If you watch enough true crime, you come to understand that this is how it is with murderers a lot of the time, to wit: they're usually not masterminds. Asking questions that start with "but who would be dumb enough to [X]" will usually get you an answer along the lines of "most killers," because most people are not the 190-IQ serial killers of primetime TV. They are enraged, and probably not very bright. Would a novelist write a crime like this? No. Do people give themselves away like this all the time? Sure do.
  13. "I see her as somewhat complicit in these games she and OJ played." He beat her. Repeatedly. Badly. That isn't "games." Neither is her deciding to go back to him, which likely was motivated by similar wheedling/threatening to what got Nicole to call the CEO of Hertz and tell him it was all just a big misunderstanding. I'm not seeing a huge range of choices for her here when he's stalking her and isolating her from her family. Yes, some people do get a charge out of the fight/makeup cycle, but this is...not that. He literally terrorized her. Going along so you aren't beaten up again isn't "complicity."
  14. Thanks for the kind words, guys! I'll be covering the rest of the installments, but ICYMI, ESPN is making the entire run available via the WatchESPN app tomorrow (Tuesday 6/14).
  15. I had to send @John Ramos VHS tapes of Buffy S7 when he lived in England. Then we would alternate who called whom to discuss the eps because long-distance calls still cost money back then. For that shitburger of a season, we did this.
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