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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  2. Yeah, I...wouldn't, in this case. I think in later years that story gets sort of nudged into the St. Kelly realm of "she survived an assault!" but the way we hear it initially, he was just a dickweed who slept with her (no blanket, even) and never spoke to her again. And that's shitty, but it isn't rape.
  3. I'm sorry I have corrupted the junior Ewae. (I always imagined Brinda's pronunciation of "Stuart" as "Stoort.")
  4. It must have been you; I'm sorry I didn't give you proper credit! But: seriously. He had quite a life before the Walshes showed up *sophomore year*.
  5. I don't know why I thought Joy was played by Brittany Daniel, but spoiler: she isn't. (hee.)
  6. A+ graphic would squash with rolled newspaper again
  7. I think it's Grampa Simpson, but I will let Dave correct me if that's not what it is.
  8. Well, exactly. And if it's true that couples fight most about money, what better time to figure out how to speak to each other productively about it? Thinking it's cynical/pessimistic is, I think, immature...so that would track with Brenda, but I doubt the writers purposefully made her reaction "young"; I think you're right and this is just one of those nighttime-soap conflict pegs.
  9. Or they forgot about it in the writers' room. Seems odd to me but the writing of Liv especially has been all over the place this year.
  10. Oh, definitely. At the same time, that "this is the way it's done" in this community is something literally everyone in the tri-state area understands. Do I think she "should" fall in line? No, not really. But that's what this community expects, and it's not a secret, at all. It's like joining the Army and then trying to bargain about the push-ups. I can't do them either, so I...didn't join the Army.
  11. My first choice would be zero babies, but given that they got rid of the biggest GD baby of them all -- Amaro -- I guess I should count my blessings.
  12. @renatae After Diane and Alicia argued about it, Diane was like, "Then make Peter fire me," and slammed out of the room. Then Alicia told Lucca, "I need you to help me," or something similar, IIRC. Leaving aside that it's a dick move -- for the sake of being a dick move; it wasn't necessary, although it's possible I don't understand the particulars, because it got so baroquely complicated -- I'm a little sad that that's how Lucca had to go out as well, participating in that.
  13. You have to wonder about Julianna Margulies's relationships on the show/set when 1) this is the ending for the so-called protagonist, alienated from everyone by her own doing; 2) there are many many ways to stage a slap but it looked at least to me like Baranski actually cracked her one (and that particularly blotchy contact mark is distinctive); and 3) The Wig, which had looked aggressively budge all season (and I simply do not understand how executive producer JM was not able to address that sitch), was literally not even combed out for the final scene at the press conference. Like, she turns to the side and it is lumped up and flyawayed like it came out of the bottom of someone's backpack. (I guess 3b) is the repeated close-ups on JM's ass of late, which...were not advised IMO.) I'm fine with her not ending up with Jason, not least because it's really not realistic that he would be into it with The Wig, because come on, but also because that whole relationship was so adolescent and annoying. But I do wonder how much of the finale was about punishing the character, and JM via the character, because it just seemed kind of extreme.
  14. Semi-off-topic, but: http://pagesix.com/2016/04/11/boys-night-out-for-jerry-lewis-90th-birthday/
  15. In Brinda's defense, at that time in fashion history, the Crawford brow was the thing.
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